2013-01-26-Q and A with Nebadonia
Topic: Q & A with Nebadonia
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Opening Prayer: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time to be with you and to receive your guiding counsel. We open ourselves to receive your presence and your instruction. We thank you for what you provide to us. Secure this connection from any outside interference. Help us open to the higher frequencies of your being that we may be more attuned to your will in mind and body. Thank you.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my beloved children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. For the next few moments open yourselves to receive me. Allow me to minister in your minds an expanded frequency of spiritual energy. This will indeed facilitate the reception of information that will be conveyed to you today. It will help you to receive a deeper impression of its meaning and value into your system of consciousness, and help your physical system with more assurance and clarity understand the depth of what is being conveyed to you.
Open yourselves to me. Let my presence move in you, and after a few minutes of reception, we will move into the question and answer portion of today’s call. Be still and open to me, my children. (Pause)
The Mother-like qualities that are a part of my divine nature are characteristics of your being that you need in order to grow strong and creative citizens of the universe. The expansion of your consciousness is part and parcel of my being. You will be growing in me, in comprehension of me, and the attributes of the Infinite Spirit in the time-space continuum for a long period of time. The dimensionality of consciousness is far beyond what your present science understands. While we are not here to pre-empt any scientific discovery, your Father and I do desire that you learn to come to us to receive those divine endowments that are integral to your growth, thereby allowing you to become more receptive in your own ways of assimilating our beings.
You have much to learn and gain as you sit with us. As you continue to sit and receive from me, try not to engage the analytical reasoning portion of your mind, but simply retain that child-like faith desire to be with your Mother. Know this what you experience as your adopt this very simple child-like attitude. (Pause)
There is much energy of change upon Urantia. You feel it. You see it affecting others. As you come to me, sit with me, and in this change energy will quicken your development. It is not to say that you will grow and develop outside the parameters of your indwelling Father Fragments, but it is to encourage you to become very comfortable with the pace of change that is now occurring on the planet. Some people are experiencing quite recalcitrant resistance to this change energy. But you, who have grown in understanding and faith, can more readily and easily align and even, dare I use the word “surrender,” to this pace of change. It is safe environment for you to grow in. The resistance that you sometimes feel can act as a stop-point in your growth. So as you learn to sit with me, trust more in the Father within you, will you be more acclimated to this pace of change that is right for you.
I will give you a few moments to allow these ideas to come into your awareness, and make more of an impression upon your thoughts. (Pause)
Grow in me, my children, and allow the beauty that is unfolding within you to be savored each and every moment. Should you wish to engage with me I will address your concerns or questions. If you do not have anything to share, simply continue to receive from me. You may proceed when you feel ready.
Student: Hello, Mother, this is B. It is wonderful that you are with us today. Certainly I am so grateful for your message and for the energies and the love that you bring that nurtures each one of us. Today I have a question. For the last weeks and maybe even 2 months now, I have been told that the Ancients of Days are here with me, hovering close to me, at times even working on me. I have tried to read up in the UB as to who the Ancients of Days are, and I am sorry to say that I have not been able to quite grasp that answer yet. So my question is two-fold: Who are the Ancients of Days? How best can I work with, or learn from them? Thank you, Mother.
Mother: My dear daughter, B. The Ancients of Days are the supreme rulers of the geographic region of the superuniverse which is outlined in your Urantia text. They preside over an un-imaginably vast area of the cosmic domain. They are a triune order of being, being the offspring of the Paradise Trinity, replete and complete in divine love, mercy and justice.
One of their primary functions in their reign in the superuniverse is to make the final decree on personality survival. You will be adjudicated by them at some point in your eternal career. They are, as you might imagine, unfathomably wise, generous, fair, and merciful. You may expect to receive the most loving compassionate and merciful hearing before them. One of the reasons you are receiving impressions of them is to help you become more attuned to these energies of mercy that are now being infused into the fabric of planetary consciousness to help in the preparation of the Magisterial Mission which is here to help the planet continue its trajectory into Light and Life.
The ideas of divine justice and mercy are not well established or know upon Urantia. You have an element of beginning of divine justice through some of the human judiciary system, in so far as it takes a wider variety of individuals who come from different perspectives to reach critical decisions that are based on mercy, compassion, fairness, equality and justice. You are being up-stepped with some of these ideals. It is important for Urantians to understand that divine justice is indeed meted out in the universe. You may not be totally be understood by your colleagues here on this world, but you will be at a higher level on your ascension journey.
I encourage you to read about them and when you feel that nudge of an energy signature from them to allow yourself to receive. Let your energetic sensitivities tune to all those personalities who delight in coming close to you. Take your time in becoming familiar with them. Over time you will understand more of who they are and how they function, but for now it is helpful if you simply receive and know that you are being expanded in so many ways that your understanding will come through living experience as you demonstrate those qualities which are shared with you by those of the higher personality orders to come close to you and share themselves with you. Does this help, my daughter?
Student: Yes it does, Mother. Thank you very much. I understand that complete understanding won't happen right now. I did not expect that to happen today. I am grateful for the lengthy answer that you gave me as it helps me to just get a sense of the vastness and the journey I have ahead of me. Thank you, Mother. Thank you so much.
Mother: You are most welcome, my dear daughter. Enjoy how you are growing everyday a little bit more in the Father's love and creative design.
Student: Hello this is H. I am very happy to be here on this call, I must say tonight, because it is evening over here and personally I like to share just my experience with you today because it is, I like to describe it, for something came to my mind that- it is almost like a softening in me that...
Some thoughts came up in my mind: first, it is like what people call over here or in the esoteric scene what they call "the inner child". What people and psychologists say that the inner child should be freed. This is also a question to you, what you can say to this? I am carrying with me the last few years the idea or a picture what I call in German language: Gedankengebäude--like a house made from thoughts.
Today I had this feeling that this whole building of thoughts is just releasing and softening, and it brings me to a state of just being, which you have said before is something to look for or to practice. I also have a question that is relating to my latest experience when I do pray for someone. When I really hold the focus I have a feeling that the energy, a beautiful positive energy also flows through me. My question is that if that is relating to what we call the circuits?
Which is also another question if you could say something in general about circuits because we hear a lot about the opening of the circuits lately and I think of, I haven`t looked it up, but I think after the rebellion, if I am right these circuits were cut because of the quarantine of Urantia? I hope you know what I mean and maybe you can talk to this.
Nebadonia: H, my dear son, you are indeed growing in many ways and there are equally as many metaphors and images to look at your growth, ideas such as "the inner child" are helpful to bring people back into a state of simplicity and innocence which is basically a part of your experiential nature that so many individuals soon forget because of the pressures of modern living.
Yet this innocent simplicity is still a part of your makeup and when you return to that place, when you remember that place, the Father within you is able to relay more love, truth, compassion that indeed does soften you and help you recall this part of your intrinsic makeup. And so as you grow you are altering this structure of consciousness around you, it is expanding, it is growing in ideational conceptual understanding of the nature of reality combined with the emotions of being a beloved child of the Father.
And these emotions of love, of recognizing your innocence, your beauty, your desirability in spirit all help to expand your ideational structure, or house as you say, into what you are growing—the soul. It is a living, expanding part of your innate personality and there are many ways to talk about what this is to help people expand their understanding of this composite of evolutionary humanity and an existential divinity.
So the circuits that you speak of add into your growing internal domicile--your structure, your soul--and there are many connections that you have as an individual and as a planet to the greater fabric of life that is contained within my being. At the time of the system rebellion there were circuits that were disconnected in a manner similar as the body fights off infections, there are, how should I say this? There is a plan put in place to sequester those energies which are antithetical to the Father`s creative plan so that this is contained within a smaller range or area, so that it does not infect other areas of the universe in a manner similar as the body quarantines virus so that it does not spread to other locations of the physical system.
This is not necessarily a forever quarantine for once the rebellion was adjudicated the circuits were connected, which then allowed this incredible array of spiritual help to now infuse the planet, and to begin the healing and transformational plan which compensates for the time when the planet was in quarantine.
Now you have access to the Universe, to your brothers and sisters which would have normally occurred had the planet not rebelled. But it did, and so measures were put in place to keep this rebellion from spreading throughout other parts of the system of a constellation and wider Universe.
This is not something that you will totally understand until you are more morontia-ized in your thinking and have a greater understanding of how consciousness in its various forms functions throughout the cosmos. Suffice to say that now that the circuits have been restored, the Father and I are making available your brothers and sisters to draw close to you to help you feel their love to help you experience the sense of being in a cosmic family. You are a member, you are a part, you have a unique role to play in the Father`s creative plan and you have brothers and sisters who are more experienced and understand things better to help you gain your own understanding a little bit at a time. So enjoy this process of growth and know that all things should be relegated to the Father within you in terms of asking for understanding and guidance.
The Father within you is the most loving, trustworthy friend, pilot, guide, companion, teacher that you will ever have and all of the questions that you have in your heart can be brought to the Father and to help you experience the truth of what it is you seek. Does this help, my son?
Student: Yes, thank you very much.
Nebadonia: And grow in me, my son, and enjoy how you are experiencing life each and every day.
Student: Hello, Mother. Thank you for this session here today with my brother and sisters and for allowing us to ask questions and make comments. I was supported by your persistence in a dream that I had a few days ago when I saw Michael as Jesus, and he was speaking to me and then performing some kind of miracle, which is hard for me to remember and describe. I was thinking about that a lot the next day, and then I had a nightmare the next night. It kind of reminded me of the opposites in which we live on this strange and divided planet and trying to keep in mind that Jesus is always by our side.
That was kind of the takeaway I got from the dream - that he is always there and can always perform some kind of miracle or to speak to us, but it is hard to maintain as the days the go and the stresses of life continue to creep in. Thank you for providing that through the dream. I would like to know how we, or I can, maintain that everyday understanding that you are always by our side.
Nebadonia: D, my dear son, feel the longing of your heart. It is a common longing of my children. Life is very rugged on this world, for you have not, as a planetary culture, developed that spiritual affinity that would ease the burden of living on a collective level. But you are underway, and at some point there will be this great understanding of the nature of spirit. People will seek this as the main objective of their lives.
You are gaining more predominance now in this understanding, and yet it does take time for the physical system to adjust to that. One of the main elements of The Correcting Time is to advocate the practice of stillness. Even though you have heard this over and over again, it is worth reemphasizing that this is the time when you take yourself out of the busyness of the day and recoup your spiritual energy; recharge your spiritual battery, as you might say. The physical body has certain resistances to these higher frequencies of spirit. Certainly your environment, the air you breathe, the water you drink, food you consume, is not necessarily contributing to your spiritual vitality. It is important for you to become more familiar with what you must do at a physical level to support your physical body to maintain its integral vitality that will make the spirit spark – truth, goodness, peace – to then be received within the structure of the cells. We do encourage you to exercise, to eat healthy, fresh food to diminish those foods which devitalize the physical body and to ensure that you are being well hydrated and well rested in conjunction with the practice of stillness.
We feed you at the spiritual level, and sometimes those spiritual energies are able to make their connectivity within the physical body. You are responsible for your physical equipment. You must be at some point about the priority of taking care of your physical body. Once you are on a path of good physical health and have established a productive regimen, then in conjunction with the stillness practice and becoming more deft at learning how to quiet your mind in those moments of stress, will you be able to expand those times when you feel Michael’s peace, the Father’s love, and my expansive presence move within you. We have given you many lessons over the course of the years of these transmissions, and we can only do so much because this is your experience, this is your spiritual experience, your mental and emotional experience, and it is all being contained within the physical body, and so the physical body must be deemed as the repository for all of this wonderful transformation and evolution of spirit. So make sure that you are addressing your being at all levels each day and that you take time to not only come to me and your Father and the Father within you in stillness, that you are taking the most careful, generous, and loving care of your physical system, for you only get one body, my son, and we want you to use it wisely and well. Does this help?
Student: Yes, it does. Thank you so much, Mother.
Mother’s closing comments:
Are there any questions before we conclude? My children, my life force is a powerful one, indeed. It is the very action of the First Source and Center. It is designed to move you into creative expression in all areas of your life. When you come to me, I will feed you. I will help you grow in what this energy of life is all about. But you, as the caretakers of your vehicles and of your thoughts and feelings, are now getting more ably equipped to make decisions that are based upon your highest good. You are being stimulated in many ways that you still may not be able to consciously recognize. But know that when you need help it is available and it will always be given to you.
Father and I love you more than you can physically appreciate at this time and consciously fathom. You are tasting our love and you want more. Of course, that is good for it keeps you on the path. We do encourage you to enjoy your lives more and to recognize those impulses of resistance—thoughts or feelings that are negative—as the reminder to come to us and reclaim and recharge your divine inheritance. Know that when you ask sincerely and with intention and the motivation to be the best you can be, you will receive. So enjoy your journeys, my children, and make each day one that you remember when you look back and reflect upon what occurred. I leave you in my love, my children. Good day.