2012-11-05-Proper Use of the Mind
Topic: Proper Use of the Mind
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Jesus
TR: Lytske
Jesus: “The reason why I want you to use the name Jesus, rather than Michael, is because most people who chance to read this message will identify more with the Man Jesus, rather than with the Ruler of a wonderful and well-ordered universe, who goes by the name of Michael. Please give me your full attention for a short time as I have been following your thoughts about how make proper use of your God-given talents and also how to make the fullest use of your mind whilst still living in the flesh.
“The reason why I desire to ‘jump’ into your thought-stream is because it is extremely important for my human children to become increasingly aware of the workings of their minds. Since you can only think one thought at a time, and since whatever you think about finds its way into the very tissues of your being, you can bring about health or ill-health from anything on your mind, depending on the force or desire behind it.
“The Father has endowed you mortals with free will, so it is entirely up to you to curb the less than wholesome thoughts, lest you bring into existence something you really don’t want. It is ever so that what a man or woman thinks about, will come about. Think healthy thoughts and the whole body benefits, think mundane and ill-conceived thoughts like anger, un-forgiveness or resentment, or any other spiritual poison, and you can harm your body beyond repair.
“Humans are in charge of their own thoughts, no one else is. So I counsel you to become more mindful about the thoughts arising in your mind. Therefore, the most important point I am making is this: Practice an ever increasing present-centered awareness, and when you engage your mind in this, the gathering of new information will become easier. Your memory will also become far more accessible to you, ‘brain fog’ will be lifted, and timely re-call of important matters will be closer at hand.
“‘Sloppy thinking’, out of control, random thoughts, and hasty actions have brought no end of misery to this wonderful planet. Therefore, if each day people would consciously engage in well-directed thoughts, it would bring the mind to more elevated thinking. Such training benefits the entire system as one would truly be on the way to self-mastery, which is a requirement for spiritual progress and which will benefit you all enormously with progress at your next level on the mansion worlds. It is here in your mortal estate where you can make the most progress.
“Think about what this would mean to you individually, to be able with a measure of self-discipline and self-correction and with proper use of your God-given mind, to make your life more joyful. See yourself becoming an island of peace with a closer connection to your Creator, who desires that all his evolving children experience this wonderful connection. It is your choice and free will decision to do so. I leave you with my peace.”