2012-07-06-Conversations with Monjoronson 54
Topic: Healthcare, Consciousness, HIggs boson particle
Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Daniel Raphael
- Moderator-Michael McCray
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Michael, Mother Spirit, we are your children and we wish to thank you for the life that you have given us and the ability to grow and come to know you. We wish to thank you also for our Avonal Son, your work and the work of so many others, and for the development of your presence in our world in a more overt way. Thank you.
MMc: Good morning, Monjoronson.
MONJORONSON: Good morning! We see the light of God around you, my friends.
MMc: Well, thank you!
MONJORONSON: You are most welcome.
MMc: Is there a topic you would like to dialog about today?
Focus, Moment
- These tumultuous times
MONJORONSON: Yes, I would, and this is a topic we have hit upon before and will continue to do so in the future, and that has to do with where you keep your intention. You live in a world where events and times and conditions are becoming more tumultuous, and they will become even more so in the future. Our advice to you is as time becomes more tumultuous that you go within with more fervor, with more energy, with more commitment, to remain in that space, that contact. The most precious thing you can do with your mind is to remain in the “now,” this moment here, now, because in this moment now there is no fear—unless there is a bear at your door, or a cascade of water coming down the street to wash your home away with you in it, this very moment. Almost all of you are not in that situation, therefore what you see is the future, and the fears and worries and concerns around that. When you thoroughly live in the moment “now” then this is the place and time where you are most empowered, when you are most capable, where there is peace and tranquility. As the world around you becomes more difficult, then it is important that you become more and more centered in the moment now, within yourself, with your Thought Adjuster and the assurance that you are loved and cared for and always will be. Thank you.
MMc: To be centered with our Thought Adjuster.
MONJORONSON: Yes. Remain in the light of your Thought Adjuster. God is light and your Thought Adjuster is a bright beacon within you that shines through you and out of you.
MMc: A couple of weeks ago, you gave me some homework.
MONJORONSON: Yes, how did you do?
Assumptions, Health
- Working on assumptions concerning healthcare
MMc: I found it somewhat difficult; perhaps I should go back and review what happened so that everybody reading this will understand what I am about to say to you. I asked about a statement you made, “the community clinic is also involved in the mental health, the emotional health, the spiritual health, and the social health of the patients it serves. When these measures are taken into account, then the size of the clinic will decrease and its effectiveness will increase, and the local health costs will decrease.” Now, I said that sounded counter-intuitive to me, and you asked me to look in my beliefs and assumptions, and to report to you as homework.
The assumption I was making was that adding on services typically adds to the cost of services, and that would be the case in our present paradigm, but that is not the case in the new paradigm. [In] the present paradigm people are treated after they become ill, and [in] the new paradigm people will be taught how not to become ill. This should increase the effectiveness of healthcare and decrease the costs considerably, certainly enough to add in the costs of ten extra people in the healthcare system. By adding those ten extra people, we will be able to decrease the rest of the healthcare systems substantially, because people won’t be becoming ill. So, your statement now makes sense to me. There were several other things that I realized as I thought about this, but I’m wondering if you might tell us all what your thoughts are about this?
MONJORONSON: This is a topic that Sondjah would be more capable of answering, but I will keep my answer brief and leave his comments and additions for another time. The healthcare that will be developed in the new era will be a healthcare system where patients, individuals, are an integral part of the system; whereas now, they are patients and they come to the clinic for every ill imaginable, and even those which are not real. As a system, it is ongoing, which means that it is a multi-generational system. It is hard for you to imagine where there is a decrease in patient care when services are increased. You must realize that this is multi-generational, that children are raised to understand their complete, holistic system that they live in as children, and they continue to grow with this awareness as participants of numerous systems into their adulthood, and those times in adulthood they realize that they are even more responsible for their healthcare in these various systems.
You are so used to fixing problems in a short period of time you are almost compulsive as a society. When you see a problem, you attend to it immediately, but you have begun a downward slope of attention span where you do not see the larger picture. The healthcare system in the new era of social sustainability is long-term and it looks at all situations that affect health, whatever that health may be, and it is the responsibility of the healthcare system to assist individuals and families and communities to maintain their health as much as possible at the lowest level. In a few years you will see more individuals becoming much more healthcare conscious simply because they either cannot afford to go to healthcare clinics for every little ill, or there are fewer clinics. I wish not to explain that comment at this time, thank you.
- The medical system is a subset of the healthcare system
The responsibilities for healthcare include educating the public in their healthcare by educating the levels of treatment that they are responsible for. In other words, the populace has been trained in triage, where they identify an illness or problem, and they do their homework, research, and choose the appropriate treatment for those issues. There is a tremendous resource, which is not being used, in the technologically advanced societies and that is medical education and responsibilities at the lowest local levels through your Internet services. Just as there are online educational courses to teach remedial languages and grammar and mathematics, there must be an online educational process to teach remedial medical treatment, healthcare treatment. We differentiate the healthcare system from the medical system as the medical is a subset within the healthcare system. Clinics will be more attendant to the educational processes as they will be attendant to those near emergency situations where an individual sprains or breaks their hand and they go to the clinic for treatment, or to a hospital for treatment.
MMc: It sounded like there was within the system, there was going to be a situation where you had those who were older, teaching the younger individuals the things that they had learned in the system.
MONJORONSON: Yes, just as there were practical homecare nurses in the turn of the century, from the 1800’s to the 1900’s, and through the 20’s and 30’s and 40’s. After World War II the medical profession changed tremendously where it held itself in higher esteem as professionals and disdained homecare healthcare services by non-professionals. This is an unfortunate development historically, and there will return to service in most developed countries, societies, where there will be home healthcare practitioners, who are available within communities, who have been trained and certified and who are capable of treating many ills in patient’s homes, without having the patient go to the clinic, which would also include much personal healthcare and monitoring of personal healthcare records at the home level.
MMc: I can see where that would be helpful. At this time, we’re going in the opposite direction, unfortunately.
MONJORONSON: Yes, it is unfortunate and you can see this very clearly as this profession strives to make itself even more and more elitist and separate from the population as a means of much greater authority, control and power—economically and socially. Any social system that strives to separate itself from those it serves, and the population it serves, is in a spiral-down, rather than a spiral-up.
MMc: I agree with you, but having been inside the system, we are being driven by Congress to become elitists; that is Congress is requiring more and more specialization and more and more, higher and higher quality of our certification, so that as they do that, the medical community becomes more and more separated from the normal population—the rest of the population.
Politics, Profit
- Who is controlling today’s medical system?
MONJORONSON: Your finger pointing is inappropriate as the legislative process is almost virtually controlled by the professional lobbyists and the moneyed interests of pharmacies and the medical professions, who initiate these legislative acts. The legislative process is virtually a pawn of corporate structure and finance and power in the world, and particularly in the United States and in each respective state, that it is a—I wish not to use the words “bought and paid for operation”—but it is one where money has a tremendous influence on what is passed and approved through the Congress. The motivation for these legislative additions comes from within the profession itself. If you researched the legislative process for every thing dealing with medical problems, you would find that it comes almost 90-95% from the professions themselves, rather than from the Surgeon General, or from the concerns of individual congressmen.
MMc: I’m not going to dispute that. As a practicing physician that was not involved with the politics of the medical societies around me, I was simply aware of what there was of legislation that made my life miserable.
MONJORONSON: Yes, you were a rare individual; you were a rare physician. What you see is a system of enabling and complicity between the medical profession, insurance, pharmacy and Congress. It is a circular system that feeds itself at the expense of the patient population. This too, will grind to an end as it is not sustainable in its current form, and that it will—not necessarily collapse—but it is necessary that it re-invent itself, and there are conscientious individuals who see this very clearly, and who are interested as you are in developing sustainable local community healthcare centers; healthcare in the broadest term, rather than in the narrow medical terms.
Assumptions, Inquiry
MMc: In examining my own assumptions, I got interested in the situation where looking at assumptions in general in our society, am I correct in thinking that most of us are not fully aware of the fact that we are making assumptions and that we are using assumptions to make decisions about almost everything in our lives?
MONJORONSON: Yes, you have hit upon the truth of the situation; that you have beliefs, expectations that are supported by assumptions to make conclusions, and those assumptions are erroneous. Therefore the conclusions will be erroneous and the decisions and actions made upon those erroneous assumptions will be incorrect or create difficulty.
MMc: Why is it necessary for us to live out these assumptions?
MONJORONSON: It is not. It is not necessary to develop the assumptions; assumptions are an easy way for a society to operate where you can go from San Francisco to Chicago and operate on the same assumptions; you can navigate through the city and the society quite quickly. Yes, when you engage the processes of social action and individual action, then the assumptions can cause tremendous grievance, can cause many grievances in the lives of individuals. That is why in a complex society as yours it is timely to begin examining all assumptions and validating them as real or not real, as supporting the society productively or not. Examining assumptions is a process too of developing a homogeneous society, wherein there are subcultures and ethnic groups as belief systems, which have their own way of believing that is particularly peculiar to individuals, but yet there is the commonality among these groups that allows your society to operate as a system successfully. What has happened is that through the decades and centuries of a society as it develops, these assumptions between the various groups become aggravated and there is a lack of commonality, and the assumptions create separation between the groups. In a pluralistic society this is the beginning of the end, where you will have animosities between groups, and you will not know how to work with each other. The extremes of this are presented to you in the news every day, between the religious groups in the Middle East, who are antagonistic to each other. They have forgotten the reasons for their religion and their commonalities. This has developed when you see the movement from religious beliefs to religious assumptions to political beliefs and political assumptions, then violence will be in the streets before very long.
MMc: I see. You’ve given us a moral compass to examine our beliefs and assumptions, but also to disclose those assumptions and beliefs that we are not aware of?
Belief, Self Evaluation, Expectations
Using the schematic for moral, ethical and social issues
MONJORONSON: Yes, as you use the schematic—and the schematic can be used either as a schematic for sustainability or the schematic for examination of moral and ethical and social issues—both processes force the users to examine their assumptions when they see that their beliefs are not being validated. When beliefs are not supported by the three core values, then you must examine why. And when you examine the why of the beliefs not being supported, you must then dissect the beliefs into subsets of assumptions, and it is within the assumptions that you will find the reasons that these beliefs are not supported. Beliefs, opinions, assumptions are all very, very closely related. To have a statement of belief written on a wall that is supported by the three values is very clear evidence of its validation, but then when you find differences between individuals who have the same beliefs that are supported by those same values, then you must begin to examine why. Why does Joe have a difference—even though Joe believes in the same belief as Betty—why do these two individuals have differences of opinion about this belief? And when you begin to personally examine and interview these individuals, you will find that they have subsets of assumptions under each of those belief systems, and these must be examined.
And when the assumptions are examined and checked against the three central core values of sustainability, then you will find those which work and those which do not. You will further find that sometimes those assumptions are the same, and that they are validated by the core values. Then you must examine and say, “Why?” Then you begin to look at expectations. So the process you will be using in the schematic is that you will be bouncing between the beliefs and the expectations and those will reveal the assumptions that are underneath. The ends—meaning the three values—they are permanent; they are infallible, as are your behaviors. You behaviors may be in error, but they exist, they are definite, they are measurable, they are historic. And so, it is the middle-ground between the expectations and beliefs—either going from expectations to beliefs, or beliefs to expectations—which will assist you in analyzing the differences that occur, and in those differences, you will find your assumptions. This is a process for broad-minded individuals who are seeking union, not separation. If you are seeking separation, then you will have your set of assumptions that give you reason to be separate from other people.
MMc: You have to want it to work in order for it to work. (Monjoronson: Exactly.)
I noticed in reading about the moral compass and the examination of beliefs and assumptions, you said that this would work with the proviso “if” you want it to work. But in religion, it may not always work.
Tradition, Integration
- In religion, the schematic may not always work
MONJORONSON: No. In religion you have definite beliefs that have been written down by the originator of the belief system. The beliefs of the originator may not have been validated against the three core values, so the religion is not exempt from this examination, but it is what people believe because they want to believe it. It supports their prejudices, their own assumptions and beliefs. It is quite easy for you to validate a religion as socially sustainable or not.
We have not brought this to your attention before, as we did not want to make this a topic of finger pointing and saying “we are right and you are wrong.” A person’s religious belief system is really quite none of your business. If a person wants to believe that way and call it a religion, then that is up to them. If you want to apply that to a society and to other people who do not believe that way, then this is oppression. But your own personal beliefs within your mind and your own personal lives are your business. When you project your religious belief systems onto other people, that the others should believe the same way that you do, that is oppressive. If you believe that you are right and they are wrong, that is your opinion. To enforce that on others is contrary to social sustainability. Do you understand this qualification?
MMc: I understand the qualification, but…
MONJORONSON: Let me explain further. You, at this moment, now, you have in your own mind an awareness that there are some religions which are not socially sustainable, am I correct?
MMc: Yes. Certain ideas within religions are not socially sustainable.
- With religion, bring in integration, not separation
MONJORONSON: That is exactly right. We are not in the process of developing separation. We are in the process of bringing integration, wholeness and oneness. It is upon the individual to learn the processes of social sustainability and determine whether they are applicable to their own life. What we want to avoid are individuals using the schematic for sustainability and the moral compass to point their fingers to other people’s religions that are not socially sustainable and saying that these individuals should be terminated or removed from society, or the religion banned. This is not a practical method. Using the schematic to enforce your own political agendas is not within the purview of God’s kingdom of light and love. These radical agendas are apart from the schematic.
MMc: I think what would be good is to re-examine this topic at a different time. Let me think about it a little bit. I can understand you don’t want to use the schematic as a club. (Monjoronson: That is correct.) That makes sense to me. On the other hand, there are certain ideas within certain religions that would benefit being examined by the schematic.
MONJORONSON: We do not need to do that in this forum. Doing that in this forum gives it authority and gives it authenticity and gives it legitimacy, and we will not extend the legitimacy of this process, which seeks to develop oneness, giving its authority to individuals politically to oppress others. We have been teaching this to you now for several years, and it is only dawning upon some of you that there are religions and political positions, which are not supported by this social sustainability process or by the schematic. This is the first time we have spoken of that, and we do not want to embellish individual’s minds into thinking that they have a sword in their hands to right the wrongs of the world. We said a moment ago what people believe religiously is their own business, between their own two ears. Therefore, you will find that by not speaking of this, individuals will eventually see the elephant in the living room and realize where we are going with this. Where we are going with this is a world that lives and exists as socially stable and is not tumultuous, but it is socially sustainable, and that there is oneness in the cultures of the people, and that there is an understanding of social sustainability as applicable to all ways of life, and that people would voluntarily abandon non-socially sustainable values, beliefs and assumptions and expectations.
MMc: I certainly understand your position and I agree with it. In looking at our various conversations over the time period that we’ve been having them, I find that all too often, I’ve interrupted you in the midst of your giving an answer, which is unfortunate on my part. I can’t say that it won’t happen again, but it is unfortunate and I’ve collected some of these that you haven’t been able to finish because I’ve interrupted you. I would like to ask those questions again, if I may.
Can you give us some examples of how a future, service-based society might work?
- How might a future, service-based society work?
MONJORONSON: Yes. There is a pervasive culture-wide awareness by individuals, communities and societies, organizations, corporations, foundations, government agencies, that all decisions are made with consideration of social sustainability, and that these are not separate; that rather than departments of education, there is an educational system that is composed of various agencies and influences that assist in the educational process; that there is a oneness or wholeness to a society, and that one part affects the all, and that they are not separate. What occurs in a society is diligent forethought by individuals and executives and by boards, agencies, commissions, bureaus and departments and so on, of the repercussions of their decisions and actions.
You see this in many ways, for example, with a highway department. A highway department of a city or county or state—or Federal Government—makes plans to rebuild a highway at such and such a date in the future. They put out notices to the electrical company, to the fiber-optic company, to the telephone company, to the gas company, water company, sewage company as to these changes, and say, “You will need to take this into account, and if you want to refurbish or rebuild your utilities, now is the time to do that, because once we lay this new road, we do not want you coming back and digging it up to make repairs.”
Now, if you consider a local healthcare clinic in the new era, they will be involved in education, they will be involved in vector control—which has to do with mosquitoes, rats and disease carriers as that—and many other aspects of healthcare, family planning, social dynamics of the community and so on; that there will be many, many connections in each system. You will begin to see a society much like a brain, which if you were to examine each individual cell, that it has tendrils radiating from the cell itself, making connections to all other cells around it, 3-dimensionally. This is what will be the main differentiating factor of the future of this society, compared to your own. Does this help?
MMc: Yes, it does. And it is a very complete answer. Should I ask you to further that answer or can we decide that that is as good as we can get it at the moment?
MONJORONSON: I will simply give you a metaphor of the neural network as a system of neural connections. In a society, you have a neural social network of many connections, which is very similar. Each connection will operate as a whole system so that there is mutual support between those systems and their operation for the benefit of societies, social sustainability and the social sustainability of individuals and families.
Consciousness, Intention, Energy
- How does consciousness interact with universe energy?
MMc: I’ve been confused about the concept of consciousness and how consciousness interacts with universe energy. I wondered if you might be able to help me with that, getting those concepts straight?
MONJORONSON: Yes, I will strive to keep my answers brief and leave room for you to ask adjusting or subsequent questions as you need. Will that work for you?
MMc: Yes, it will. Thank you.
MONJORONSON: The connection between consciousness and universe energy, of course, is God. God is of one mind; God is of one consciousness. It would be inappropriate to call it the consciousness of God that pervades all time and space of the universe, of the infinite 3-dimensional universe, but for your use and [for] simplification, we will say it is. And so, the presence or consciousness of God occupies all of space and time of the material universe, and uses consciousness to place its imprint upon universe energy for the out-forming of the universe, according to the Architects of Time in the universe and those unfolding plans. This also allows consciousness from other sentient beings, to manipulate universe energy as well. That the universe energy “wants to”—and that it is inappropriate to give it that type of consciousness—be in alignment, agreement, in harmony, in synchronicity with your intentions. Your intentions are expressed in your consciousness. When you hold an intention in mind, you are holding a pattern or plan in consciousness, and when you express this to the universe as a desire or need, then the universe energy is attracted to that intention to out-form your consciousness.
The interest of the universe Administration, working with mortal beings who are imperfect, is to improve their perfection voluntarily, so they choose to do God’s will, so their intention and their consciousness assists the universe to bring the universe into completion—one person, one thought, one intention at a time. Therefore, you have many people in agreement in out-forming an intention in their consciousness, then that will surely come into being. The concerted, coordinative efforts—meaning efforts as intention—in the consciousness of many people, has a powerful effect upon the collective consciousness of that world. You are now seeing that occurring on your world where there is the concerted, coordinative efforts of thousands and millions of individuals to bring about light and social evolution, peace and harmony into your world. You are making a difference. I have extended my answer far past what you asked I believe, but let us go from here. Did I satisfy your original question?
MMc: Yes, it’s fascinating—the concept of consciousness and how consciousness interacts with universe energy. It’s a fascinating topic because universe energy obviously comes from the Father. You began by talking about the concept of consciousness, also coming from the Father—or at least the Father’s consciousness. I was interested in the consciousness of the individual, as in myself and how it might interact with universe energy, but I believe it’s a parallel, although my consciousness can’t interact at the same level that the Father’s consciousness could on universe energy, there is a parallel in my using my consciousness to act on universe energy, so that it is a step down but certainly I have some effect on universe energy, a positive effect on universe energy by using my consciousness.
MONJORONSON: Yes, just as the Father has given you personality, God has given you an imprint of the faculty of consciousness to yourself, so this is a part of God’s consciousness as you choose to align yourself with God, you are able to… [ This is Daniel: Monjoronson is striving not to spin us into the ground here, getting into a verbal conundrum which is incomprehensible to readers.]
This is Monjoronson: Let me put this plainly to you: Human consciousness, human mind has the capacity to manipulate universe energy for dark and evil purposes, which the universe and we do not participate in. However, when you align your will, your consciousness and intention with that of God’s then you have our support and the willing support of the universe to assist you in out-forming that development of your intention. Therefore, good will come into being, eventually.
- Anomalous developments of the mind
There are questions by your scientists about what they call anomalous developments of the mind, where you have E.S.P., where you have telepathy, where you have precognition of future events, where there are these developments, but truly, these are not unusual, simply because consciousness and personality are eternal and live outside the parameters of time and dimensional space. In other words, when you have serendipity and coincidence that is the universe “shaking hands” with you in agreement with what you desire. You cannot call it the subconscious mind, as it is not the subconscious mind, but your conscious, intentional mind is bringing things into existence with the agreement of the universe. Your thinking is in harmony with the pattern and order of universe energy, and therefore, you begin to see the unexpected anomalous appearance of coincidence, serendipity and happenstance for your benefit. Do you see the “Ah-ha” in that?
MMc: Do I see the “Ah-ha” in that?
MONJORONSON: The unexpected, “My gosh! Look at that and I didn’t even ask for it and there it was!” When you see that occurring, you must have in mind that what the son wills and the Father agrees to, IS! You are no different than a Creator Son, but to a much more limited degree. And when you are in agreement, when you will something by your intention, will it into existence and it is in agreement with the universe, then it is a fait accompli. It is done.
MMc: Our scientists talk about the quantum level that the observer becomes a part of the experiment. The observer is able to change the outcome of the experiment.
- The observer changes the outcome through consciousness
MONJORONSON: Yes, this has been demonstrated many times over the last thirty to forty years. This one has just finished a book called, “Extraordinary Knowing” by Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer, Ph.D. Your scientists have had examples where an individual sits in an isolated room with a computer and the computer has an equal opportunity of making decisions for ones or zeros, and these are recorded. The mind of the individual, simply by sitting there, who chooses as the intention of having more zeros than ones, will have an influence on the computer, so that in the passage of ten million tests, there will be more of a majority of the zeros than the ones. This is a direct, observable, demonstrable demonstration of that quantum theory in application. Your minds are powerful; you have an influence around you whether you are conscious of it or not, that is why it is so important to have a positive attitude to understand these metaphysical principles. These are tied to quantum physics.
MMc: I have what I think is a personal question about something you said in the past: “Your conscious is very limited, though it is hugely expanded past the capacity of most mortals to comprehend or to use effectively.” Were you speaking to me personally, about my consciousness?
- The qualitative capacity for consciousness in mortals
MONJORONSON: Yes, we could say that it is you, but you are very typical of most people. It is the difference between quantitative and qualitative capacity. Your consciousness has quite a large quantitative capacity to it, but qualitatively it is very, very limited and diminished.
MMc: In the past you used the metaphor of our being like a mail truck, moving around with many messages that were inconsistent, saying that your intentions begin to organize your messages so that when you travel, you deliver a consistent state of consciousness. I wondered if you would enlarge upon this concept of a “consistent state of consciousness,” please.
Self-mastery, Super-consciousness
- Achieving the Master Consciousness level
MONJORONSON: Yes, I would be glad to. Let me extend the metaphor further: Imagine that you are a UPS truck, and that you carry messages and boxes. Some of the boxes have electronics in them, some have foodstuffs, and so on. If you tried to analyze them simultaneously, it would be quite confusing. But, if you were driving a gasoline refueling truck with 10,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline in it, it would be quite clear that there is only one huge “message” being carried by this truck. When you hold in your mind conflicting messages, then what comes back to you from the universe will be confusing. When you have the capacity of this tanker truck, for positive, constructive thinking, then you will be receiving messages from the universe consistently. There is a sidebar to that: Just as the Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa are what we would call “tanker trucks” of consciousness, they hold positivity in mind; they are also bombarded and live in a world of tremendous conflict, but they limit what comes into their consciousness, their awareness, that may have an effect upon their intention. They hold a consistent intention, a consistent message, whether they deal with individuals or projects or ideas, concepts, books, or other material—they are consistent. They know how to sort and sift what comes to them so that they remain consistent and powerful. Simply being consistent makes them powerful, because they are not vacillating or wavering in their opinions or thoughts, or what they project to other people. Do you understand?
MMc: Yes. When I think of a consistent state of consciousness, I think of Jesus and his state of consciousness. This would be the ideal that I would search for, or that I would try to emulate.
MONJORONSON: Yes, this is often called the “Master Consciousness,” that when you hold the Master Consciousness in your life, in your mind and your consciousness for your whole being, then you are consistent, and that you are not swayed by other people’s jeering comments or hostile, venomous statements, that you know are simply not true, and so you are whole and complete and unswervable, and that image from you is in agreement with the highest Master Consciousness of anyone else. Therefore, you are humbly powerful, and powerfully humble.
MMc: You said that when you see us, you see, feel and know our consciousness and the depth of who we are and our uniqueness. Would you tell us a little bit more about how you perceive us?
The Teachers
- How are we perceived by Monjoronson
MONJORONSON: Yes, I perceive you completely! I perceive where you came from. I perceive the roots of your parents and grandparents. I see their influence in you. I see your whole life and the spectrum of your thoughts and your decisions and your actions. I see all that exists in you that has ever been. I also see within you your life plan, what you came here to do, what your mission is, so to speak. Some of you have destinies and some of you do not—all of you have life plans to learn lessons, and after you learn them, you can be of service, if you choose, and so your life plan unfolds. Yes, I see all of that, and nonetheless, I love you; I care for you; I accept you and appreciate you as you are, of the willingness in yourself to grow, the determination to grow, and I respect that and we will do everything we can to assist you in that growth.
- The state of being powerful
MMc: Thank you. I appreciate that. You said that you see us as powerful. Few of us recognize ourselves as powerful, but I understand that it can be very beneficial to the individual and to the planet if we all were to hold that opinion of ourselves in a positive way. Would you comment of that?
MONJORONSON: Yes, I would be glad to. Most of you truly do not believe that you are powerful, therefore you go around trying to express your power, your authority, and your control over other people, to have lots of material wealth and so on, as this is the external edifice of your powerfulness. But the truly powerful individual knows this already and has no need for external expression to impress other people and to reassure themselves against their weakness. A truly strong person is of the Master Consciousness, and does not have need to seek outside supports for their strength.
MMc: I agree. I have a couple of trick questions, I hope.
MONJORONSON: Well, I will give those trick questions to Sondjah, then. (Laughter.)
MMc: Monjoronson, scientists have discovered the Higgs boson. What is the actual significance of this discovery?
Physics, Matter
- The significance of the Higgs boson discovery
MONJORONSON: [This is Daniel again: (Laughing heartily.) He said, “It was never lost.” I don’t know if this is going to be productive or not.] One moment.
The significance is far larger than anyone has any imagination. Some of your scientists have imagined part of what this discovery could mean to your world, technologically. It could mean that you could eventually devise instruments, technologies that would nullify gravity, and not only nullify it, but you could use it to accelerate against a gravitational force, that you could travel from earth to the moon in minutes, rather than days. The Higgs boson particle has a tremendous impact on every planet that has ever discovered it and applied its uses. Further, this will also inaugurate an era where there is no going back to the ignorance of separation anymore between individuals and their planet, that everyone is connected.
This takes the quantum theory to a much more pragmatic level as far as consciousness is concerned. In the long term, it means that after a tremendous technological advance for your world, the human species will become more highly evolved as will the spiritual, ethical, moral, social development in your world also become highly evolved. This will take millennia to accomplish. It will require your scientists now to play with this particle, to discern it further, to see how to influence it, see how to bring it into existence more easily. It will mean the unification of your physics theories into what they call the “Grand Unified Theory.” Unbeknownst to all of you is that this will also require you to bring into existence in the future the Grand Unified Social and Spiritual Theories where there is a oneness of being that is existential among all of you, rather than between you.
MMc: I don’t know what to ask at this point, except to thank you for your analysis and to tell you I had no idea.
MONJORONSON: Yes, that is quite common among everyone on your planet concerning this particle, that no one really has any idea. They found it because they knew it existed as an exception, that there was an incompletion in their theory. Now, they must start from the zero point and begin developing a theory that incorporates this particle into the balance of the universe, that it is not the exception they are finding, but now they have the most evident part on which they must build. This will be the most challenging part.
Incarnation, Bestowal
MMc: The last question for today’s session: On any given world is there only one divine entity that appears as a babe?
MONJORONSON: No. [Daniel: That’s all he’s going to say.]
MMc: No?
MONJORONSON: No, there can be more than one.
MMc: I see. I want to thank you for your responses today. You have been very open with us and I want to thank you for helping me in understanding some of these things much better than I did coming in here.
MONJORONSON: Thank you. Do not forget, however, that we are speaking about some extremely complex issues, which will be most difficult for some readers to appreciate and understand.
MMc: Thank you very much. Do you have anything that you would like to say in closing here?
MONJORONSON: Yes. Do not forget that you are God’s particles! God loves you. (Laughter.)
MMc: Thank you. That brings a smile to my face.
- The Teaching Mission: Dialogues
- N. Colorado TeaM
- Monjoronson
- Daniel Raphael
- Focus
- Moment
- Assumptions
- Health/TeaM
- Education/TeaM
- Politics
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- Inquiry
- Belief
- Self Evaluation
- Expectations
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- Consciousness
- Intention
- Energy
- Synchronicity
- Physics/TeaM
- Self-mastery
- Super-consciousness
- The Teachers
- Power
- Matter
- Incarnation
- Bestowal
- 2012