2013-03-09-CCC Conference Call
Topic: Conference Call with Michael and Nebadonia
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time with you that we may receive as your faithful children what you so generously provide to us. You know our needs and you meet them perfectly, and we open ourselves to receive from you more of this love and guidance and imprinting that we may take this out into the world and develop our potential in your will. Thank you.
MICHAEL: My beloved children, greetings! This is Michael. Let your minds focus on me. I am your Father, and you all are growing in various ways into what all our relationship entails. Your Mother is moving in you gently expanding you in her breath of life, and while you have heard these words many, many times before, it is certainly and will forever be true. You move and live in Her, and you grow in those God-like qualities through me. This is not an exercise that you do with words, but through simply having that desire and motivation to receive from us the love and validation that you all need as our children. Now, more than ever as the world opens up to a new reality and sheds light on the darkness that you have all have lived within for many years.
As your minds focus on me, simply hold that intention to receive me and focus as best you can on this idea of imprinting upon me as your Father. Breathe and relax and allow that which we wish to share with you to stir within. (Pause)
There is an undercurrent that supports you, that nourishes your mind and your body. You might call this the life current or stream that originates in your Mother. But it is this underlying energy force that you are all connected to and receive to help you in your growth. You only become aware of your growth by looking back and assessing the experiences in your life to see how you have responded with your spiritual means and values. You do not sense your growth at the time it is occurring.
So while you will not necessarily feel that you are growing in your Mother by imprinting upon me, nevertheless this is indeed what is happening. It is a natural process. It is subtle. A seed planted in the ground does not wonder what it will become—a rose, a mighty oak, a hardy vegetable. It trusts the environment in which it lives and the inherent ingredients contained within the seeds are able to produce this bountiful yield; becomes what it was destined to become through this process. And you are all like these tiny seeds growing. You are becoming more acclimated to the environment within of your Mother, and how She holds you in this space—pure love and safety to help you grow, grow your soul in this very organic way.
As we continue to move in you, feel your desire to become more acclimated to this natural grace, rhythm of life, in the direction that you are being moved into. It is not necessarily important for you to see where you are going, but to trust and enjoy where your life takes you at any given moment throughout the day. Let our imprinting go deeper into your being. (Pause)
There is, contained within my being those attributes of the Father which I share with you. If it is helpful in your receiving state to allow these energies to go deeper into your being, focus on my name—the name of MICHAEL. Feel your need and your desire for the energies contained in my living word, my name, to blend into your unique personality and open you to those creative potentials that the Father wishes to actualize through you. Imprint upon my name. Feel your need—this deep yearning of your heart and soul for more fatherly qualities and energies. (Pause)
My children, you are gaining strength in ways you have still to experience through your daily lives. You have many skillful and able helpers by your side to encourage you to be bold in living this human life abundantly with joy, and an internal surety and knowingness that you are safe in your Mother and me. This feeling of safety is something that you can help your brothers and sisters to attune to from your composure as you go throughout your day.
There is so much violence and chaos in your culture and this undercuts this necessary safety net that everyone has access to, but yet they may not know where to find their solace and their bastion of this safety. So we look to you, who know where to come and receive and where to grow that you may carry this charge of safety—this attribute of safety, confidence and assurance. Carry it well, carry it strong, and carry it deep within your being, to let that echo out of your being when you are with others, that they may intuit that here is a person with something very valuable to share that they need.
The spiritual pressure is such on the planet that they will perceive this at some level. You must remember that it is to these unspoken energies that you will make a greater impact. And that you are learning to tap into them and to develop these inner perceptions that the Father may speak the words through you that another person needs to hear that will catalyze, trigger and open the person to the flow of spiritual energy, and they will be fed, and they will learn, and they will grow. But it is a gradual process, and each person must make that final decision whether or not to follow these impulses, and to use that as a springboard for the next episode of their lives.
As these words settle in, learn well what it is you are receiving, for it is a learning event, something that not only your mind learns but that your body learns: this charge of love and safety, assurance and confidence. It swells to new heights within your awareness and bring you into a deeper and higher state of godliness. (Pause)
I will leave you now in the capable hands of your Mother who will address you. My children, you do not yet fully comprehend the beauty that you are becoming, what valuable treasures you are for your brothers and sisters of this world. As Mother moves in you today, let these ideas and energies expand in you and know that you are growing in me, becoming as I am as you activate this wonderful potential in you the Paradise Father Himself has created in and for you and with you. You are a piece of the fabric of life. You are a part of the cosmic plan. I bow to the Spirit within you, my children. Good day.
NEBADONIA: Greetings my precious children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Life is full of enthralling adventures as you open up to the great spiritual reality that comprises the Father’s creative plan. By design you were created to learn through this intense period of struggle as a collective personality grouping of ascending mortal beings. The gains you make are predicated upon the previous generations and their understandings and insights. Coming from a rebellion world there have been many extraordinarily erroneous belief systems that has frustrated human development, and now we are adding into these existing, let us call them, collective belief systems something new.
This is altering the way you look at reality, the way you think, the way you feel, and this disruption of the existing thought currents into this new stream of life is causing much disarray, discombobulation and disorientation in the human mind. You have felt it to various degrees, and yet think about those individuals who know not the larger reality to which you have been exposed; what their inner turmoil must be like.
Today as you have received from me, it is my desire that you would all grow to be more expansive in your ability to be compassionate and even empathetic with these individuals. You may allow me to minister through you to give my children what they need, to quell their emotions and stabilize their thoughts, to stimulate their spiritual potential that they may begin to align with divine will. So feel your desire to be a larger vessel of compassion and empathy, and let what your Father has seeded into you grow and this field of COMPASSION. (Pause)
As you develop this expanded sense of compassion, there also accrues within you this empathetic sensing of what another person needs. As you sense this, you are able then to come to us and ask for that quality of spirit to flow into your brother or sister you are ministering to and nurture them with spirit. This is a quality that Michael demonstrated in his human life as Jesus. His compassionate nature afforded him great empathy for the human experience. He was able to intuit and interpret that individual’s emotional, mental and spiritual needs and minister to them. So, if he did this as a human, are you not then capable of the same? It is not to say that you all do this perfectly nor is it expected of you, but we do ask for you to grow in these divine attributes that these senses that you have will also develop and be used in service.
When you are with your brothers and sisters, take a few moments just feeling the energies around you, even if they are uncomfortable, for as you know, some people do emit a negative vibe, as you say, that you do feel. So what is it that these individuals need? They need more safety and validation—they are insecure, they are in fear. So when you feel this you are certainly capable of coming to us and asking us to fill this child with our love and our embrace. And this is what we ask you to do. There are many helpers around you who will minister to them, who will provide those currents of love to fill them. So as you think about this and allow these energies of compassion to go deeper into you, know that you are indeed becoming more instrumental to us to move out into the fields of service to bring your brothers and sisters home into our family. (Pause)
Allow these energies to integrate. Feel your desire to try these spiritual techniques out in the world. Take more initiative to simply feel those energies of another person. Remember to ask for your Father and me to minister to them for we know this child and we know what this child needs. Sometimes you overcomplicate things by trying to hard to use words or ideas to change a person’s mind, when in reality what is necessary is change of heart, and this change of heart is the catalyst for the floodgates of Spirit to open, to pour that illumination into their awareness of a better way of living. So love freely and fully, compassionately, empathetically, and know that you are all gaining some very important and useful skills of spirit and ministry. (Pause)
Now let us take a few moments to delve into the circuits of life that were constructed by your brother Jesus when he was here on the planet. This is a circuit that is different than Michael’s presence via the Spirit of Truth or His Adjuster’s circuit that interfaces with your Father Fragment. It’s a very approachable, communicable circuit of the human experiences of Jesus as he developed and grew in perfection of following the Father’s will. And He shares this with you, and it is your Father’s and my desire that you would all receive all more of this energy to help you in your human growth and understanding. Open yourselves up to this very human aspect of the life of the Master and receive. (Pause)
My children, you have gathered here today to drink deeply of this cup of life, and when you gather in groups such as this the energy is expanded. But as you know it is your stillness practice that continues to bring these energies into you, to deepen into you, to give you that nurturing life force that you need to grow. It is your divine birthright to receive this, and it is your divine birthright to use this to love and serve others.
Enjoy your lives more and more each day, my children. Savor the adventure and allow the mysteries that the Father contains in your divine life plan to whet your appetites to bring forth those potentials of creative co-creation with the Father within, and ever will Michael and I be there to support your efforts, to further your objectives in the Father’s will. Good day.