2013-06-02-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Spirit of Counsel
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Henry Z.
Nebadonia: Greetings to you my friends, it is I, Nebadonia. Thank you so much for inviting me into your circle of friendship, your circle of concern this morning. It is good to be here and address your concerns and you have rightly observed that the spirit of counsel is a spirit designed to operate amongst members of a group, that they may come to a greater understanding as a group. The spirit of counsel utilizes individual input to come up with a group solution and you have also rightly observed that this adjutant, which is hardwired into your mental and spiritual makeup, is rarely used these days. It is the 'dusty adjutant,' if I may say.
What the spirit of counsel intends is that when human beings associated in a group, for all practical purposes let's say a large family, need to deal with something that has come up concerning the family, for example, in times which have gone, sometimes the family would come under attack and it was necessary for the members to group together to protect themselves, to see how the individuals were to act to support the group. Well, the same thing applies today. Sometimes your groupings as family groupings are under attack. Maybe not literally or mortally but maybe idealistically and fundamentally in terms of what you truly believe and how the group wishes to move forward.
The spirit of counsel unifies the other spirit adjutants. It brings together all of the various notions and factions in a meaningful and unified discussion to see how the group should come to terms with what has arisen and how to deal with things. It seems that everyone [or] many of you are breaking into individual factions to pursue your own assumptions about what things are and what they mean and not allowing yourselves the benefit of a full consensus by the group. It is sort of like a recipe that has many different parts or processes and you disregard the processes and just throw the ingredients together. You may find that the result is not what was intended.
The spirit of counsel is intended for the group to evolve into a higher consciousness, a greater understanding by bringing together the group of individual parts to determine how these individual parts should support each other and support the group at large. Counsel is not intended that the individual parts segment and fragment and de-unify the group. Sometimes there are factions within the group that need recognition and counsel provides for this. Sometimes there are members of the group which need to align themselves to unify the group and I can speak in general terms about this because these words of mine apply to all groups.
Ultimately it is designed to interface man and spirit, not that spirit may come in and interfere and superimpose a greater mandate, but that the Spirit Within speaks to the individual and the group for the purpose of the group aligning its individual parts into a unification and cohesiveness which results in a greater understanding of the knowledge which is presented to the group. The courage to act upon what must be acted upon to use your intuition to understand that sometimes you must bring yourselves into alignment with the group consensus or with the group's unifying principle.
What is particularly interesting to observe, is that as humans, you are so correct on one hand but your delivery falls short in unifying personality aspects of yourselves into a cohesive and dynamic group resource. This is especially true with those of you who pretend to have knowledge and understand greater spiritual religious values, those of you who have access to a greater revelation. So what is resulting in the inability for dynamic groups to come into cohesive unity is the inability to correctly apply what has been given to you as the spirit of counsel, to help guide discussions, resolutions, insights, greater understanding into a way which benefits the trust, the safety, the recognition of the whole group.
The reason why the spirit of counsel is one of the five adjutant spirits, one of the basic components of mind functioning [which] can be observed in the animal kingdom, [is] when groups of animals of the same species come together you will notice that these groups exhibit characteristics of the species. For example, the groups of animals come together when there are feeding issues involved and when there are mating issues involved. These can be clearly observed in groups and herds of wild animals, in packs of domesticated animals, yet as humans, you are losing sight as a society, losing sight of groups coming together and finding within the group a need to unify and consolidate as a group in the effort to support unity and consolidation among all groups.
Another way to look at it is, in the spirit world, we operate with the utmost consistency for the benefit of the whole so that all groupings are able to reflect a consistent mandate, a simple mandate actually, but a mandate which supports all spirit activity as one, working for the same thing, working to support God revealing a God-like consciousness of order, of love, of intelligence throughout all of its myriads of personalities and personality functions in the universe. You, though you are not spirit, are designed by spirit to function in a greater capacity. I ask you because you do not function as spirit yet have the capacity to function as spirit. Is it the fault of spirit that you are not functioning as such or is it something human? Is it the inability of humans to go past their own personal feelings to move into a greater spiritual grouping to identify on a level that goes beyond human? What I am saying is that, can humans actually resemble spirit, can humans actually unify cohesively?
You have all been touched individually. You have been touched through a process of spirit living in you, guiding you as individuals to function as greater human beings but you rarely take the step as individual human beings to come together as a strong cohesive group, to resemble a social quality of the spiritualizing process which is happening on a personal and individual level. The next step in your evolution is this social grouping which for all practical purposes exhibit the same qualities that exist on the personal and individual level. This is part and the nature of the spirit of counsel, to bring individuals into a greater grouping for a greater and more effective relationship.
Just because you have a sharp mind does not necessarily equate that this sharp mind be used defensively at all costs. There are other qualities in the mind which sometimes need to be expressed to allow for this greater cohesiveness to begin to manifest in the group. It's like an organ with multiple functions. For example, your mouth is necessary because it is an entry point for food. That sustenance can keep you alive. The mouth is also used for a gratification, for interplay between sexual beings, the kiss, the tongue and yet again, the mouth is used to communicate ideas within the mind and sometimes these ideas take on the qualities of the organ.
For example, communication should be used to understand each other rather than defensively being used to disregard what others see or feel, for as sophisticated as information and intelligence has allowed you to become, the ways in which you communicate have not effectively incorporated the more subtle characteristics of the mind, those spiritual characteristics which help in understanding others, by not understanding them, to find a way in which you can understand them and accept them, not to find clever ways in which your intellectual prowess has allowed you to separate and segregate people, find ways which justify reasons not to unify and not to cohesively exist. This borders on arrogance. It's an indulgence, it's an indulgence into a lower frequency. It does not show forth a higher, more involved and elevated frequency which could be used to change your fundamental behavior between each other.
The adjutants were designed to function together, all five parts as a whole unit. As humans, you have seven adjutants. You have more than the animals, yet in many respects, you exhibit less than the animals. For example, the animals don't come together to kill each other of their own species yet you who are so evolved can do this without even using weapons. You can just use words and attitudes to mangle relationships. In a sense you are abusing your spiritual birthright by not taking responsibility and using the spirit of counsel to bring the group to a greater position of operation.
Think about why the spirit of counsel is fundamentally hardwired into your system. It is designed to support the group concept, the brotherhood of man concept, the concept which brings you all together for the same purpose of a greater and sustainable existence, a peaceful and happier and prosperous one. So where belief systems fail, the spirit of counsel succeeds because the spirit of counsel bypasses belief and gets down to something more basic. It helps to discern a way in which intellectually, people can find a way to unify and come together for greater social sustainability, greater social purposes and functioning.
The spirit of counsel is probably the most difficult of adjutants to accept, not accept in terms of its existence, but to accept in terms of its not being used very much by individuals and groupings in your society today. The spirit of counsel is just as experimental as the other adjutants. Just because they are hardwired into your systems does not mean they are fully functioning without a specific and implied intention on your part to function as such. In the spirit world, the spirit of counsel is tremendously important because as personalities, we do not act individually without the consent of the counsel of all. In time you will learn to function as such.
Many of your current problems and remedies for social situations, social upheaval, can be corrected through the use of this ability of man to come together in counsel to negotiate the terms in which the group can move forward, in which everyone benefits. When the spirit of counsel is used correctly, everyone comes out with a greater ability to become more effective as an individual, as an individual part of the whole. Counsel is the unifying spirit of the whole. The spirit of counsel does not operate as one part, it only operates as a whole but it does intend to bring the part into a malleable position, a negotiable position, to adjust if necessary to accommodate the whole of parts.
I hope that this sheds a little light onto a situation which can bring greater fluidity and a greater countenance and strength to the power of the group, the family, the sisterhood and brotherhood, the human family of mankind honoring the Fatherhood, the Motherhood of God, the oneness of God and the oneness of your hearts, that the voices of your soul become a clearer voice through the greater use of this spirit adjutant of counsel. Much of what you do in your grouping today serves the spirit of counsel. You come together as a group and seek a greater understanding of how the group can support each of you individually and support the greater group, your greater understanding. You do understand my words and what I am saying as a group, for you have made it so. Hold true to the strength of the model which your group exhibits in that other and greater groups will begin to grow into a greater revelation of truth, mercy, wisdom, love and happiness as a constant bystander to your mind and to what goes on in your human relationships. I, Nebadonia am with you always as a light finger with the ability to touch all and every[thing].
I thank you for allowing me these few words my children. Know that you are held in the universe's arms of embrace and love and that we fully intend for you to grow into an exhibition of a spirit/human relationship. Thank you and have a good day.