2012-09-02-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My beloveds, this is your Mother. Deepen your connection to me by the act of breathing and relaxing your body. This conditions your mind to slow down its mental currents so something larger than you can grow you in LIFE. This is a subtle growth process, and one that happens behind the scenes of your conscious awareness, yet there are times when you notice a tingling sensation and feel a gentle pressure upon your heart.
The inner spiritual current starts to quicken and cellular exchanges begin to activate to translate the spirit sparks into physiological activities…feeding the cells of your body with LIFE—that energy that comes from me, your Divine Mother. Relax into this energy, my children, that you may equip yourselves with spirit more and more each day.
This is the true nourishment for your overall system. This is what you were designed to receive, yet you forget sometimes to quiet yourselves to receive. Remember to come to me as much as you need during the day—attention to me, as your Mother, will help you remember to relax that I may move in you and help your being incorporate the LOVE that you have access to and the LIFE energies all around. Use your daily time wisely that all may be given to you to have a more emotionally satisfying, mentally stimulating, physically vibrant, and spiritual enriched life. This is my WILL for you. Thrive in ME!