2012-06-26-Teaching Mission Faculty Session 2

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Topic: Love's Eternal Embrace

Group: Universal Service of Light


Teacher: Bzutu, Machiventa, Nebadonia, Michael, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raguel, Ham, Malvantra, Siriaya

TR: Michael Xavier


Cleveland, Ohio, June 26th, 2012

  • Midwayer Technicians for Connectivity to Reflectivity Circuit

ABC-03 Beatrice, ABC-22 Chief Bzutu, prompt 333, DEF-21 Lenora, DEF-22 Jacob, GHI-16 Shaleela, GHI-18 Malik, MNO-05 Dr. Mendoza, MNO-06 Sharmon, MNO-18 Adrian.

  • Midwayer Notice: These Midwayers are the actual group which contains all of the available midwayers free to provide liaison services at this time. Other midwayers, some 10,542 individuals consisting of imported midwayers and Urantia-origin midwayers, in addition to other duties, are now making contact with other Transmitters (teaching mission and non-teaching mission activities) to provide mobilization of the reflective circuits for all future teacher transmissions beginning in October, 2012.
  • Supervising Mansion World Liaison Officer Mathew, prompt 222


The mansion world liaison officer, the ascending mortal Mathew, is being used to transcribe the message into the System Language. This transcript, and all future transcriptions used for the enhancement of the Magisterial Mission on Urantia will be transcribed into the System language, the Local Universe language of Nebadon, and to Uversa and the universal tongue of superuniverse number seven, Orvonton. Additional information transmitted via the Completion Seraphim, Manotia, who is part of the group of angles and other personnel to exclusively handle the bestowal of Michael sometime during the reign of the Magisterial Mission.]


Thank you Spirit for coming to our aid and knowing the intentions of our heart. It is our intention to bring forth any information that comes forth from the spiritual realms in love and ministry.

We turn this over to you and may your will be done.

Reflective Liaison (T/R) The midwayers who are providing the circuitry and who are connecting you to these fields of information are:

MNO-18 Adrian, MNO –06 Sharmon, ABC-22 Chief Bzutu, 333 - Matthew, MNO-05 Dr. Mendoza, ABC-03 Beatrice, DEF- 21 Lenora, DEF-22 Jacob, GHI –16 Shaleela, GHI-18 Malik

Rhonda: We have all these Midwayers providing this?

Reflective Liaison (T/R): This is being done in a way to get you to begin to understand how this process takes place.

Chief Bzutu: This is Chief Bzutu

We are running some very brief tests here with the circuitry just to make sure everything is connected properly.

We work in the spiritual realms and our job is not limited to bringing forth messages, believe me we have many other tasks that we are undertaking that are not, shall I say, widely known to mortals of Urantia.

This is to give you confirmation and this will be confirmation as well for others that read this transcript, that this soul, this being who is bringing this forth is clearly and purely connected.

This is learned by connecting to the cosmic mind and growing the morontial soul and through the experiential process of attaining it through experience and faith.

I now hand this over to the teachers that are on this circuit and bid goodnight. (Thank you)

Machiventa Melchizedek: Good evening Rhonda this is Machiventa Melchizedek. (Good Evening.) Hello. (Hi ) How are your nerves? (I’m okay) Well that’s good. (Giggling) I wanted to briefly speak to you and allow you to know that there are many that are very eager to work with you Rhonda in the times now unfolding on your sphere.

Changes are now beginning to happen in certain areas, and this will be evident with the new transmitters that are being trained and connected to approved universal spiritual circuitry.

Eagerness is not confined to the human personality. It is just as translatable to the spiritual realms because with change comes new opportunities for service. This gives way to a level of joy of service.

Tonight is especially important for you as the Midwayers have been and are hard at work to provide specific connectivity to you that will bridge the understanding within your current understanding.

T/Ring, like I stated before, is much more than just speaking spirit.

So in saying these things and speaking to you now, I open the forum to questions and I know that you are wondering if Gabriel and Mother Spirit are here and I will tell you that they are. If you wish to speak to anyone in particular, you can just allow us to know and we will allow them to make a connection with you. Fair enough. (Okay.)

Rhonda: When we first built the circuit, Gabriel had asked me if I was worried about my healing. I thought that he was referring to the person that I did a healing on. Later I figured out he was referring to my own healing. Yes, I am worried about it a little bit.

Machiventa: That is understandable. Let me speak to you in this way Rhonda. I brought out briefly before how many times this connection, this process, can be likened to seeing the sun in the noon day sky.

Unhealed wounds, judgments and also other forms of hurts and pains from past personal experiences of living as a human being on Urantia, many times act as blinders and veils to the true reality.

Everyone, or shall I say, everyone on Urantia, gains much in experience by going through the tremendous process of being human here.

Personally going through this process on a world like Urantia, gives you experiences that are not always pleasant. There are many with things clouding over their consciousness in the forms of broken relationships, hurts and pains from those relationships that seemingly will not allow the person to move forward.

Personal healing, if that is indeed what you still are focusing on, is never set on a timetable. Since there is no time limit to healing, it will be done when you decide.

When your soul decides something needs to be addressed it will bring it to the forefront of your consciousness to address, heal and move on from.

So if you wish to have anything in particular answered or address any particular concerns, we have many here tonight who will be glad to step in and answer any questions that you have.

Rhonda: At work we have gone through some changes, we’ve done the best that we can. However things sometimes don’t happen as quickly as our clients would like them too. I deal with people who get really upset and call the office for help. Since I am the only person who answers the phone in the office I get a barrage of negativeness. No matter what I say, it does not appease them. In a lot of cases, after a while, I just shut off and basically hang up, because I cannot take it. I cannot say anything against them, I don’t have the heart, and yet they are totally entitled to feel what they are feeling. Help me learn to shield myself from the anger and be in a place where I can hear them, look at it from their point of view and act and respond better.

Mother Spirit: This is your local universe Mother Spirit. I would love to take your question my Daughter. (*Extremely happy and crying* Hi mother, how are you?) Just for a moment, allow the spirit to move through you, and allow it to embrace you so that you can feel the presence of what many people call the Holy Spirit, but it is who I am. I am Michael’s consort, I am his template and in knowing that this presence around you confirms this in you, allow it to resonate and bring forth the comfort that you are loved like the only child in creation.

Many times when there are levels of frustration in operation, the children of this world who have been affected by negativity their entire lives have been brought to you, NOT BY CHANCE; it is you that has the ability to show them the great peace within because there is something profound to learn from this experience even though it may seem at times impossible to do so.

When you experience any situation, it means that you have the ability to learn from the experience. If you continue to ask for guidance and allow Spirit to work then eventually you will learn not to react to the energy that they are bringing forth to you in a negative manner. This in essence will allow you to understand that it has no power, because you have given it none.

I know that these words may mean nothing when you are on the other side of that phone, when someone is shouting at you and making you feel bad, but remember….. that one is my child as well. You as a daughter of the kingdom must try and remember that it is beneficial to you to see that child through my eyes, as hard as it may seem.

When you learn what you need to take away from this, you will move on to greater lessons, but for now, just know that I love you as if you were the only child in existence and try and love those that are brought to you as if they were the only child in creation.

Michael of Nebadon: Good evening Rhonda, this is Michael. Through the experiential process of being human do you learn these very valuable lessons. You have a wonderful ability and a wonderful gift that you may or may not be consciously aware of now, but then again so do all of my children…. my brothers and sisters. You all have something that you can do that no one else can. You are one of a kind, each and every one of you.

You may at times put pressure on yourself sometimes to be something you’re not or try and shove something that will not fit into a box, but the universe, along with your growing soul comes the realization that it is ever expanding and growing, never staying still.

Know that just as Mother is with you, I too am always with you. When you hear and sense these energies coming at you that are not pleasant, focus on always remaining in my peace, as if I were sitting right with you.

You also have been and have gone through many trials and experiences to bring you into a greater level of understanding and experiential understanding of all the children of this sphere, so when their time comes to awaken to this understanding, you will be better equipped to help them.

I hand this over to the Archangels circuit and I will allow them to explain to you further, as I leave you in my peace. (Thank you Father and Mother.)

Archangel Michael: Good evening Rhonda, this is the Archangel Michael, or the Archangel of Michael, as you know who I am. You have worked with before.

Archangels operate on a level that is a little different than which is universal or cosmic consciousness. The Archangels are here for all of the children that are undergoing and seeing such things, and have such things in their consciousness. Now I can speak plainly and openly to you because I have come to know and love you.

Many times in your past and in the form of maybe an unhealed wound, you have come to be in, shall I say as a concept, possession or ownership of this position in this particular job field.

Have you in the past experienced relationships with men or women that have been rude, manipulative or unreachable? (Of course.)

Your past patterns of drawing to you these energies and emotions through relationships and jobs have drawn to you this experience so you can learn from it what it is that you don’t want.

This is not a negative thing or, shall I say, a cosmic joke. There is a very powerful force that is within you. This is what we are here to help you remember. This is what we want to help all children that we work with remember here on this sphere of Urantia is, and that is their true nature.

Your true nature is to be in a situation that provides abundance, joy, peace, and love.

This may be your desire and wish that in some far off length of time, that maybe, someday you may have that. I am here to help you remember that with the divine presence within you, all things are possible.

This may be in direct apposition with what you have been taught in this world, but spirit and the kingdom of God transcends the world in its current state.

Remember that in the connected universe, you are loved unconditionally. You are loved no matter what. No matter where you go, you will have the support of the divine presence within.

You are the one that holds the power to your future and your present.

Can I ask you a question? (Yes) Do you like working at your job?

Rhonda: Long pause.

Archangel Michael: If given the opportunity for something better and for more pay, and better hours, would you leave?

(There are many facets to that question)

We are quite aware of those facets.

(Yes, I would leave under those conditions. But…)

You have fallen and found yourself in a consciousness of Lack, and in Lack there is an understanding of separation. This process that you are undergoing is not only to heal you of your past traumas, but it is also to bring you fully into the kingdom of God where there is only abundance, where there is only peace, where there is only joy, where there is only those that are brought to you that reflect that back to you. Do you see now what our job, so to speak, is? In a way we are trying to get you to move on from that which is unhealthy for you.

When you are dealing with the Creator of all things I can say, believe me when I tell you, your problems are not bigger than the universe, for the very stars are hung on nothingness and the Creator measures the vast waters in the hollows in his hands. The Creator gives every good gift and every perfect present to his children. You must remember that. This relationship extends down and manifests not only in your life as a healing but also as the ability to move forward from that which is unhealthy for you.


The clearing and protection that you seek, is only but a question away. The question you are pondering is? Am I brave enough? The answer should always be. I AM.


Archangel Raguel: I am an Archangel that works here at the Archangel headquarters of this local universe, which just so happens to be stationed on your world. The cords and strands of negativity that you speak can be released from you, if only your free will, will allow that which you wish to be released, to be released. We will help you in doing that. As you become connected, as you so have wished to become, you will have your mind illuminated to the true reality. All that which you are not seeing in your third dimensional reality presently that does not reflect this will eventually give way to manifest and to be seen through the eyes of Spirit. When your inner world is the kingdom of God, your outer world will reflect that which is the kingdom. This is the process of the ascension Rhonda. That is to reflect outwardly what you experience inwardly. We will leave it at that. (Okay.)

Teacher Ham: Hi Rhonda, we are here to field some questions or any other concerns that you may be having.

(Hi Ham, how are you)

I am so well to be with you tonight. It is quite a joy to be with you tonight.

(Thank you)

Rhonda: There are times when the negativeness gets thrown at me, I get off the phone and eat something that is bad for me. I don’t know why I do that.

Teacher Ham: You find comfort in this, do you not? (Yes) As do many seek comfort this way. The comfort that which you seek is provided in this act. This is not to say that you are a bad person because you do this Rhonda, it is a learned behavior, or shall I say a coping mechanism that you have put in place as a pattern to help you feel better from that which is not comfort.

(How do I stop it?)

The question that you asked has a very simple answer, but at this time you are not ready to hear what we have to tell you. You will more than likely find it to be too soon. As you know Spirit works with you, but will never give you more than you are able to handle.

You now see what it means that our dear Creator Sovereign spoke of in the flesh as Jesus. When he said, those who seek to save their lives will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will gain it. Behind these words is the answer to that which you are looking for.

This takes extraordinary faith to step out and truly make a conscious effort to release pain and replace it with love.

When you are ready you will make that step, but along with your Seraphim Alexia and your divine guide, you will make it, when you are ready.

We are here to guide and answer your questions to help you, so to speak, walk into the new life away from that which is not happiness.

Do you understand now what it means to be caught in the grid? Do you understand the concept, so to speak, of what that means now?

Do you have other questions?

Rhonda: I noticed on the TM Archives you guys were talking about going into stillness, using the 7 Steps. Is that something that I should be doing every day? For some reason I stopped it, I don’t know why.

Teacher Ham: Are you speaking of 7 Steps CD from Donna D’ingello? (Yes.)

I would say and I can from seeing the responses of other students, that some are very responsive to the Akashic Construct from the 1111 progress group by George Bernard. Some are responsive to Donna’s CD to help them understand stillness, but the most important thing you must remember is there is not a guideline for this.

What you wish for and what you are reaching for is the relationship with your Creator and the Divine presence within. This growing relationship will slowly give way to a greater understanding in you.

It will illuminate an understanding that there is not a CD in this world that can teach you how to have a relationship with that presence within you. These are effective tools that have been put in place to help guide you to a specific degree.

Everyone responds differently to spiritual guidance, and that is why so many teachers are present here tonight, not only on this call, but on this world.

We also are adjusting as you adjust your questions and also your responses to our explanations. Hopefully this will bring forth a better understanding when you go over this again.

(I think I’m getting it. Everything I know will be stripped away.)

It is the most difficult process that so many encounter on this world. Spirit will never give up on you.

You have the universe and even beyond the universe turning out and tuning in for you, because you are loved that much. You have asked for help and stepped out in faith and the universe has literally shown up for you.

(Does that mean quitting my job and stepping out in faith?)

I cannot answer that question, but I can only tell you that when you have a strong enough bond with spirit, and you are stable enough to understand what that entails, and you are balanced enough to move on to something that has been set up for you after you have stepped out, and you have relinquished the consciousness of fear, you will answer your own question.

Everything in your current reality is your Creation. You have created it, and you have the power to change it, but it is imperative that you understand that only you have been endowed with the power to change it.

We can guide you and help you, but it is you that has to make the decisions and initiate the movement and change in your life.

(*chuckling * I knew it was coming)

Many times there is only one thing in the way of change and that is fear.

(* Nodding head * Yeah)

I see a bright star rising in your heart Rhonda. As you know the sense of empowerment that you possess, that you have the Creator of the universe behind you, in you, with you. That you have with you all of the angels and armies of heaven… Nothing, nothing at all, not any voice that can come up against you, not any voice that come up against you in the form of a phone call, or anything else can stand up to the presence with you.

The only intervening factor here is your faith.

(Can I make preparations first?)

I will reiterate what I spoke before, and what I will speak again, that this will be done in your time and by your decisions, and in faith moving through that which is keeping you from moving on.

Coming into the kingdom of heaven takes extraordinary faith, extraordinary courage, patience, and we know that you possess it. We know that you hold this within your being. We know that you desire to have happiness and you as well as all deserve it.

No matter what your life has brought you, no matter what people in your life have done to you, this not only goes for you but for all that read this transcript - The term lost or fallen doesn’t apply to a child of Michael of Nebadon.

What applies is that there is nothing that will be spared to help you, or anyone that steps out in faith to come home.

Any other questions Rhonda? (No)

I will hand this over to Malvantra for some closing comments and bid you a goodnight.


Malvantra Melchizedek: This is Malvantra Melchizedek; I just wanted to extend a warm greeting to you tonight, child of the cosmos, beloved daughter of our Creator Sovereign and our Mother Spirit, and our Paradise Father. I want to be clear with you Rhonda, as a teacher in this specific juncture in this great correcting time. There is something that you must remember when this call is over, and when the subsequent time visits you and that is always…… always know that you are never alone.

Always know, there is nothing that can harm you eternally, and know that you are loved, and as you heard earlier, you have all the angels and the celestials of heaven beside you on your journey.

Please do not put pressure on yourself to set a time limit or a date or anything else that you may believe that you need to do in order to accomplish something that you are not prepared for. Preparedness for you will be dictated only by your choice guided by the divine spirit within, and only when your soul is ready.

Siriaya: You are loved, more so that you know. The guiding light within will lead you from where you are to where I AM.

(Thank you all for coming)