2013-02-17-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My children, this is your Father Michael. The spiritual dimension of life adds many benefits to it. This is the realm of peace, love, joy, compassion, forgiveness, altruism; only some of the qualities that truly ennoble the human condition, but truly allow a person to enjoy what life has to offer. When you are in need of an attitude boost, quiet your mind, soothe your heart by turning to me and ask to receive what I can share with you of my loving nature.

So few people truly understand the realm of spirit. People make excuses, rationalizations, harbor misgivings and disbeliefs about this aspect of life, yet it is only through living experience of what SPIRIT is that you will find those qualities of life that lead you to true satisfaction and wholeness. Build your inner lives on SPIRIT and allow the light of Father’s WILL and LOVE to shine forth from your being. You can grow in this divine radiance by your desire to feed upon this spiritual energy which is your birthright as a child of God.

My children, be bold in coming to me as your Father that I may infuse more spiritual energy and power into your being. This is as important as the air you breathe and the food you eat; this nourishment is for your soul—the eternal divine you that evolves slowly over the course of your ascension career to Paradise. Ensure that you are receiving what you need each day to satisfy the needs of your soul. Trust in me that as your provider you will indeed get your needs met. After all, I want you to become as I AM that you may be more of who YOU ARE! Grow in my LOVE!