2013-03-10-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Little ones, gather into your Mother. Together we are growing a new spirit fabric of consciousness within your planet. All of life is interconnected by a vast circuitry of energies and frequencies and vibrations, forming that seamless, eternal and infinite playground of experience. You might say that you are tethered in this experiential arena and you are learning to attune to the natural energy forces of creation—divine will in action.

What is this divine will you are connected to? It is a forward movement into expressing the divine values of GOODNESS, TRUTH and BEAUTY into material reality. It is the natural urging to do Father’s WILL once you truly set your thoughts and heart upon it—to create and reveal those divine qualities through life experience.

However, within your planet’s consciousness is another movement that is not aligned in divine will. Many people are influenced effortless and unconsciously by the misrepresentation of reality, yet the divine reality awaits should they feel the spiritual pressure to turn to the Godly path. What you are witnessing upon your planet is this new fabric of consciousness embracing the world for people to become emotionally and intellectually attached. As you attach yourselves to ME, you will be fed by many loving brothers and sisters who can help you participate in LIFE, and continue this construction process of building LIGHT and LIFE upon Urantia.

So stay close to me in your thoughts, my children. When you find your thoughts have veered into another trajectory that causes you any tension, remember I AM WITH YOU, MY BREATH CAN MOVE YOUR MIND IN ANOTHER DIRECTION. Pay closer attention to me during your day, and I will grow you in what you need. Thrive in my LOVE!