2012-11-04-Whispers Session 6
Topic: Love and Relationships
Group: Monjoronson.com
Teacher: Thought Adjuster, Siriaya, Nebadonia, Malvantra, Mantrinaya, Michael
TR: Michael Xavier
- Moderator: Paul Conklin
Opening Prayer, Paul: Our beloved Eternal divine parents; Eternal Father, Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit; we are so grateful again for the fact of your existence; that we are all here. So we look forward again to Spirit coming in, your guidance, your lead, your love in helping us as we live our lives out on this beautiful little world Urantia. We also extend our love, our gratefulness and thankfulness to our divine parents Christ Michael and Nebadonia; and as well we extend our love and greetings to all those that are now tuned in and listening to us. And we are so grateful to the love that you have shown us. That same love we give back to you as well. Thank you.
The questions I am going to ask this evening I feel are very important. I think sometimes on this world we get somewhat confused about this subject and so that is why I wrote some questions about that. And in my own case, my dear friends, there are times when I think that I know what love is; and there are times when I feel that I am back at square one again. And although I recognize that love cannot be defined per se, can you tell me what love really is from the Eternal Father’s perspective?
Thought Adjuster: When you are dealing with love, and I am an Adjuster speaking on behalf of this universe; my name is not important. When you are speaking of love such as a world from which you come from, you have to look at the world love through the eyes of a child; and trusting, not only your parents to nurture and nourish you, with each passing moment, night and day, knowing that you are completely and totally safe, cared for and loved. As the word love enters the human mind and is processed by human thinking, the feeling of love loses so much when it has to be conceptualized in a concept. Because even you know Paul that love, especially from the standpoint of a Creator and a creature, can only be felt; that it’s really not a definable term. It’s a concept for feeling that surpasses, not only all human understanding, but goes beyond to the infinite aspect of definability in as much as, this love that I have, that I am a reflection of, that it dwells not only in you Paul, but in each and every child in the universe that can make a conscious decision; that I am with you; that I love you; and that I go through everything that you go through; everything that you feel; everything that you see. I am constantly there with you because I love you that much. And when you have run the course of this human life and you awaken to the realization that I have not only been with you through this human journey, but now I will make myself a part of you to give you everything that I have. Only in a realization that you can define as love would be that I as God, not only go with you, work through you, but I give you all that I have, all that I am.
Paul: Thank you very much Father. That was beautiful.
Also I have often thought about the Uncaused Cause and the love that He is. Since the Uncaused Cause is the epitome of love can you describe the kind of love that He has for the firstborn Son, the Eternal Son, the original Michael?; is their love for one another the key to all successful relationships?
Siriaya: This is Siriaya, the voice of the Paradise Father. It is nice to be in this forum or format as you would so call this. And I speak in behalf of what you would know or what you could define as God. And when you enter in this realm of thinking for my love for my Son Michael. I as God as a Creator, as an Uncaused Cause that permeates and pervades every inch and aspect of any thought ever brought forth into existence, in that infinity and light, I as God, I guess, to bring to you in a term that you would understand, knew that in order to share all the light and infinity; and I am searching for concepts to bring forth to you now my son, but there are not concepts that are translatable, that are understandable to your language. In my possession of all things the only thing that I could give to make all things available to all of creation would be all of me to it that I created. And the separation of thought manifested into being as my son Michael. The part of me that was different from me. Much as when you come together with a woman you manifest love into the seed of a man and the egg of a woman and it brings forth life. Well my thought in that Unqualified Absolute birthed Michael through the love of the infinite Spirit that pervades all things. And when I saw Michael, my son, there are no words to describe the love that I had and felt and still feel for my son Michael. It can only be experienced by you my son, feeling the love I have for you, because you are no different than my son Michael because you are my son. And that love is transcendental, not only for my spiritual sons, but also for my creature sons. And it is no different; it is all pervasive, and it is also all-encompassing.
Paul: I really appreciate that Siriaya. I am really beginning to understand that there is no way, of course, that love can be defined. And it’s only something that I can feel ; and I have felt your love more times than I can even say. And there’s no way that I could ever describe it to anyone else because it is something that only the individual can feel. So I definitely understand what you are saying.
Last week Kuwaya, was speaking on behalf of the Eternal son and he described his relationship to the Infinite Spirit as his wife. I assume that this was a concept that could be made understandable to my human mind. I know that the Infinite Spirit is the enactor of the Eternal Son’s will. The Infinite Spirit springs into action at the behest of the Word because of that One’s deep love for the Son. Is this relationship similarly a pattern of sorts that can also show us what true love is?
Siriaya: Once again it is I Siriaya speaking on behalf of this question that has been formulated. When you formulate a question of this magnitude you are also bringing forth the formulation of also beginning to understand the trinitization of your thoughts. The Trinity is encompassing the understanding of the Father, Son and Spirit. The way that this has been portrayed on your sphere has been somewhat of a mystery to be defined in your modern religions. The overshadowing of myself as Father and my son, which is you, and the spirit can be I as the universal God and Father and your universal Mother, love you as my son, spiritually speaking, but also it is a shadow of another reality in everything that is underlying in concepts that could be definable on your sphere. So the mystery here that is encompassed in this question has to deal with the Trinity; and the Trinity is the level of realization and understanding that can only become clear when you understand it personally. It is one of those concepts that is somewhat of a mystery to a human mind that hasn’t attained a certain level of consciousness. If you have more questions in regards to the Trinity I am sure that there will be many that would love to answer this further for you.
Paul: I appreciate that very much Siriaya. I am certainly beginning to understand that these questions I have can only be answered on a personal basis. I would like to develop those questions but in another session.
I also know that certainly there is a fascination of sorts between the sexes here. There is a sense of fulfillment to find just the right partner; the one that you love wholeheartedly. If these relationships are to dissolve at the death of one or the other partner then what was it all for? What are we to learn from this human life and the relationships that we form while we are here?
Nebadonia: Hello my son this is your Mother Spirit Nebadonia. I would love to answer this question for you in an understandable way.
Paul: Hi Nebadonia. It’s a pleasure to have you here.
Nebadonia Hello my son. Your question encompasses more than one understandable formulation; and the first aspect of this is what they mean when they are held into the scope of value and also when they are held to the scope of the experiential process. When you come together with another human being, you are in essence experiencing something that would be impossible to experience if you were just God or God alone. Now to make this more clear for you is every experience that you experience in the realm of love, of a human man and a human woman, is the closest realization that you can get to on this sphere of love. There have been great tales of love on your world of Urantia; and there are more and more people that fall in love every day and it is based on certain things and certain vibrations that have manifested in the echoing harmony of the human being’s experience. When we speak of these things we speak of man and God conjointly experiencing love with another man or a woman; and that experience is separate from God, but yet not separate from God. The dissolution of the human vehicle, or the body that you were brought into this world with, goes back to the dust of the earth. Then what of this experience? What of your experience with your wife or your girlfriend or the one partner that you found in your life? Well this by no means ever disappears because if love is involved it is eternalized. Love is eternal. Anything done in love anywhere in all of creation is eternal. Always have that to reflect upon, to glean from; also to pull from the values and experiential feelings that was encompassed in that love that you shared. In sharing that love you actually experience God through the flesh of you; and God has experienced human love in the flesh of you. So there’s many other questions that could be formulated to that, but we are kind of getting into realms here Paul where concepts are becoming more and more difficult to bring forth adequately for your questions.
Paul: Thank you very much Nebadonia. I think there is a trend here tonight and I am beginning to see that. That it is becoming more difficult for concepts to work any longer and I really am understanding that now.
I have also heard that there will ever be a fascination between the divine masculine and the divine feminine. There seems to be something mysterious that the other one has that we are attracted to. Our own Michael and Nebadonia are an example of that beautiful partnership. A coming together of the divine masculine and the divine feminine. Just look at what their union of love has created. Are they the reflection of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit in that respect? Will this dance of love between the divine feminine and the divine masculine continue forever?
Malvantra Melchizedek: Well this is certainly an interesting question. I am Malvantra Melchizedek and I would love to bring forth a dissertation on this formulated question about the polar duality of the God aspect of the feminine and the masculine. When you’re dealing with duality Paul, and especially when you’re dealing with the world such as you come from you have opposites. You have light, dark, hot, cold, up and down. There’s always an extreme from one to the other. Specifically with male and female, you have very masculine energy and you have feminine energy. But have you ever come across a man that was feminine? Have you ever come across a woman that was masculine? That definable concept kind of was questioned within the realm of what you have been taught or programmed to believe. God and Spirit is androgynous. What that means is the divine understanding of feminine and masculine as definable to a human being is merged within completeness; that there is no sexual organ or a definable cast that you can place on either male or female. So as you experience these energies on this world such as a kind of feminine mother energy and also the divine masculine energy of a fatherly love; understand that first and foremost that these are concepts for something that is felt. Your own Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Father here, elicits more of a more motherly energy, but yet personifies a masculine overtone; the Eternal Mother Son. Now as that’s said that has three parts, Eternal, Mother, Son. The eternal act of the mother son of Michael. So there are concepts here that are being blended into the duality of the polar opposites. Only when true realization and spiritual understanding takes root do you realize that feminine and masculine are but a shadow of a true reality.
Paul: I appreciate that Malvantra. That really is shedding some light on some things. I have to give that some thought; what you brought out this evening.
I am often in great wonderment of the love that our Father shows us.. His love is endless, His gifts are magnanimous. I am often rendered speechless by His precious gifts; I am astonished by his endless goodness. We know that here on this world, mankind, when they reach a certain level of spiritual progress, are given Seraphic Guardians to aid them and to help them continue in that progress. What I would like to know is; I see man and angel coming together as one in love and fascination, but will these relationships continue forever? Will the union of man and angel be similar to the union of the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit; or our Creator Son Michael and the Holy Spirit, Nebadonia?
Moriaya: Extraordinarily important question that you are formulating here my son. I am Moriaya, Master Spirit number three, and I speak on behalf of the Infinite Spirit.
Paul: Hi Moriaya. It is a pleasure to meet you.
Moriaya: Pleasure to be here my son and to be here on this spiritual channel of information. Dealing with the angelic presence that you have defined in your mind as a concept of a woman, specifically for you as you ponder and ask this question thinking of your own Seraphic Guardian Gabriella, you must understand that she is an intrinsic part of you and is never separate from you spiritually speaking; and that she is with you, surrounds you and protects you. Upon your human death your Seraphic Guardian becomes somewhat more important than your human body could ever possibly understand, in as much as you are now entrusted to the care of that one. Throughout your life and through every decision that you make and that you have been through has your Seraphic Guardian ever been present once it’s been assigned. (She) It will continue with you through your journey of your local universe, all the way through your superuniverse journey, to the portals of Havona where you will enseconaphim for the long Paradise adventure flight. When you understand that your Seraphic Guardian has her own journey not separate from your own but still as interlinked and connected to you, you will understand more when you reach these levels of realization and attainment; that there is no separation; that there are separate aspects of knowledge to be gained through the experiential process. It may briefly entail separation, but by no means in a concept that you can understand means separation. You are never separate from anything in the universe unless you believe yourself to be or you have cut yourself off from that presence which is the ever pervading and all living universes of time and space. So you are never, nor will you ever, if you and your Seraphic Guardian choose to be, will ever be separated in eternity, so if you choose to be. (not separate)
Paul: That is very beautiful Moriaya. I appreciate those wonderful thoughts. It ‘s certainly a blessing to have you here this evening. I have a lot of things to ponder over with all of the things that you brought out.
Finally, I would just like to somewhat follow that thought up then; it’s dealing with the heart; does that mean that those that we love, that they are all in our heart? Is that what I am beginning to understand?
Michael: Yes my son, this is Michael here to speak to you just briefly as we close this question and answer session with spirit. The question that you’ve asked here has to do with the presence of the eternal memories of love with those that you have shared experiences with in your human lifetime; and also spiritual experiences with those in your spiritual lifetimes. So as you experience these wonderful loving adventures on your world you hold these memories in your heart and they are eternalized and they are made forever infinite. Through that love that you’ve cultivated you have created an energy system that keeps that person or energy of that personality eternal. You holding that within your heart Paul eternalizes that energy of that person. So as you meditate and you ponder upon this fact anyone who has been loved by anyone will never die. Because those that loved them have made them live forever.
Paul: That was very beautiful Michael. Thank you very much for that explanation. I would just like to extend my thanks to everyone that came through this evening. Your answers were very beautiful and I know it’s going to take much pondering on my part and going into the stillness and into meditation. Thank you all once again; and I want to send my love back to you as well.
You are welcome to come to my site at https://www.facebook.com/WhispersInTheStillness I would be happy to share any questions that you have with the celestials.