2013-06-12-Longevity of the US Constitution

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Topic: Longevity of the US Constitution

Group: Serara.org


Teacher: George Washington

TR: Felix Caro



Due to the fact that I have first hand knowledge of the creation and ratification of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, with permission, I decided to make some statements on those documents based on my own experiences during the times of their creation and the knowledge that I have gained on this subject in the Mansion Worlds, as applicable to worlds of time other than Urantia in our local system.

The Declaration of Independence was drafted with the intention of disclosing what was evidently great displeasure, even outrage, at King George the III’s abuses while reigning over his “subjects” in the American colonies. As is the custom of tempered men that have knowledge about laws and politics, our representatives made repeated trips to London to address the king and the parliament with the intention of having him recognize our rights to live free, within our possibilities, and to be respected as equals among other reasons; we understood at the time that the best possible course of action was to be diplomatic and to negotiate with the king.

We believed in the right to prosper and live a life of our own choosing to the fullest and with respect and consideration to our fellow men. In our understanding, in order to preserve our freedoms we even saw it as necessary to keep adversaries at bay, such as the French during the French-Indian wars years before. We fought for the king at that time for the preservation of his acceptable rule and our normal and also somewhat acceptable way of life. In time the French-Indian wars ended and we went about our daily lives but, eventually said life was becoming complicated due to “adjustments” being made by the king in terms of the promulgation of laws and the establishment of taxes that we were not allowed to protest and much less work against.

Our representatives pleaded with the king and attempted to obtain changes that we considered fair based on what we were already giving the king in terms of our loyalty, service and income in terms of the taxes already being paid to the crown. The king needed the money to continue his fight with the French and the Spanish, as well as to pay for his excesses, and so our pleading fell into his deaf ears and, taking offence in our “audacity” to question the “wisdom of his rule”, he decided to pass additional laws and raise taxes even more.

There came the time when we felt we have had enough of King George the III’s abuses and, after much consultation and many meetings with the representatives of the 13 colonies in existence at the time, it was decided to draft an official document wherein we would tell the king what we were thinking about his rule over the American Colonies and what we were going to do about it.

On July 4th, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was finally ratified and sent to the king, with our best wishes for his rule in what will remain as his domains after our separation. In that document, we clearly explain what was done on our part to attempt to have the king see the errors of his ways, as well as his reactions to our rightful actions. We restated the obvious, that all men were equal and had the right to be free and to pursue happiness however he saw it fit. We also stated that our rights came from our Creator and that absolutely nobody could take them away.

When God, who is the Owner of all creation and Whom can rightfully call us His property, does not impose His will in our lives but rather gave us a free will to make our own choices, who is man to state what we have or not have the right to do with our own lives, which is our property? It does not matter how wise or twisted the mind of a mortal can be, that mortal has the right to do with his property whatever he wishes to do with it. No man has the right to infringe upon the rights of others, being those based on thought, speech, belief or action, as long as the exercise of those rights does not in turn infringe upon the rights of yet other people. Obviously, as is the general custom of monarchs, King George the III did not see it that way, and so we were forced to fight for the preservation of our inalienable rights.

A document such as the Declaration of Independence continues to have validity and be legitimate in the 21st century Urantia, with only the name of the monarch being addressed to being changed. As Urantia continues to be a world where selfish, very imperfect and corrupt monarchies and systems of government exist, the abuses and infringement over the rights of the people continue, in many instances with the excuse that it is all done for their own good. Time and time again in history this kind of behavior has been observed, with terrible consequences often times, but the lessons continue to be thrown into the dustbin of history and ignored by many, especially those in power.

In order for a document such as the Declaration of Independence to be unnecessary as a pillar for change, then that which causes it to exist in the first place needs to change in order to avoid the abuses and infringements denounced therein. The way this could possibly happen on Urantia is for those in power to become motivated or moved from within. This motivation would probably have to do with some events that will be undeniable and compelling, and an example of this would be the initiation of the Magisterial Mission with the appearance in the flesh of Serara (Monjoronson) and his staff.

On the day of his public “declaration” of the Universal Father’s rule over Urantia, the blindfolds of many rulers and peoples will become undone and on that day they will see the errors in their ways. It is certain that many a US senator and representative will be moved by Serara’s majestic personality and charisma, and especially by his words, and will finally start to work for the people and to be fair and respectful of the rights of man at the time of promulgating new laws.

Whenever and wherever the people of the worlds of time feel oppressed and abused, similar Declarations of Independence will continue to be ratified, in writing or verbally, and change will be brought about either by sincere changes within the rulers in those worlds or by the force of arms. There are worlds in creation where such declarations are unnecessary, and those are the worlds where there exists respect and love for the fellow mortal, where service is sincere and unselfish, and this typically happens under tangible and present celestial guidance. In those worlds administrations (rather than governments) which help to guide the normal operations and logistics of everyday life there is peace and harmony among the citizens. In the most advanced worlds there is no need for mortal rulers, currency, and an armed citizenry. Why?

Because the administrators make sure that all citizens are treated equally in terms of property, rights, education, etc. When property and services are available equally to all citizens of a particular world, theft is non-existent. If the rights of every citizen are respected, and they all are treated equally, then there is no reason for protesting against the administration.

As there is no currency and all resources are available equally to all, greed does not exist either. In the absence of a better and “higher” method to keep governments in check, the people will have to devise their own methods to make sure that said governments do not revert back to abusive monarchies. One has to remember that depositions of monarchies on Urantia have not been bloodless for the most part, and monarchs such as King Louis XVI of France or Czar Nicholas II of Russia have met terrible ends when deposed.

It is indeed true and unfortunate that, often times in order to secure rights and freedom, the “tree of liberty has to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots”, as indicated by Thomas Jefferson, and as no other recourse is apparently available to the oppressed. From immemorial times on Urantia, slaves have murdered abusive masters and oppressed peoples have deposed tyrants, and this will continue to happen unless essential changes take form within the hearts and minds of the rulers and peoples of Urantia.

The Constitution of the United States was adopted on September 17, 1787 and went into effect on March 4, 1789. The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15, 1791. In a world where there is absolute confidence that the established form of government will not use its powers to violate the peoples’ rights and freedoms, such documentation is not necessary.

In worlds where administrators and overseers respect those under their charge, there is no need to remind said administration of what the basic rights of men are; said rights will be present on their minds as they serve the public. When a new form of government was established after terminating King George the III’s rule over the American colonies, instrumental members of the Revolution and the establishment of the Constitutional Republic saw opportunities to do some things differently– to govern in a different way. As I was the Commander in Chief of the Continental Armed forces in America, and due to my actions during the Revolutionary War, I had the great honor of becoming the first elected president under the terms of the recently drafted Constitution of the United States in 1789.

In order to do so, I felt compelled to resign as Commander in Chief of the Continental Armed Forces, and thus avoided the possibility of the government becoming absolutist. I also did this knowing that although I opposed absolute power in government, I could not be certain that others that would become elected after me would not be tempted to embrace absolutism and become tyrannical themselves.

As people tend to forget what their rights are, the Bill of Rights is a good reminder of what some of those basic rights are, as well as, along with the Constitution, a reminder to the government on what they can and cannot do. The day that all of the documentation upon which these United States was founded can be regarded exclusively as historical items is the day when the government finally decides to exist for the people.

I have complete confidence that the Magisterial Mission will be instrumental in finally changing the hearts and minds of mortals on Urantia, thus making governmental checks and balances unnecessary. Whether those in power like it or not, the future life on Urantia will be very different than what it is now; there will be no more castes, inequality, oppression or greed, but it will be a world were not only mortals but celestials as well will work for the benefit of man and for the Glory of God.