2013-03-31-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My children, this is your Father Michael. Happy Easter to one and all! This is a day of great celebration for it is the day when humanity rejoices in eternal life—rebirth and renewal. This is the process of the creative LIFE FORCE that exists within your Divine Mother, and this day discloses the physical proof I demonstrated that life is a continuation of growing from one phase of existence to another.

In my human life as Joshua ben Joseph, I experienced the cessation of the energies of my physical body, only to emerge days later in a new form—one not quite spirit and one just beyond the physical. This is the form you will take once you leave your native sphere and embark on the ascension journey throughout the universe. I paved the way for you to help you understand that what you have perceived and conceived as death is really just the shedding of the old skin in favor of something more suitable for your soul to grow and expand. It is not an experience to fear but to anticipate and rejoice.

On this day when the world celebrates my resurrection, know that you too one day will be resurrected in this new form. However, you can begin that journey now by your desires and motivations to become more God-like and more soul conscious—claiming your divine inheritance and true identity. Then life in its various phases and stages is an adventure and one where you will always be learning, growing, loving and experiencing the glories of creation that God has provided to all of His children. It is a marvelous opportunity, my children, and one that this day I hope you will reflect upon and let the Spirit etch a deeper yearning upon your heart. Glory in the power of RESURRECTION!