2012-07-19-Who I AM
Topic: Who I AM
Group: At Large
Teacher: Michael
TR: Paul Conklin
Oh my child, my child, what a pleasure it is to speak with you. You are a part of my heart. Don’t you know that yet? How can you be a part of my heart and yet be separate from me? That would be impossible my child. And just as you are a part of my heart the rest of my earthly children are a part of my heart. Will you tell them that my son? Will you tell them that they are also a part of my heart and that they shall always be? Will you tell them that they shall always be a part of my heart? Oh, my children, my children, don’t you realize that this is really big. This is really big. When you realize who you are you will be astonished. But I have always known who you are my children. But there are times when you wonder that wondrous thought. In your heart of hearts while sitting in the stillness that thought arrives at your conscious awareness. All of a sudden you hear that thought in your mind. Who Am I, you think? You don’t understand where that thought originates, but there it is at the door of your conscious awareness. There must be a reason that the thought has arisen. I tell you my son there is a reason. Spirit has been behind the scenes operating exhaustively to get your attention. Spirit wants you to remember. Spirit wants you to remember, who I am. Spirit wants you to remember who you are.
I have a white pebble awaiting you my child and all my children. On that white pebble there is your name written. No, it is not the name that you were given by your parents upon your birth. This is the name you have been known by even prior to your existence. Do you understand my children? Even before you were walking this good earth your name was already known. Your name was already known. This is your spirit name. This is the name that Father and I have chosen for you. We are your parents and we were pleased to name you. What joy we had when we knew that you would inhabit this name. This name is who you are and it is who you have always been. Who you are is who I am. I am that and you are that. I am that I am and you are that you are. You are an extension of divine source and you are simply remembering who you are. You are remembering that you are the I am and that the I Am is you.
What is my name then, you ask? Who am I really; who am I? That is something that I cannot just give you my children. That is something that you will come into experientially. There are those that have already received this white pebble with their names written upon it. Even they cannot give you your names. It is something that you will receive when the time is right. It is only something that you can receive with no interference from anyone else. Are you ready my children? Are you ready? When you are ready I will give you the white pebble with your name written upon it. When that happens you will no longer wonder who you are or what you are doing here. I already know who you are and what you are doing here. I would kind of spoil it for you if I just blurted out the surprise. When you find this out of your own volition you will be astonished. You will then understand why I could not just tell you. You needed to discover this name on your own volition. You needed to discover this name experientially. And when you do discover that name you will be overcome with joy. You will no longer wonder who you are. You will have a name written that no one else has. Your name will be unique in all the cosmos. Another child unique in all the cosmos comes into who they are. Another child, unique in all the cosmos comes into who they always have been.
I want you my child and all my children to know this. I want you to know how proud I am of all of you. You have never disappointed me. If I could only convey to you how much you are loved. I know that words are inadequate to express my feelings. But I tell you that I dwell within your hearts. Go within your hearts and there feel my love for you all. Those little white pebbles I have, I have saved for all of you. I want to give to you your names when you are ready for it. It is my big surprise for my earthly children. This is a gift that I long to give to you. But you must choose it of your own free will.
The next time you are hit with that profound question, take it within. Take it within to the Spirit that dwells within you. That One has all the answers that you seek. That One knows who you are. That One knows who you always have been. The Spirit within you is also eager for you to learn your true identity. The Spirit within is eager to give you your real name. Where does this question come from after all? This question comes from within. The Spirit within you is awakening your memories. The Spirit within wants you to remember who you are. Who are you, you ask? Who am I? You are the I am and the I am is you. You are an extension of divine source. I await with eagerness to give to you the white pebble with your true name written upon it. When this question arises again be still and know. Be still and know that you are the I-Am and the I-Am is you. Be still and let the Father reveal to you who you are. Who are you? Who are you? You are who I am and that is what you always have been. Extend your hand and when you are ready I will give you that little white pebble with your true name written upon it. I am knocking upon the door of your spiritual awareness. Will you open the door? Open the door and that which you seek will be yours. You will discover “who I-AM.” If you open the door I shall give to you all that you seek. Open to me and you will be given, not a new name, but a name that you have always been. I stand at the door always at the ready. Will you open the door when I come calling? I have with me your true identity and I long to give it to you. I long to give it to you.