2012-06-26-On Practicing the Presence

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Topic: Practicing the Presence

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Beloved One

TR: Lytske



The Beloved One: “In the many lessons discussed so far, I have spoken about going within – into the inner chamber of your heart – to make our connection. Actually you need to merely just sit with a devoted heart waiting before Me. It is within your own holy of holies where I reside, and wait oh so patiently for you to take the time and give Me your full attention. With this I mean that you can also feel Me in the holy hush enveloping you. When this happens you have attained a growing awareness of Me. I desire for you to become more sentient of My existence in your comings and goings. And so you will literally be practicing the Presence of Me in an increasingly greater awareness and greater understanding. Misconceptions, now rampant on the planet, would lessen considerably.

“I am aware of the fact that the humans on this planet lead increasingly busy lives with all the manifold temptations to keep Me away from you, even in your casual thoughts. I desire to see changes, with mortals on this planet beginning to practice a higher level of thought and level of being, of which you are all truly capable. This would be practicing the Presence through increasingly becoming aware of contact with the Spark of God within. Your belief and trust in an unseen Deity would be so re-enforced that your faith and trust would increase exponentially. Untold benefits would accrue for you, not in the least in increasing physical health because of the inner peace you would have attained. Your demeanor would change because of a greater awareness of My leadings, of My influence in your living a better and more satisfying life.

“Truly, the planet would be so much better off if all inhabitants would wake up to the reality of the Fatherhood/Motherhood of God and the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of humankind. This is the idea I would have you entertain in your minds. What this would mean in all your relationships is that you would recognize a brother or a sister in each other, because you all have the same root-cause of existence. It would mean no more wars, no more killing or maiming of innocent human beings. Let all confusion vanish from your mind. Let all the erroneous and morbid thinking that war is the doing of God’s will stop here and now. You even go as far as to think that God is on your side!

“God is on no one's side in war and never has been despite what your olden records say to that effect. These are all fabrications of the human mind to make one race feel superior to another. It is downright despicable to paint such a picture of an unconditionally loving Creator God. It is when you start practicing the presence of God that you will gain a far greater understanding of what it is God desires from you – to recognize that you are all equal in His eyes, and that everyone is equally loved no matter what gender, race, creed or color. This is a requirement when practicing the Presence. It is living the golden rule which is typical to all religions: To treat each other, as you would like to be treated. This rule is worthy of contemplation and of putting it into practice. Let each thinking man, woman and child become conscious of this rule, and the world will become a safer and more joyful place to live in.”