2013-01-20-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Beloved children, this is your Universe Father Michael. Growing spiritually means that you will encounter those internal obstacles to your happiness and faith. There is much unresolved trauma within the system of human consciousness that needs to be outworked through your diligent efforts. One of the reasons the practice of quieting your mind is so important is to allow what your indwelling Spirit wants to help you “see” what you need to do to surmount those internal obstacles. You are not doing this alone without any help. There is much support for you to do this, but you need to know how and wherein to obtain this assistance.
The help is always within. The tools you develop to make sense of your problems and conflicts will grow and you will increasingly learn to master these tools that lead to new skills in dealing with what life brings to you. The crucial component is to take the time you need to make contact with your indwelling Father Fragment who is your guide through these challenges and changing times. You also can come to me as your Father and ask for my mind to mingle with your human consciousness so you are able to see a broader perspective of what is occurring in your life.
My children, you are not alone, nor were you ever. Let my presence and that of the Father within you guide you through the rugged human experience. As you deepen your stillness practice, more things will be revealed to you about your humanity. More information will be afforded you to help you perceive the higher reality of Spirit. Let this time of change on your planet secure your desires to be all that you can become—to develop your potential day by day. Allow the conflicts you encounter be the springboard for that potential to develop, and enjoy how Spirit is ever engaging the highest good within you to blossom and bear the good fruits of Spirit. Enjoy your growth and thrive!