2013-06-30-Give It to the Teacher
Topic: Give It to the Teacher
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Unknown
TR: George Barnard
Between 1993 and the year 2000 I spent long hours documenting my relationship with the four Midwayers: Secondary Midwayers ABC-22 (Bzutu), MNO-6 (Sharmon), MNO-8 (Dr. Mendoza) and Primary Midwayer, Andrea. I have no recollection as to the when, where, or under what circumstances I agreed to document the adventures of the five immediate members of the original 11:11 Emergency Platoon. Undeniably, however, an agreement must have been reached.
I was working on the manuscripts now, sometimes until two or three o’clock in the morning… writing, recalling, making notes for later, writing more, and listening to the voices I knew of the Midwayers I could see. And then… sometimes… a voice was there, but it seemed to emanate from within my own brain without the need for me to recall any details. The words simply flowed to the surface. They just were. There would not even be a Midwayer in sight. Seemingly I was alone to write what came to the end.
I frequently questioned how these ‘unusual’ chapters could read so well, reported events so accurately, and were never in need of editing, but for the usual grammatical errors. Whilst all other chapters were often corrected, because my memory had failed after perhaps as much as 30 years, and as I later remembered a minor detail. Not so with the ‘unusual’ chapters. They were complete. Moreover, they were the chapters that perhaps would have required much careful editing.
One late night I questioned out loud, “Who helped me with this?” I expected one of the Midwayers to own up to being my co-author. Instead of a straight answer came the advice, “Give it to the Teacher.” My Teacher was ABC-22, not yet Teacher Samuel of Panoptia, yet to this day I still frequently hear that gentle suggestion, “Give it to the Teacher.” Of course I soon learned that it was my Thought Adjuster helping me with my writing, as with editing and formatting today.
There are a number of ways in which one can make spiritual Progress. Most often recommended is simple meditation, clearing one’s mind and allowing “other than one’s own thoughts” to enter the mind. It is in my opinion the preferred way. Only when a busy mind keeps interrupting the process is something like the Akashic Construct recommended. Visualization methods can be very effective when focussing on stillness proves to be difficult.
Still, there is yet a further method. It is called journaling, and it can be a very profitable way of achieving that all-important focus that allows for ordinary notations to become inspired writings. One might even draw one’s Thought Adjuster into assisting with the task to hear the most humble of suggestions, “Give it to the Teacher.”