2012-09-02-Tolerate Work That Fortifies Your Soul

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Topic: Tolerate Work That Fortifies Your Soul

Group: Monjoronson.com


Teacher: Stefan

TR: Felix Caro



In order to be able to resist evil and not to succumb to sin, the soul must be strengthened, fortified, armored if you will, by seeking communion with the Universal Father via the resident Thought Adjuster, and also by following the way of Spirit, that is doing Father’s will. The more that a mortal seek to commune with Father and do His will, the more the soul will be armored against weakness in the face of sin.

Spiritual weakness brings about ignorance and the tendency to simply go with the flow, just like many other mortals on Urantia do, as it is far easier to do evil for the many material conveniences and empty satisfaction that is felt by those who decide to commit to such practices. Make no mistake, “ad astra per aspera”, difficult indeed is the road to the stars.

If you take the easy and mostly deviant ways available in this world at this point in time, you will for sure have a hard time achieving resurrection, as you will be found spiritually insolvent. There have been mortals on Urantia that throughout history have shown resilience to sin and iniquity. Take for example Gandhi, that great and wise mortal that inspired many into living simply, as far as material matters were concerned, but that also recommended inner spiritual fortitude, that is, the proper strengthening of the soul via the constant search for the divine and doing good deeds for the benefit of their brethren. Work daily on the armoring of your soul; avoid spiritual emptiness in the activities that you perform daily.

When you have to deal what you may construe as nonsensical or even stupid, find the spiritual sense in it. If it has none, then it does you a great service to stop the activity. When you absolutely have to do work instructed by others that may not have the same spiritual knowledge that you do, perform those duties as a test to your tolerance. When work instructed by others apparently serves no real purpose, it still remains useful because it benefits individual and team effort. This is the case of many activities that you perform daily at work. It is through this work that you interact with your coworkers and form a “bond” with them.

There are activities that resurrected mortals perform in groups in the spiritual realms, and participating in team work activities now helps you prepare for “higher” team activities “beyond”. Besides engaging in team work, exercise patience when dealing with others that appear to live purely material lives; and who apparently do not factor-in Spirit in what they do normally. It is also important to show mercy and understanding to others in order to contribute to your inner strength, and to the armoring of your soul.

Live in this world but act as if not belonging to it, understanding that your toiling here will be brief when compared to eternity and taking every opportunity possible to acquire experience that will enrich your soul. Do not judge your brethren; leave this activity to the Ancient of Days. You will not have achieved enough spiritual perfection in a million years to sit in judgment of the lowest mortals in all of creation. The angels, born of perfection and sitting higher in creation than the mortals, will never judge them, so what gives another mortal the right to do so?

When you T/R clearly, work as a simple radio to pass on the message to your brethren as it is conveyed, do not judge or censor the information as it does not belong to you and you most certainly cannot judge its source either.

In case you wonder who I am, my name is Stefan, and I gave my heart to the Lord when I accepted Jesus of Nazareth teachings during my times of service in the Roman legions as a legionnaire. I lived my existence, during my service, making sense of my daily activities, trying to find spiritual lessons in everything that I had to do daily. I put up with a lot of injustice and was witness to some horrors as well, but I did not pass judgment on my superiors or fellow “milites” (legionaries), even when I knew that their lives were totally devoid of God’s presence. Serve your Lord with all of your heart and selflessly at all times. I serve now the Emperor of all Creation. I arrived in Salvington not too long ago, and it is from here that, with special permission, this message from me is being transmitted to you. “Vale Frater!”