2012-07-17-Waking Up Humanity

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Topic: Waking Up Humanity

Group: Monjoronson.com


Teacher: Solaya

TR: Felix Caro



Greetings! I am Solaya, a Supreme Seraph that will be serving the Magisterial Son in the upcoming mission on Urantia. I want to talk a little about what is to be expected just before the official initiation of the Magisterial Mission, involving the physical presence on Urantia of the Monjoronson, as well as during its occurrence. As most of the human population needs to be woken up from their dreams of material achievement, greed, war for profit and many others, this will be accomplished by taking away from them everything that distracts them from God’s divine presence in their beings and their lives.

Natural catastrophes will have to happen, not just to “elevate” the human thinking as they finally realize God’s importance in their lives through suffering and great tribulations, but as they are necessary to effects the physical changes that the planet must undergo in preparation for its use as future educational planet. This planet will be cleansed of every vestige of human effort to irrationally exploit it for gain and without responsibility. Where there once were industrial areas, after a few centuries, there will be nothing but the beautiful and pristine nature that so long ago was there to be contemplated. Urantia will be changed in order to convert her into Father’s veritable garden in Nebadon, and the beginning in earnest of those changes is already at hand, in your lifetimes.

As the distractions are being removed from human psyche, the Magisterial Son will make his appearance, and so many that will be desperate for any messages of hope and comfort will be attracted to him, and to all those serving him in the field. You can consider these changes as a “means to and end” in order to ensure the complete human attention to what so radically change their lives for their own spiritual good.

We are aware of your “disgust” towards the spiritual emptiness that you perceive in certain personalities of apparent importance in your politics and government, but we ask you to show restraint and, above all, mercy towards them when the time comes to serve. Very unfortunately, some of those that you see attempting to control or influence those around them, due to their continuous and iniquitous behavior, have been already declared dead in spirit, the presence of the Universal Father no longer in them. There are others, good but ignorant mortals, for which the changes will prove too much for them, and so either they will take their own lives or will fall into insanity, in which latter case the divine Thought Adjuster will also have to leave as the mind will no longer be present to continue co-creating the soul.

The times ahead will be hard and often painful as well, and you will shed tears, not only of sorrow at the loss of loved ones, but also of happiness as you see the glory of the Universal Father at last being manifested on this planet. Seek strength in the Spirit of God Himself that indwells you, and when you feel that the toiling is indeed hard, put your trust in Him and allow Him to carry you safely through it all. Us, those that serve the Universal Father and that will be present here during the changes, will assist you and many like you that will roll-up their sleeves to selflessly serve and help Him to make it all new. You will indeed become gardeners in Father’s gardens, in this world of time as well as in eternity. Sow the seeds of love and mercy wherever Father’s will shall take you in the future.