2013-01-30-A Life That Will Become a Beacon

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Topic: Two Advantages

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Oscar



Thought Adjuster: “Love resolves everything, but the love of the Father in eternity is truly the solution to all problems. In your world today, you observe many tragedies caused by the materialistic tendencies of a few, or by the fear in the hearts of some that don’t even suspect that they live in a friendly universe under the care of a loving God, who is also our Father. However, all the conflicts among personalities, all the damages and all the misunderstandings will be finally resolved once the personalities involved have matured spiritually and, if these personalities choose to follow the career to perfection, they will finally enjoy peace and develop the confidence to establish relationships with their peers, who were their enemies of old, with a refreshing trust and the camaraderie that results from having been partners in the adventures of this world.

Imagine a distant future when the victim and the perpetrator embrace under the warmth of forgiveness and mutual understanding. Imagine parents reuniting with their children that lost too soon the battle of life in a world where barbarism still prevails among its inhabitants. Imagine the oppressed and the oppresors working together to undo the differences of the past. This will be the reality for those who choose to continue the adventure of spiritual progress.

“Therefore, do not be discouraged when your media constantly bombards you with the bad news of this world. Do not succumb to the attempts to highlight the lowest behaviors of human beings, while the endeavors of honesty, philanthropy, generosity and selflessness remain unknown by the masses. The world is not as evil as those who are interested in capturing your attention want you to believe. Things are not as bad as those who try to use your fears to influence your decisions want you to think. This world is far from perfect, however, much spiritual progress is taking place in this era and from up high your teachers can anticipate the beginning of an age of spiritual awakening unprecedented in the history of this world.


“But even when heaven on earth is not yet a reality, you can bring this reality to your own life, through the effort of establishing a personal relationship with your Father in heaven, learning to hear His still voice within you, that is manifested constantly through the ministrations of your Thought Adjuster. Yes, God is within you and He awaits your attention to provide what you need to be the best you can aspire to be and to live a life that will become a beacon to contribute to the elevation of the entire planet.”