2013-02-11-Optimism Is a Force For Good

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Topic: Optimism Is a Force For Good

Group: School of Light and Life


Teacher: Unknown

TR: Leon



We chose this topic today because these times call for greater levels of optimism and hope from all those who are capable of carrying these energies into the various realms of their lives.

In times of collapse, as we are witnessing now, there is much moaning and gnashing of teeth, much despair in the direction we are heading. For many all hope has been lost already, and their view of the future is limited and certainly pessimistic. Optimism is more than a silver lining on a dark cloud, it is strengthened by the knowing that all is well, and all is working for the greater good. Optimism is a force for good, and allows us to see the positive nature and intent of the creative cycle.

When you find yourself in the presence of one who is optimistic, notice what it does for the general mood. There is a rising, an uplift of emotion and belief in the possibilities that forever lie within your grasp.

Unbridled optimism can be counter reproductive however, and as it can turn away many who see their reality as altogether different. We do not advocate for unbridled optimism, but rather to see it as a balanced perspective that takes into account a broader and more far reaching understanding of the unfolding creative plan. It is balanced because it takes into consideration the immensely positive force that is at play at all times, a force that goes unseen by many who interpret destructive acts as testimony of a larger evil in the world.

Optimism is not blind to the potential of evil, however it recognizes that evil takes place within a much larger context of divine love. So evil is itself not the end game, but rather a sidebar to the eternal game of creative evolution.


Hold on to optimism, not because it’s a rainbow or panacea for your ills, but because you know that all is as it should be in the unfolding of the divine plan.