2012-07-09-Impatience, So Very Human
Topic: Impatience, So Very Human
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Mentori
TR: George Barnard
Mentor: “You are human, wide-spread all over the universes, and your many species live on disparate worlds. In some instances the duration of terrestrial life is no more than forty-five of your years. On other planets your species may well live a few centuries and a little more. Whatever their ways, lives, mindsets, and in whichever way they see themselves, this has always much to do with time, limited time. Most of you are incapable of ‘looking beyond your terrestrial life into eternity’ to always see your future existence as a continuance of life. They are the time limitations you focus on, which create your ‘so very human impatience’.
“Limited time is much of what you have in which to do your planning and your timing as the hours tick away. Time is important as to when to begin a task. Time is important in determining how much time can be allocated to complete the task. Timing is important from the point of view of when a task may dovetail with what follows. It is very much the human way to work out things in time. And to a degree, the Midwayers which are many on most of the worlds also necessarily need to work with time. It is different with Celestials above their ranking.
“The way a Destiny Guardian measures progress is not in time, but in the steps his or her human subject takes and progresses in life – the circles or levels of progress. For other Celestials progress exists in looking forward to see a task nearer completion, but not in how long it takes. It is with humans that time is so important and it is in humans that patience is not always there to be found. For Celestials beyond the realm of the Midwayers, patience and impatience are virtually unknown quantities. They live by what they achieve. They see the future as a number of achievements, personal progress and that of others, as it came about in the past, and as it will come about in the future, whilst they live in the now.
“So much on this earth can be achieved when patience is king. So much on this world is being spoiled when impatience rules. No matter how yogi-like you may become in your life, you will not achieve the total loss of impatience to be entirely like your celestial brothers and sisters. Beyond this life, however, you will be functioning with an entirely different mindset. Actual times, hours ticking away, will no longer be important to you. The completion, the conclusion and the success in your various exercises, in your area’s learning experience, and in your various teaching experiences will become the most important things. And the ‘hour’ will come when you will have changed, when you will look back at your impatience as you expressed it, or suffered from it, back on the planet of your birth. You will then not quite recall what and how you once felt, as you shrug, smile, and move on.
“This is my talk for this evening. I thank you greatly for your time and your interest in the subject. Make patience, constantly practiced, an important part of your life divine. I am the Mentori spokesperson you know so well. I say good night for now.”
George: “Thank you.”