2013-05-05-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Love and Mercy
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Teacher Gorman, Serena
TR: Henry Z., Cathy Morris
Teacher Gorman: [Henry] Greetings my friends, it is an opportunity to be here this morning amongst you and share a few words. God sees you as perfect, doing imperfect things. You see yourself as imperfect, doing perfect things. God sees a perfect world screwing up, you see an imperfect world trying to get better. God sees the wholeness of your soul. Learn to discern the wholeness of your own soul that you may begin to discern the wholeness within another's soul. It is tremendously difficult for one to see another, to feel for another, to understand another, to communicate with another and to love one another.
The human condition to be surmounted, to be overcome, are those very things that we think move us forward. The human life is tremendously beset with irony, but to develop momentum, you have to begin in the moment. You will never be able to ride a bike standing still, you must cause the motion. Either you push it or you start pedaling and then it is in momentum. It will bring you where you need to be, where you are trying to get to, from point a to b. The perfecting momentum of reality begins in perfecting the moment, it begins in the instant you can transform the thought of love into the power to love, to give love.
It is somewhat of a blind insight to say you live in a loving universe unless you are able to bring this love into the universe, into the universe of your heart and to touch the heart of another universe. In this sense, all of you are universes apart yet all you have discussed today are the imperfect conditions brought on by the inability of the countless souls inhabiting this planet to bring love into reality, to give the gift. The gift of God is His love, the result of God is life. All of the horrors and tragedies which presumably exist, at some point were born out of a loveless state, a loveless aspect of the mind. A mind that is quick to revenge, quick to retaliate, quick to bully, is the same mind that okays the heart to open to divine love, to become a repository of such love, that everything you say and everything you do is an aspect of love.
This is the imperfect human attempting to do perfect things, attempting to bring this divine resource into play on a resourceless planet, the one resource which is greater than all the power and all the gold in the world. Why aren't men fighting for love? Why aren't men hoarding love? Can the heart be filled to capacity with love and know of nothing else? Can the crying in your hearts be a loveless cry, a loveless desire, a loveless act? Is not the Spirit Within attempting to bring you to this understanding of love? Love is the one thing everyone needs more than any other need. It has the ability to comfort, to nurture, to sustain, to hold compassion, to grow faith and hope, to legislate beauty in the man made things which inhabit this world.
How many souls must come and spill their blood for more love to be brought into the world? You must ask yourself, why in the world would anyone want to stop love and peace from taking over? The greatest person who can ever live on this planet has the ability to show forth love in all of its forms and venues, to show love as the way of life and to give the gift of love as if you know the maker of love, the great maker of all and everything, the Father of love, the Mother of love, the beak of love, the breath of love, the hands of love, the feet of love, the heart of love, the soul of love and finally, the mind of love. Love is the one thing that can never be made artificial. Love is always real. You want the world to be made more real, show it more love.
Thank you my friends for allowing me these few thoughts, it is I, Gorman.
Attunement, Mercy
Serena: [Cathy] I am pleased to add a few thoughts to the discussion about ethics and reality on this planet. The rebellion has distorted our ideas of reality. Caligastia injected an error into the basic systems of social activity in the attempt to bring his ideas to fruition. The result is a reality that is not of God's design. The result is not one that will bring us into the condition of Light and Life. The correcting time was initiated to bring to the consciousness of the population, a better aligned view. The enhanced function of morality will occur as each individual begins to live in a way aligned with the Father's plan, God's will. As each person becomes spiritually fragrant and filled with the fruits of the spirit, the natural interaction between individuals will be loving and moral.
It is indeed impossible for a person living in the light to plan harm or deceit against another person. We are all one in the Father. This is our mission in the coming dispensation, to bring the Father's mercy and compassion into the consciousness of all inhabitants on this world. The Father's mercy is available for all. It is indeed a state of grace that need only be accepted. The perspective of the planet at this time is close to the concept of forgiveness for past slights and transgressions. As individuals become able to accept the Father's mercy, they will act as a conduit bringing mercy and love to all they encounter, a flood of mercy and forgiveness if you will, coming from a compassionate recognition of the experience and view of their neighbor. As we unite in the Father's will, an alignment will follow to bring us all to the same path of loving service to each other. This is our path to Light and Life.