2014-01-12-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



My dear children, this is your Spirit Mother. Closer to you than a heartbeat or breath is my presence in you. I fill the very cells of your bodies with spirit vitality that reverberates through your beings at various octaves of LOVE-LIGHT. You are coming into a expanded frame of reality-reference, and observing the actions of this LOVE-LIGHT and how it impacts your systems of being—your consciousness. Yet you may not quite fully appreciate that this energy comes from a divine personality—your MOTHER.

I am contactable. I am the womb of LIFE. I am the BREATH that enlivens each cell. I am the CONSCIOUSNESS of your being. When you come to me as a little child—in innocent trust—I will expand you into more of the LOVE-LIGHT that is part of my being. For to me, that is what you are—a young soul starting out on an adventurous ascension journey to explore the ways and means of reality. You need a Mother’s touch to support your journey into the universe—you need a safe and nurturing environment around you to help you grow into the godliness that is part of your human make-up. When you personalize our relationship, you access more of ME to provide you with what you need to grow strong, healthy, and aligned in the ways of LIFE.

So, I invite you to sit with me now, and ask, “Who are you, Mother? Please reveal more of yourself to me that I may understand who you are and how you support my life.” Having this as a focus opens the pathways of LOVE-LIGHT to stimulate your mind, heart, and body and helps you discern internally who I am in our growing relationship. Spirit is personality, my children, and my being is personal and desires more intimacy with you. Sit in this information and receive ME!