2013-05-09-Lightline TeaM
Topic: Heart
Group: Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Charles, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers
Prayer on Mother's Day: Divine Parents, Divine maternal parents, at this time I would like to express special appreciation for the effects that we all have felt in our lives of your presence, not only your presence Divine Mother, but your sustaining nurturing qualities which has not only brought us life but has supplied us with everything we have had need of in this life. All that is required to sustain us in this mortal experience has been provided in your womb. You have encompassed us with your love and just as the newborn, we are slow to recognize the distinction between us and you for we have been surrounded by you, we are surrounded by you. Every breath we take is a gift that you give us, every sustenance we take in has been provided by you. We are so very grateful for this comfortable womb that you have given us in this life, for all that you have made possible by virtue of your guardianship over us. May we grow in appreciation of the relationship we have with you in this process. May we come to understand the relationship you have bestowed upon us throughout this process and may we always show our appreciation and love in return for all you have given us and made possible for us in this life. May we be a tribute to your love, may we be a manifestation of your grace, may we be an example of your peace, the peace that we feel in our quiet, in our feeling of being connected to you. You are our Mother, you have given us life and nurtured us to a point of awareness where we may be on our own and start out on our eternal journey apart and separate from you. But let us never forget this relationship. Let us always take you with us to journey wherever we will go. Let us remember to give you a part, a place in our experience so that you may enjoy this life that you have provided and nurtured [us in]. Let it be so in consciousness and awareness, now and forever as we ...Thank you are very small words but our appreciation is so very great. Let us show you this in the course of our lives and our journey, thank you.
Parenting, Relationship
Charles: Good evening friends, I am most honored to join this lively discussion here this evening, I am Charles. It is my distinct pleasure and privilege to be humbled by this tribute to such a presence as has been with you since your very beginning. Indeed, this gesture you make to bring recognition and appreciation to your Divine Parent is touching and heartwarming because it embodies all that is good and great about the relationship of parent and child, of the adult to the beginning child. There is something extraordinary which happens in such a relationship, a bond which is enduring beyond time or space; it is truly one of the things you will take with you always.
One never forgets their parent. One always has a certain appreciation for the role of the parent in their lives who has ushered them into this life and nurtured them to the point of maturity and prepared this life for such joyous encounters. Indeed, you could not ask for a more loving parent, one who is willing to give more of themselves, for this parent has given you all that you are, all that you have and has sent you out on this journey to become all that you can become with such great blessings. I understand that from the mortal perspective there are many times when you feel isolated, you feel challenged, you feel defeated, you feel in a state of unawareness or uncertainty. Trust me when I say that this is part of the experience by design, part of the ride that you are enjoying at this point so that you may bring to yourself these challenges and face these experiences and come to reconcile for yourselves how all these things fit together in the end.
Yes, there is frustration, yes there is disappointment, yes there is sadness, but side by side with these things there is joy, there is gratitude, there is success, there is peace. But as part of the mortal condition I observe, it is so easy to be overwhelmed with the things which don't appear to reconcile themselves in your equation, which don't appear to fit in the grand scheme of your awareness. These are great challenges to you because having settled on a perspective and a viewpoint, one would like to believe that others would share it, acknowledge it and join it with you. But, you have had, each one, an individual taste of what reality is, of what is true, good and beautiful. Each one of you have defined it in your own terms and have structured your understanding around this awareness so that when other views and manifestations are different from yours, there is great cause for unsettling in your thought patterns.
Yes, it may very well be at times you feel you need to disassociate, to withdraw, and this is normal and natural to restructure your own awareness and to reconcile all the vast differences and distinctions that surround you. In the end you will most certainly find that the only true reconciliation is to hold fast to your faith and be willing to extend faith into the areas which seem in discord or disharmony, realizing that something there exists for a reason, something there has attributes of truth, beauty and goodness in it which may be hard to identify, which may be difficult to accept, which may be challenging to embrace but nevertheless, in this life, as a mortal of the realm, there will be all manner and degrees and shades and representations of imperfection for this is an imperfect life. No one in this life is a perfected being, has all the answers and is right, true, good and beautiful at all times.
This life is not designed for such an existence. This life is a life of contrasts, a life of choosing, a life of determining for yourselves what truth, beauty and goodness look like, act like and feel like. This is actually your privilege if not your pleasure. You get to decide amongst all the aspects represented before you, which ones you will embrace, which ones you will adopt, which ones you will reject and which ones resonate with you. In this way you get to gather to yourself your version of the most true, beautiful and good aspects that you can assemble.
This defines you, it does not define all those things around you that you judge. It defines who you are by virtue of what you accept, what you reject, what you embrace and what you recoil from. This is your opportunity in this life to assemble those things you think are closest to true, beautiful and good. But to those who are truly wise and aware, they will understand that all other aspects out there, all aspects, are representations, are fragments of the whole. Some may be judged as further away from divine aspects and some closer, but these calls are for you to make in this life, for you to exercise in this existence.
That is why you have so many different versions of individual convictions, each one believing that they are true, that they are right, that they are correct. There is not one overarching truth that may be argued and defended beyond reproach. There are varying degrees of truth in all aspects and none among you may claim to have the one source of truth, but all among you have the path to truth, have the road to truth. All of you have an onboard partner who may help you bridge the gap, who may help steer you in a more divine direction at each turn. This is also yours as a gift of grace from your Divine Parents.
And so it is that you live this life as a mortal, struggling to define yourself by your choices and struggling to have connections to higher truth and higher values which then redefine your choices, which then propel you to seek for divine truth. This is the plan in motion, the whole design, set and purpose. When you are seeking for the truth, you do find it, and when you find it there is a greater desire to seek. In this way you are propelled from this life of limitation and circumstance and observation into a life of spiritual awareness where values may be attained in the most common of circumstances.
I understand that the struggle of mortal life is not an easy one. It was not designed to be easy, rather, it was designed to be fulfilling and challenging and all of you have risen to this challenge, have stared opportunity in the face, have accepted this challenge and embraced the opportunity that is inherent in these challenges. I call you all to witness that as a result, you have all benefitted and grown and become more. So while this life may seem hard and challenging, you will see it one day as one of your greatest gifts, as one of your most magnificent opportunities before you.
I pray that to all those with ears to hear, that they may hear, and all those with faith to follow the path may be emboldened to strike out and move forward with conviction and purpose knowing that to do so is to bring your Parents such great reward to see their children move forward in faith and with conviction in the goodness of the plan, even if the definition of the plan remains so uncertain. Trust in the goodness, trust in the purpose and trust in your relationship to all of this and you cannot go wrong, you do not go wrong. Everything that you may judge has a shortcoming or a failure. These are your lessons, these are what you are here to garnish to yourselves, how you would do it better, what you would do next time, what you learned from the experience, these can only be had by undergoing these experiences.
And so these jewels that you gather to yourself of experience, will all be seen for what they are, as shining glorious jewels, not as failures, shortcomings or misunderstandings. They were the fulcrum, they are the tools that are used to bring you to the awareness towards perfection and will unerringly bring you to success if you simply will engage with the process and trust that this process is bringing you in the direction of divinity.
I cherish the opportunity to bring you these words of encouragement. I wish they could nurture you as your Divine Parents nurture you. I wish they could provide for you the peace and the comfort that you seek on your journey just as your Divine Parents are always there to bring these attributes to you, and so I offer these for that purpose; I pray you can accept them with that intention. Now, I would open up the floor for others to access this glorious forum. I thank you for your attention. Be in peace, farewell.
Light: I would bring my greetings to all of you as well, I am Light, here to offer a few more words on light. There is a common phrase on your world that this is a world in darkness, a world somehow shrouded in the dark, that is awaiting the light, is awaiting divine intervention to somehow illuminate all things. When the inhabitants of your world become troubled, it is said that there is a cloud that resides over them and shadows them from the light and when they are freed from this cloud of depression, anxiety and uncertainty it is said that they see the light. This light represents the connection that individuals feel to the greater purpose beyond. That light is a life giving force bestowed upon them which freely shines down upon all.
And yet, as a mortal of the realm, there are many times when the light is obstructed, when there are clouds interfering, when there are moods interfering, when there are circumstances interfering and it appears as though things fall into shadows and darkness. In shadow and darkness there is uncertainty, there is fear, there is the feeling of being disconnected from the life force, from the light force. This is ingrained deep within the human psyche. Your ancestors worshipped the sun and feared the night. This is resident deep within all mortals on this planet because it is such a graphic illustration of the life giving force that is so appreciated when it is felt, so uplifting when it is observed, that it changes moods, it dispels clouds and it brings individuals into another state of being simply with the recognition of this connection, that there is a gigantic life force which is emanating from afar and penetrating through the universe, even finding its way to you each one as an individual. You can feel it, you can register the change in your own being when the light shines upon you and you are in awareness that above all there is a great force and this great force is providing life and is nurturing you even as it shines down upon you.
So it is with the love of your Divine Parents. It is as the light, it shines upon you, it changes your mood, it lifts you up, it dispels the darkness, the doubt and the uncertainty and brings you to a place of appreciation and connection with the greater power that is out there and around you, so much so that you can feel it, see it and embrace it in your lives. Always remember that your Divine Parent's love is as the sun, predictable, steady, certain and that at all times you may rely on this grace, you may count on this peace. You may rest assured that with each new day there will be another dose for you, another reality check that you are connected to this great power that nurtures you and provides for you in so many ways.
I just offer this illustration for you today, another take on light and its illustration in your lives. May your awareness of spirit be as conscious as your awareness of the life giving force of light. They are one and the same, part of the great picture working together to nurture you and provide for you in this life and as you move forward. They have been instrumental to you, so much so that you can't imagine a life without them, and so you shouldn't. Take them with you as you go through your journey as sources of strength and peace and love. Always remember that these things were there for you. You need not have asked or petitioned the universe [for this] light. It was created for you. Likewise, you need not ask or petition for the love of your Divine Parents, it has been created for you, it exists only for you to come into greater awareness of.
So be it, another exercise in awareness for you to undertake. Thank you for the opportunity to address you this evening. You all are so dearly loved by your universal family and by your Divine Parents. May you feel the warm embrace of this love in your lives and may you embody this love as part of your being throughout your eternal journey. Let it be so, even now. In gratitude I withdraw, thank you for the opportunity, good day.