2013-01-18-The Rewards of Patience of Consistency

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Topic: The Rewards of Patience and Consistency

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Oscar



Thought Adjuster: “Everything you endeavor to do in order to achieve greater spiritual growth is a wise investment. Your unexplored talents are not only for your personal benefit. Consider this for a moment. Why has your Father placed those talents inside you? Is it for your personal glory and benefit or for the good of the entirety of creation?

“When you explore your talents with the expectation of a material reward you are only thinking about your own benefit. Furthermore, you are depriving yourself of a valuable opportunity for growth. Commonly in this world if a talent cannot be exploited for material gain, it is usually ignored or discarded, even when some of these talents are valuable, important and could be used for the betterment of humanity. It is not expected of you to die of starvation but, if you already have enough material things to sustain yourself, won’t it be better to explore other things?

“You have complete freedom to choose the way in which you want to earn a living. You are also free to use your creativity to find more effective and profitable ways to make a living and make your existence in this material world easier. However, remember that this – the material – is only a small part of your life in this world and also your life on this earth is but a moment in time in comparison to the rest of your life in eternity. A wise person would not invest too much in that which is temporal and transient if he or she could appreciate the great rewards that patience and consistency would bring in the future.


The Father desires that your experience in this world with the life He has offered you is the best possible. He will always provide all you need to become increasingly perfect and to attain the maximum spiritual satisfaction your soul desires. You get to decide if you choose to follow the guidance of your Inner Pilot and act inspired by the creative impulses that strive to be expressed through your being.”