2012-10-28-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Trust
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael, LIGHT, Machiventa
TR: Cathy Morris, Allene Vick
Trust, Moment
Michael: [Cathy] My children, like any loving father, our heavenly Father provides for all our needs. He answers all our requests in accordance with His will. Like any parent, the foolish destructive requests will be redirected towards the real need. All things operate for your good, all love and support is available at all times. When I lived on your world in the mortal form, I was certain in the efficacy of turning to the Father in trust, that truth, beauty and goodness would be the result. I was able to relax into the action of spirit in the knowledge that the results would be optimal. You are faced with the same challenges in the daily interaction. Life is lived through the connection of individuals. If all are walking with the Father then the direction will be optimal and all are free to find the path along the way. Spirit is then able to coordinate synchronous happenings and connections. You need only be aware of spirit and interact always in the present moment, in the circumstances and with the parties available. I of course, will always be available at your request. I revel in the opportunity to be with you my children and to bring all spirit with us also, it is my greatest joy.
Michael: [Allene] Good morning, this is Michael. I am so pleased to be among you this morning and to listen to your conversation. I would like to add some words for you to ponder. Your discussion about power is a very powerful thing to discuss at this time because this is something you need to understand more about, not only your power but the power that you have to affect others around you. I ask that each of you come to me and ask me to help you learn about how much power you personally have and I will be glad to lead the way to show you how much power you have and how much power you have with access to my legions and Mother Spirit's network. This is available to all who choose to be of service to Father and it would be our pleasure to share with you, to help you understand how much power you have and you have available to you because each one of you is so dedicated to being of service and making your world a much better place for everybody, your communities, your greater communities.
So I ask you this week to think on power, what it means to you. Some of you have negative thoughts on power because you have seen it misused so many times but I assure you that each one of you will use power in a very positive way. So I will encourage you to come and ask me and Mother Spirit to help you understand the power that is available to you for use for the highest good of all in whatever ways are most pleasing to Father. I thank you very much. I thank you for all the service that you do. I thank you for your loving hearts. I thank each one of you for being who you are and coming to understand as much as you do about who you are and we look forward to you learning more about who you are and how wonderful you each are, thank you.
Comment: Thank you for the words of encouragement.
Michael: You are most welcome my daughter.
Light: [Allene] I also wish to encourage your active participation in life as a beacon of light. Your light shines brightly for all to see. Your connection with spirit is strong. You all are ambassadors of light acting to increase the light through the darkness. Together we will bring in the era of Light and Life. It will happen. Believe it is so, it is the Father's will.
Change, Turbulence
Machiventa: [Allene] This is Machiventa, good afternoon my friends. I come to share that while there are changes to come which will be disturbing and upsetting to some, the benefits will far outweigh any of the negative effects. So be at peace and know that all is well. Continue on your path, slow and steady, confident and knowing that what you are doing is exactly what you need to be doing at this time and you will be guided as you go along, that you can be assured of. So go forward with faith and a steady hand and an open ear for any guidance that will be coming to you. All is well, thank you.