2012-08-07-The Reflectivity Circuit
Topic: The Reflectivity Circuit
Group: Monjoronson.com
Teacher: Manotia
TR: Paul Conklin
Hi Paul, this is Manotia, chief of the Seraphic corps on Urantia. I can tell you that it brings me such joy. This “assignment” that I have is near and dear to my heart. I wish I could convey to you the emotions I feel when I work with you and so many other humans. I consider this “assignment” a great and wonderful blessing that our Eternal Father has given me. It is much like you feel when you give of yourself; when you give of your heart to others. Isn’t it true that you cannot describe the feeling of service; the feeling of ministry? But, my dear Paul, that is what runs the universe. The universe is run on the love of the Paradise Father. Such love is infectious. The Father’s love is so overwhelming that it is infectious. So much so that anyone that is a recipient of that love desires to give out that love freely.
Now, to our assignment today. As you are well aware now the reflectivity circuit is a concept just like the other concepts that you humans have to understand the ways of the spirit. The ways of the spirit defies attempts to be defined, yet humans will put concepts on spirit to make it understandable to their human minds. But I tell you Paul that spirit is like a free flowing stream. Imagine yourself at the side of the stream looking down into it. You think that you know everything there is to know about that free flowing stream. After all, you have been observing that free flowing stream for some time now. You can see that there are gentle waves and ripples being created as this free flowing stream meanders down the valley. You feel the coldness of its waters as a bit of it splashes you in the face.
You think that you know everything that there is to know about that meandering stream. Why, you have been observing it for so long now. You take those concepts in your mind and you begin to describe what you have seen. Ah, you have it now. You can see clearly now. You begin to describe what you have seen to another person. Surely, they have seen what you have seen. Only you are perplexed when they seem to look at that meandering, free flowing stream in another way. How can this be? I know that I described this so accurately? The reason this is so Paul is because each human puts their own interpretation upon Spirit. Spirit becomes a concept that they attempt to describe from their own unique vantage point, their own unique perspective. There may be some variations on the theme, but there seems to be harmony there nonetheless. But, invariably, humans will take issue with those slight variations of the theme and run with it. They will claim that this is not how they see the “stream.” Why it says this in this book or my experience tells me something different.
Do you see where I am going with this Paul? Spirit is not a concept. It simply is. Try you might you cannot describe something that simply is. There are no human concepts that are adequate to the task. What to do then? It is time to look at spirit in a different way. Before you stood on the banks of a meandering, free flowing stream. You described its properties based on your observations. You were set aside. You were on the outside looking in. Why not just jump in? Jump in Paul! The waters are clear and refreshing. When you jump in you are no longer subject to the vagaries of human concepts. Now that you have jumped in you become that which you have jumped into. You are not an observer on the banks of this beautiful stream. You are now a part of the cosmic life stream. Now you understand! Now you get it! It wasn’t until you jumped in that you felt the refreshing waters of spirit. Now you have been absorbing the “knowingness” of spirit. There is no way that you could describe your experience with one hundred percent accuracy to any human that gives you a listening ear. You could only step down from that “knowingness” and attenuate that which is spirit.
So Paul, you are taking that which is Spirit and translating that to concepts that you understand in your human mind. The other day I gave to you that which I am. You described it as something akin to goose pimples or energy surges moving through your body. I gave to you that which I am without any words attached. You did not “hear” any words, yet you felt my energetic presence. Were any words necessary Paul? No words were necessary because it was like you jumped in. You jumped into that free flowing, that meandering stream of spirit. When you jumped into that free flowing stream you became that which I am. You jumped into the waters of spirit and in those waters of “knowingness” you discovered me. No words could ever be formulated to describe that experience adequately, yet you had that experience.
So, my beloved child Paul, you are like my dear little brother. I care for you so much. Yet, even these words carry no charge unless you feel that in your heart. There in your heart there is a free flowing stream. That stream meanders through your heart. There in that stream that you call your heart I jumped in. I jumped in! When I jumped in I found you there; I found you there. I no longer stood on the side looking into the stream that is your heart. When I jumped in I splashed into the waters of spirit. Without any words I began to understand who you are and everything that you represent.
The reflectivity circuit is a concept. But what I would say to you Paul is to jump in. Don’t stand by the sidelines and expect to “know.” Jump into the stream that is spirit and you will know. You will know. Be a part of that free flowing meandering stream that refreshes all those that jump in. Don’t you know that you are that stream? You are the stream of spirit flowing through the cosmos. Everyone, whether they know it or not are a part of that stream. How I am so glad that I jumped in and found you there. Float beside me down the cosmic stream and know, just know. Know that we are a part of the cosmic stream that meanders freely, ranging throughout the cosmos. Get ready Paul, get ready. Don’t stand by the banks of that meandering stream. It is time to jump in! It is time to jump in.