2013-08-04-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My children, this is Michael, and I am your Universe Father. Becoming aware of the spiritual presence within yourself is the opening of the portal of your heart to the universe and the adventure of discovering your place in it. I am here as a way-shower to the Father in Paradise, in whom I took my origin, and with whom I share in the inner life that you can access in the quiet places of your innermost being. There are concepts of universe living that I wish to provide you to help you in your inner journey, and what I speak to you today of is the concept of TIME MANAGEMENT.
TIME, as reckoned on your world, is the element of evolution and rhythm of progressing forward to an eventual outcome or destiny. There is an innate energy within your beings that is conditioned by TIME—this movement toward perfection and Paradise—that being the place of physical perfection of material reality located at the center of all there is. You are essentially calibrated upon TIME within your bodies, yet you also are conditioned by your planetary culture, which has imprinted upon you another energy of life…one that delights in keeping you busy and focused on outer material realities instead of the inner TIME coding that is deep within your SOUL.
TIME is here to support your journey into union with your spiritual nature—to help you become more attuned to the movement that your indwelling SPIRIT OF GOD has set as the pace of your progression. When you slow yourself down during your day and take those moments of respite, you allow your body to reset itself to the natural rhythm of LIFE and to be renewed upon those higher frequencies of the divine nature. One of my personality attributes is this divine TIME, my children, and I invite you to come to me and sit in this desire to be recalibrated upon TIME. Allow me to share with you this natural rhythm of LIFE, which will bring you deep and abiding peace, and give you the stamina and strength to continue to progress on your journey into the universe. Recalibrate yourself in me each day, and surely the TIME that you need will be given to you to complete your daily tasks in peace, joy, lightheartedness and grace