2012-12-02-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Relationships of Living
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Serena, Jonathan, Michael, LIGHT
TR: Cathy Morris, Mark Rogers, Henry Z.
Serena: [Cathy] I am pleased to be included in your gathering today. Our team has been working to bring the current mission forward. The contact with this group is most reinforcing in that we recognize your growth and ability and capacity to hold light. This will be most important as our mission moves into a more physical phase. It remains important to lift the awareness of spirit on the planet as error is in process of correction. I have been following the progress of your portal project and the capacity exists to use this tool for good on the planet. As the turmoil and uncertainty rises with the attempt to reboot the systems to the original patterns, you may find more situations where this connect between spirit and humanity will be advantageous to your group and those on our side. When error is brought into the light, it is the Father's original pattern that becomes the way, the "go to" option. We are looking forward to this correction. You have the ability to focus the light energy on the error. The rest will happen as it is God's will, it will be done. I am available as always to aid you in this process.
Jonathan: [Mark] Good morning friends, I am Jonathan here to join you in your discussion this morning. Speaking a few more words about relationship would be my privilege. This whole idea about relationships and how they flavor each other and cross-contaminate energies with each other is such a valuable aspect to bring forward in your consciousness because it is ever so true that once individuals are exposed to each other there is this transfer of energies and there is this changing of [reality] that ensues when this transfer of individual perspective occurs.
You all are familiar with the Master saying in the text, "Go out and do as I would do to them." What he was referring to in the greater sense, is to have the same effect on them as an encounter with him would have, have the same influence in their lives as the influence he would have, sure about yourself, those characteristics that most embody what his characteristics were. In these ways you literally do change and manifest a new dimension as a result of having engaged in this willing sharing that happens between those involved in a relationship.
Truly, relationships are the gems to be gathered in this life in the flesh because they are so enduring and they are so effective at inducing growth in the mortal experience. There is a natural tendency among individuals to have a willingness to share, share their own experiences and as well, be willing to share in anothers experience. This willingness to take what others have to offer and to give what you have results in a combination, a unique combination of these two perspectives, now each influenced by the other and each forever altered and changed as a result.
So I encourage you to adopt an additional definition in your mind when you think of the phrase, "Now go out and do as I would do to them," remembering that you have the same ability, the same capacities as did Jesus when he was here to influence the lives of those around you. It could truly be said of that man, that he brought all of who he was into each life experience, and as you may be called to witness through the recounting of these experiences, everyones life who came in contact with him was altered, was changed, was influenced profoundly by their simple contact, their overlapping and sharing even ever so briefly of each others energies. Relationship, proximity, those things are of great value in the time/space environment. When you are there and there is another one near you, consider it a gift, consider it an opportunity to create yet another glorious gem, another relationship, another thing of true value.
And so it is that I recognize the relationship that I have with all of you as a being of such true and good value and it is so much my pleasure to be able to join you at times like this. It is my desire, stated out to the universe, that I be allowed to participate with you during these most momentous times before us and I have been granted my wish. So you can expect to hear more from me as it will be my great pleasure to maintain these relationships that I have with you. I bring you my energy signature and you willingly share yours and we still touch and overlap just as we did when I could overlap you with an embrace of the flesh.
Thank you Father for this grand opportunity; may we make the most of it and bring all of who we are to our experiences together. Help us to make it so in greater and greater awareness. Thank you, I leave you all now in respect for this forum to be allowed for others. Take with you my love, go in peace.
Michael: [Henry] Greetings to you my friends, it is I, Michael here to share a few words with you this morning. The key word this morning is living, living flesh, living truth, living faith. You know my friends, there is no death in the Father, there is only life, life forever and ever. The Father is the giver of life and all aspects of the Father are living, alive. Living on a planet such as yours, you are constantly having to deal with death, you are constantly dealing with the opposite of the Father, the death of people, the death of nations, the death of ideas.
So a simple task is to remember, that in the Father, all things are living. Everything is alive, goodness, love, compassion, sensitivity, all of these emotions are alive. By tapping into spirit you tap into the living-ness of life, the alive-ness, the movement, the change. Even though all things in the Father's presence are always the same, everything in your presence is always changing. Learn to take this change to change something within yourself, whether it be an attitude, a feeling, a notion, an awareness, an exercise with some hidden potential.
Be all that you can be in the moment, alive, willing to share this life with all, with all other life. This is the wonderful part of living which qualifies the Father's presence, this tremendous responsibility to live life. There are so many people today who are alive yet they are barely living. Begin to find those things within yourself which are alive and living. It is these things that are meant to be shared with others, this life, this living-ness. Life is a connected-ness, it is a relationship and our relationship with the Father is life itself and one day, may all life express its living in the Father's breath.
Go in peace my friends and remember, in all of the things life has to offer, living life is the most which can be accomplished, thank you.
Light: [Cathy] I am bursting with love and light as I join your group. I began with a limited view of the ability of light to enhance interactions between individuals on this world. As I grew in capacity and understanding, it became obvious that light has unlimited capacity and affect. I am still expanding my skills and abilities even at this time. Do not doubt that you have the ability to wield this tool of the Father. We have discussed before, the use of yourselves as a mirror, as a reflector to focus the light energy to distant parts of the planet. You have the ability to interact with this light and the individuals who are in need of the light input. The world is thirsting for truth. The world is languishing for lack of light. The world is beginning to open up to the possibility of hope and change. The world is reaching a point of acceptance of love and light. We can be a key component in this system change for good. Pursue this activity, explore the possibility. Become a force for good, let us proceed together to bring light to all. It is my pleasure to join with you.