2012-07-14-When I Leave This World
Topic: When I Leave This World
Group: Monjoronson.com
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Paul Conklin
The Thought Adjuster: There is One that lives in my heart. The One that lives in my heart is me and I am that One. No longer do I view myself as separate from the Paradise Father because He lives within me. Each day when I traverse the paths of this world I traverse those paths in company with the Eternal One. It is like love looked for a home. Somewhere love needed to find a place to stay. A place where it could feel the sand beneath its feet. Love saw me and chose to dwell there. Love chose to dwell with me as I walked this good earth. But what I failed to realize is that I was always that. I was never less than that which the Father simply is. Since love is attracted to love, love found the love in my own heart and chose to live with me.
When you raise a mirror to your face what do you see? Do you see anything less than the love that you are? How could you be anything less than what you are? How could you be anything less than the love of the Holy One? It is all about perception, is it not? What you perceive to be is what your reality is. If you perceive that you are less than the love of the Holy One, then you will be less than the love of the Holy One. If you perceive that you are unworthy of that love, then you have decided that you are not worthy of that love. Could it be that your perceptions are wrong? Could it be that you have looked through a mirror darkly? Could it be that the mirror before you has been clouded by your own misperceptions? Wipe away the fog of illusion that has smeared your mirror. Now what do you see? You see your beautiful face smiling back at you. There you are in all of your glory. You are finally seeing your face as the Holy One sees your face. There are no defects, no less than’s, no unworthiness. You are not seeing yourself with your physical eyes anymore. You are seeing yourself through the eyes of spirit. After all, that is what you really are. You are a spirit inhabiting a body of flesh and blood. Can you rise above your earthly cares? Can you see yourself from a higher perspective? Can you see yourself through the mirror of your Paradise Father? Oh, what a view you will have when you see through His eyes.
What is it then that we can all leave behind for this world? When we leave this world there will be one constant that will ever feed future generations. Future generations will be fed by the love that we have left behind. From this day forward wipe off the smears of fog that have built up on your mirrors. When you raise that mirror to your face see yourself as you really are. When you see yourself as you really are you will be astonished. When you see yourself as you really are you will be able to leave a long lasting gift behind. You will be able to leave behind your legacy. A legacy that will always live in the hearts of those men, women and children who are yet to live. Rise up! Get out of your own way. See yourself as the Holy One sees you. You are love and you have always been that. When will you finally believe it?
This One that lives in my heart lives in your hearts as well. We are all reflections of one another. When you come into my presence I see in you what I have reflected outwardly. You see in me what you have reflected outwardly. In the mirror that I hold within my hands I have room for the entire universe. The entire universe is my heart and you all inhabit the universe that I live in. The entire universe is your heart and it is there that I reside. When we look within our own hearts we find those that have ever lived and those that have ever died. Within our own hearts we will find those yet to live and those yet to die. Within our own hearts we will find the everything that is and the everything that will ever be. There in our own hearts we discover love for the first time. We discover a love that has always existed. We have woken from our dreams. We have been dreaming away from the Holy one and He has awakened us.
I have often wondered how I will feel when it is time to leave this world behind. I want to move forward onto the worlds on high, onto the mansion worlds. But there will be a certain sadness, a certain feeling of sorrow. But those feelings of sadness and sorrow will have nothing to do with regrets. This little world, the little children that I have loved so deeply, I will have to leave behind. It will be like looking into a mirror again. This time when I look into the mirror I won’t be seeing through a mirror darkly. I will see myself. I will see my face clearly. In that face I see love. But not only do I see my face there. I see all of your faces. Reflected back to me I see all of your faces. I see all of your hopes, your dreams, your aspirations. I see you as you truly are. I see you as you always have been. I see the love that I am. I see the love that you are. No longer does the fog of illusion cloud our mirrors.
Oh, the tears that I will shed when I leave you all behind. This little world, no bigger than an atom at the fringes of Orvonton, is to me the size of the universe. Your hearts, your hearts, I see now. There you all ever were awaiting my discovery. When I awoke from my dreams I found you there. Will you finally believe that love was looking for a home and it chose to settle in your hearts? Yes, love chose to settle in your hearts for you are love. How can you be any less than that which you are? The love of the Holy One lives in your hearts and you are that. The love of the Holy One lives in your hearts and that is what you have always been.
Oh Father of my heart see all the little children with their hopes, their dreams, their aspirations, yearning to be free. When I leave this world behind will you assure them of your love? Will you assure them of your love for mankind? Will you help them to see that they have never been less than the love that you are? Will you help them to see the beauties that they are? Will you help them to see that they are reflections of you. They are reflections of you. In that mirror that they have held before their faces they were seeing reflections of you. Father on high my knee I bend to you in eternal thankfulness. When all of my brethren look into a mirror wiped clean may they see reflections of you in their own hearts. When I leave this world behind I will shed many tears. But whenever I desire I will hold the mirror to my face and look back again. There in the mirror I will see all of your faces anew. I will never really leave you all behind because you shall ever live in my heart. Your love shall always live in my heart and there you shall ever be. There you shall ever be.