2013-07-07-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Human creativity is a developmental part of your intellectual and spiritual natures. As evolving children of the universe, there are certain aspects and dimensions of LIFE that you will continue discover and explore upon your ascension journeys to your ultimate destination. Along the way you will be stimulated with the creative spark of divine light to help you perceive new meanings in what is before your eyes.
Beliefs and systemized ways of thinking will fall away the more you embrace this part of your human nature and increasingly come into that sacred space where creativity waits to meet you, triggering new ideas for consideration that will actually improve the quality of your lives. You have every right to take ownership of these creative energies and use them in the ways you perceive, but the highest use of them is when you dedicate these energies—your whole being—to the unfolding of the Creator’s perfect plans within you.
It takes an intellect stimulated with curiosity—truth hunger, and a heart that longs for goodness, that makes the best use of the human creative nature. The elasticity of your beings are constructed such that you will expand each time you use these wonderful gifts of your imagination. Both heart and intellect respond to this, and by setting your sights on becoming more creative in whatever ways you choose providing it is aligned with the divine will, the Spirit Within can then activate your personality potentials and help you manifest what is truly a gift of co-creation: the human and divine minds conjoining in unity to bring something of great value and beauty into the world.