2013-03-17-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My beloved children, this is Michael. The mighty hand that steers creation into manifestation on the material level is DIVINE WILL in action. This is an energy to which you can attune yourselves and open to follow its subtle leadings. When you think about attuning your will to the God’s WILL, turn your thoughts from doing something to intentions of BEING more God-like—more loving, patient, kind and far-seeing. So many of my children are constrained because they feel they are not doing what God wants them to do, when in reality the more you want to BE God-like, the more you can DO God’s WILL.
Think about this distinction for a few moments, and appeal to your indwelling Spirits for further insights into what this truly means for your lives. You are very conditioned to doing things that your culture tells you are necessary for success. However, when you start to turn away from those influences and make it your desire and motivation to do God’s WILL, you start to amass those spiritual energies into your being to BE more God-like, and I am there to help you imprint upon those fatherly qualities more divinely to fulfill you.
Make doing God’s WILL a simple daily activity by holding the intention to show love, compassion, honesty, forthrightness, patience, tolerance and peace in all you do each day. This is the surest way to do God’s WILL, and in so doing, you are becoming more and more like Him each day, adding more spiritual dimension to your lives and living in the flow of GRACE!