2013-05-12-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Free will
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Charles, Teacher Gorman
TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z., Cathy Morris
Free will
Charles: [Mark] Good morning friends, I am Charles here to avail myself of the opportunity to join you in your celebration of your association, your relationship with your Divine Parents. I particularly enjoyed the thought pattern expressed earlier that this life is about growing your relationships and associations with all things around you, all things that you are in awareness of and have contact with in this life in the flesh. You are ever correct in that this life in the flesh provides you with such a unique opportunity for gathering to yourselves these formed relationships that you do by virtue of your choosing throughout the process.
Such choosing brings you around this circle at this moment; such choosing has aided and assisted you in coming together in the creation of your portal energy; such choosing brings you fellowship to each other wherein you may share each others journeys almost as if they were your own. This deciding and choosing who you will have relationship with and to what degree is the sacred gift of this, your first incarnation and your only one so conditioned by the material and time and space. From the time you arrive here in this dimension you are taking in about all else that is outside of you, all things in your environment which you are in relationship to and from your earliest possible memory you are choosing between all those aspects outside of you as to which ones you desire to be close to and which ones you desire to be distanced from.
In this way you form your pattern of life, your routine that exists wherein you have well determined relationships and those that serve you, you support and draw your support from, and those you are opposed to you deny life energy and you distance yourself from. In this way through this conscious act you are determining what you are made of, what your associations in this life say about you, how you are conditioned in this experience by those things you keep around you, those things you feed and those things you simply walk away from.
This power of choice is so crucial and instrumental in this life in the flesh and yet at some point, having established such safe and secure routines, individuals tend to forget they are not finished with the job, that there is more to do ahead, every day, every hour, even every moment. As you continue to position yourselves, you continue to embrace some aspects and reject others. Such is the opportunity that you have mentioned before you and yet, an opportunity is only just that, a chance, an environment in which this chance might be taken and if these factors line up, it falls to you, the last and critical aspect in the equation, to take advantage of this lining up of opportunity and circumstance and to seize the moment when these things collide, and to act.
As a result of this acting and choosing, there is growth, there is further opportunity presented, and in this way, the steps to your ascension arise before you to be taken. But many times it is required that you open yourself up to the opportunities and potentials that are before you. If you are recycling an old trend, an old pattern, too many times you are bound to miss the new opportunities and the junctures of time and space that make these possible. It's easy to glide by when you are in a rut and not stopped to embrace the miracle of chance and the magic of the moment in which a new choice may be made and a new direction set out upon and a certainty of a new destination as having changed course and altered pattern.
Such is the gift of grace that you are immersed in in this life and yet so few see it as that, rather they suffer from the burden and hardship of agonizing over choices and resisting change. Those who are in greater awareness, sense when change is evident and even pursue it in an attempt to embrace the opportunity and seize the moment at hand. This is the miracle that your Divine Parents have provided for you. The stage has been set, the opportunity is present, the moment is yours and yours alone. Only you can seize it, take it, direct it and pursue it. This is your gift, as magnificent as the gift of your very existence, your birth into this dimension which was so monumental. Likewise, every moment thereafter can be monumental, can be a magic moment if you will stop in awareness and be prepared for the opportunities present in that moment, then your entire destiny may be directed differently, your every moment thereafter may be enhanced, your individual journey will certainly be magnified.
So on this Mother's day that we find ourselves together, let us be thankful for the nurturing characteristics of the parent who is so mindful and watchful over the child as they develop, as they grow to a point where they are no longer needful of such assistance in life. Such are your Divine Parents, even now, mindful over you, watchful over your evolution and your growth and in awareness that you are more and more standing on your own two spiritual feet as it were, that you are more and more in awareness of your position in the grand scheme of the family, that you are a part of. It is ever pleasing to the parent to observe the child as they grow and develop, even as they grow in their independence and even as they embark on their own individual journeys. This is fulfillment of divine destiny, this is the plan in action and I call you all to witness, the plan has embraced you with a loving devotion.
I pray with you for enhanced capacity to feel your Divine Parent's influence and presence with you as you undergo your journeys. May this be a source of great comfort and assurance to you as you move forward in the process. Let it be so Divine Parents. Your children desire to maintain a connection with you, to maintain the relationship to you, to grow in their proximity to you in this relationship, to choose you at every turn. Let it be manifested in their journeys, their choices and the results thereof.
Thank you all for hearing my words. I would now make room for others to utilize this platform, good day to you all.
Teacher Gorman: [Henry] Greetings to you my friends, those of you who have come together in this circle of friendship. All of life should be a circle of friendship. The Father respects that life just happens. The Father puts no conditions on life, never, not a one. Life is allowed to express itself however it expresses itself, through whatever individual is born and becomes conscious to express itself, the Father allows this. The Father does not judge it, He merely supports life and all of its attributes. What the Father intends for this life is separate from the life itself. You are so unlike the Father as individuals. You cannot just accept life. You feel that you have to define it for yourself and in doing so you feel that others need to define it as you see it. Then you need to put conditions on it. Then all of a sudden, life becomes compromised, sort of like what you have on your planet today, a life which is not full of happiness, loving brotherhood and a situation in which everyone is searching for ways to help everyone else.
The evidence that the Father cares about life is the fact that the Thought Adjusters indwell each and every one of you so that the Father can share in each unique and individual life and personality on the planet. If God was only interested in having everyone conform to some idea of life He would have just indwelt one person on the planet and made that person the most important person. But such is not the case. He has allowed for all of these myriads of individuals to be here at the same time to express the dynamic of life. The biggest mistake that humans make is trying to interpret the will of God. Ironic isn't it, the will of God is portrayed in the life of Michael of Nebadon as He lived on Urantia, to love each of you as I have loved you and to know the Father.
But that is too difficult for humans who are so politically correct, have so much money and are so full of themselves. Your minds and arrogance justifies like a lawyer why you should not love one another, why you should not help one another and why it is necessary to segregate everything politically, economically and as many ways as you can. So what gives here? Does anyone really care to search for the Father? Is everyone just satisfied knowing that God exists and being told that you can't access God in your lifetime, don't even try because you can't have a personal relationship with the Father? Is that what people want to believe? Is that what you want to believe?
Who are you? Who do you think you are? Why don't you separate yourself from God and then tell me who you are, because you are nothing without God, not a thing. You can't make it to the mansion worlds without God. You could never ascend without God. You could never even know that you are an individual with a personality, without God. You'd just as soon be one of the dog pack. So if you are interested in evaluating society, begin by evaluating yourself, seeing yourself as that son or daughter of God, the individual who is attempting to become more God-like. The more God-like you are the less of a person you will be in the sense that you will find that it is not so important that everyone thinks like you think, dresses like you dress, smells the same as you do or even speaks the same language.
God is interested in your soul; and what is your soul? What are the little components that make up you? What your brother and sister are doing is not so important as what you are doing. Who cares if your brothers or sisters are erring? Who amongst you have never erred? Who amongst you has never been guilty of the things that you charge others with? Not the Father, the Father's only charge is that you love each other and you seek more to become like Him or Her, however you choose to see God. God is a macro concept, God is huge, God is everything, yet to access God, you must approach Him from a microscopic level. You must see God as this little tiny part which is inside of you that has this tremendous dynamic, not to take over your mind but to adjust the thoughts in your mind, to adjust who you think you are and are becoming into who you must be like and become for it is this small yet significant part of God that has chosen to indwell each and every one of you, to give you a priority over the animal world, over the vegetable world, in a sense to make you into gods yourselves. It is unfortunate that some of you think you are already gods.
Teaching Mission
God chooses to be a part of all life. God does not direct life, again, He does not control it or condition it, He just sustains life and you who have this tremendous power of choice attached to an intelligence system, can change who you are, can become even great in the eyes of other humans by your choices, by how you do the things you do with each other. The Teaching Mission was never intended to teach you how to deal with each other and solve society's problems. The intention of the Teaching Mission was to help you become aware of this tremendous potential you possess as a human carrying around an aspect of the Divine within you, that you could have a personal relationship with God and thereby grow a personal religious experience. It is this shared personal religious experience which becomes part of a great brotherhood of mankind. Though there are rarely any institutions that support these things in your society, everyone seems to be manipulated by institutions, corporations, other groups of things rather than being informed by your own natural intelligence and your own thought adjustments.
So my friends, in your quiet time, sit in the presence of God and feel who you are, feel who you are becoming and understand that everyone becomes an opportunity for you to express the Father Within, the Father you have discovered, the Father you are trying to imitate. I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to express these thoughts, I am Gorman.
Mercy, Correcting Time
Unknown: [Cathy] This world is in great need of compassion and mercy. The structures of organization [that] have been in place on the planet have been corrupted from their original purpose and design. In the process, a connection has been broken between one individual and another. The process of relationship has become corrupted into a competition for the valued things of this life. This competition has led to greed and hostile action. This hostility has brought disconnection, isolation and discontent. The materialization of the concept of value has diminished the goal of relationship and loving service. The original pattern is pushed aside as the planet focuses on the superficial and the sensational. The true goal of love and brotherhood has been obscured by a tornado of powerful media images and false values. It is part of our Correcting Time to bring individuals back into the loving relation with our Creator. Only the strong love and relationship will bring us on a path to Life and Light.