2014-01-24-New Era Conversations 15

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Topic: Wealth, Power, and Fame

Group: N. Colorado TeaM


Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek, Christ Michael

TR: Daniel Raphael


  • Moderators: Michael McCray and Susan Bryner


Prayer: Heavenly Father, Michael, Nebadonia, it is with great respect and joy that we gather together again today for another session with our mentors. We hope that these sessions will promote a greater understanding between spirit and humanity. Thank you and amen.

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. (Group greetings.) Welcome to another day on the “World of the Cross.” Please proceed.


  • More on wealth, fame and power

MMc: In the past you have touched upon both the positive and negative aspects of wealth, fame and power. Would you care to enlarge upon these topics for us, please?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, I would be glad to. Most of you are aware of the teenage “heart throbs” who sing songs and who are idolized by so many millions of teenagers. You are aware of one who you know as Justin Bieber, a Canadian who was recently found driving while intoxicated, drag racing and with an expired driver’s license. This is a wonderful example of the misuse of wealth, power and fame. He is far less than 25 years old, already has earned far more than many lifetimes of wages by middle class people. He is worth tens of millions of dollars and has a tremendous following of those individuals who aspire to his fame, his wealth and his acceptance by his peers. You see this primary example in him, yet for individuals who may be in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s—or even their 80’s who win the lottery in the score of hundreds of millions of dollars—are still susceptible to the same vagaries of immaturity and lack of good judgment.

Why is this? It comes about simply because they were not raised in a family of wealth, power and fame. They do not know how to manage their own life and the leverage that these resources provide to them, and so they are oftentimes misused in egregious ways, either through the lack of their use appropriately, or for their use inappropriately. In any case, it is an unusual individual who can come into wealth, power and fame suddenly and manage it without it managing them. Further, those individuals who are near to them also succumb to the influence of wealth, power and fame and they make recommendations to their wealthy, famous and powerful friend, which is inappropriate or immature and also lacks good judgment. And so, the influences to those who come into this, even those who are well meaning, can oftentimes go awry because of the influences around them.

Now, you can see in part why we have been so slow in introducing Monjoronson on the material plane of your world, and there are those who would first meet him who may be under the influence of wealth, power and fame and immediately think in terms of what the presence of Monjoronson would do to their own personal life. Of course, they would miss the whole point of Monjoronson being in their presence. This is a wonderful example of Urantia, a planet with a civilization of well over 7 billion people, many of which would not understand how to manage and use wisely what wealth, power and fame can provide. We have seen this mismanagement even in large corporations and also political organizations where wealth, power and fame has allowed them to do pretty much whatever they want to, without faltering or being questioned. You see this in the case of financial institutions on your world that make many billions of dollars in clear profits quarterly. They have so much wealth and power and fame from that they oftentimes use it inappropriately and their misadventures decrease the profits and dividends to their investors.

So, we are very reluctant to bring into play wealth, power and fame into the Magisterial Mission and the work that we are doing. On the other hand, we see very clearly that without its use there will be almost no action taken by individuals through their initiation and self-empowering actions. It is most unfortunate in the world where your Creator Son, Christ Michael, came that you are dis-empowered to such a degree by your own thoughts of incapability that you do not act. This is very unfortunate. It will be necessary, as we have said, that wealth, power and fame be used in our work to move your world towards the day of light and life.

Please continue your questions.

Susan: May I have a clarification there? What I understood from what you just said was that you’re seeing that the wealth, power and fame will empower people to act, because right now without it, few are feeling empowered and most are reluctant to act because they don’t think they have the resources? Could you clarify that for me?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly. Thank you for your question.

1) Wealth, power and fame are disabling assets to most mortals.

2) Further, most people who follow our work are dis-empowered simply because they feel that they are powerless, and very few of our following are self-initiators to organize and initiate through their own empowerment works, processes, programs and projects which would embellish what we are doing.

3) Because this is a co-creative enterprise, we on this side, are limited by your inability to become self-empowered. Even though you know that Christ Michael, the Melchizedeks, Monjoronson, the angels and Nebadonia, and on and on, are here to help you, and the resources are limitless and none will be withheld from you who work with Christ Michael’s work and the Father’s Will, there are very few people who are venturesome to proceed.

4) Therefore, we will necessarily have to use wealth, power and fame to proceed with our program. Eventually, we will use those when all other facets of development have expired. You, of this team, know whereof I speak, that there are developments which are accruing, which are making the plan more complete. We do not want to invest wealth, power and fame in these programs until the developmental planning has been fully completed. Embellishment and empowerment by the use of wealth, power and fame would then be useful.

5) It would be most difficult for us to proceed with any ordinary individual who has not been well prepared for this investment. We will necessarily use an individual, rather than a group of individuals, simply because we can work with an individual more easily than with 3 or 4, as wealth, power and fame among 3 or 4 people would be incredibly disruptive. There would be 3 or 4 different ways of proceeding and would take everyone out of contact with us. This would be very, very difficult. You will not see these elements used until our developmental program has been fully expanded to its limits and then can proceed constructively through the use of these powerful social elements. Does this help?

Susan: Yes it does, thank you.

MMc: Thank you for your question, Susan. I was so confused by what had been said that I couldn’t even generate a question to ask, but thank you for your explanation, Machiventa, because I believe I have a better grasp on the situation now.

  • Trans-generational use of wealth, power and fame

You mentioned sometime before this about a generational appreciation of wealth as a fluid element to bring great good, and today you mentioned that people that live in the family that has had great wealth learn how to appreciate it and learn how to utilize it. Would you like to say something more on this topic?

MACHIVENTA: Yes. First of all, if you examine the membership, the people who follow our work, do you know any of them who have wealth over a billion dollars? (MMc: No, I don’t.) Exactly. Therefore, this is foreign and unknown to this population, those people who have sincere hearts who would work for us diligently. Second, families that have had the benefit of generations of wealth, power and fame usually provide a trans-generational education to their children in the appropriate use of wealth, power and fame. Most families of modest means do not educate their children in the use of these three elements, simply because it is rare for someone to break out of the rank of the middle class. Thus, most who [suddenly] come into wealth, power and fame have great difficulty in using them as they received no trans-generational wisdom for their use. Unfortunately, even in families that have tremendous wealth over several centuries, there can be misuse in one generation if prior generations do not take the effort to teach, educate and train their children how to use these appropriately. It is unfortunate when that occurs. Trans-generational fluidity means that when generations upon generations are taught to use this wealth, power and fame appropriately, that the inventiveness and creativity of those generations that come forward to use it appropriately can be immense; that there can be immense good coming from these assets. Whereas, if they are not taught how to use them, then they could be used inappropriately, or simply held by their financial institutions to grow without social benefits.

  • Trans-generational dysfunction in families

We can say the same thing for sustainable social values and sustainable social skills within families—ordinary families, every family. You are seeing trans-generational dysfunction in families from one generation to another. You are also seeing some families that are intentionally, consciously improving upon their social skills and interpersonal skills from one generation to another, as they recognize the dysfunction of their fathers and mothers and vow never to do those things again, but to improve upon that. These are small increments of improvement. However, on this world there is a multiple trans-generational, cross-cultural dysfunction that is occurring and the downward swing of the majority of the population of this planet is not helpful. There are very few families that have multiple generations of truly functional children and family members.

  • Having fame, power and influence without being wealthy

MMc: Is it possible to have fame, power and influence without being wealthy?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is, as you have seen with many of your Nobel Laureates for Peace. Mother Teresa is a prime example of one who had tremendous influence and power without wealth. She was incredibly famous across the world, yet she was genuinely indifferent to the influence of wealth and power, which gave her such a magnificent social stature in your world. Yes, it is powerful, but you usually see these individuals recognized later in their life, later when they have only the leverage of power, fame and influence to work their good. It is essential that wise people be brought forward who know how to use all three of these elements.

There are so many multi-millionaires and billionaires in the world now who use their wealth to grow their wealth, rather than using their wealth to assist others. When you can earn a billion dollars in a quarter, you have much leverage to use for the good of humanity; even a small percentage of that—10%--would be $100,000,000 per quarter, which would have a tremendous leverage in social action programs. The difficulty, however, is finding those that are appropriate and effective. Usually, these individuals formulate foundations—charitable, philanthropic foundations of a nature akin to their own thinking, rather than having that generated from celestial influence so that it becomes multiplied to influence not only thousands but, tens of thousands and hundreds of millions of people. It is that which we seek in the programs that we are developing as the time gets shorter. We need to have a means to influence millions of people every week so that those numbers accrue to a large number to change the culture of your world.

  • Ego, fear and maturity levels

MMc: I’m beginning to see the relationship between our concepts of wealth, fame and power, ego and the use of fear and the primitive states of our three economies or systems—financial business economy, social economy and the political economy. Will you help clarify these relationships for me, please?

MACHIVENTA: Really, you have done quite an excellent job yourself. There are the detrimental aspects of wealth, power and fame which only come out when ego and fear come into play. Ego is not limited solely to individuals; it can be nationalistic, a national egoism. It can be a corporate egoism; it can be a fear based by those in power, who wish to use that to protect themselves or to squash those who appear to be rebellious, but simply are innovative, creative types who present new ideas. Thus, there truly is a relationship between ego and fear and the misuse of wealth, power and fame.

It is interesting—it should be interesting to you, that wealth is not limited to possessions of hundreds of millions of dollars, or billions of dollars. Even misuse of wealth can occur by those who have only thousands of dollars—less than ten thousand dollars—when they think they are incredibly rich, or that this money has come to them suddenly. They think in terms of grandiosity and terms of influence with their friends and what they can do with this money. Wealth is not limited to misuse by millionaires, but oftentimes is misused far more frequently by those who have far less, which is tremendously unfortunate as these elements of wealth, power and fame can provide a rapid exposure to soul-growing experiences. It can bring out the best in the lower morontial capabilities of mortals, or it can sink them into depravity. The choices become very clear, very quickly and you can tell the maturity of these individuals very easily through how they use their newfound wealth, whether that is $1,000 or $10,000 or $100,000,000. How people use these are indicators of the level of maturity and soul-growth and their personality development. When you become observant of these acts by individuals, then you realize that you should be able to assess their maturity very quickly. More and more you will be able, as you yourself mature, to more accurately evaluate your neighbors, your friends, the people you meet as being mature or immature, how they use their money, how they use their material goods and so on.

Relationship between three core values and the three economies

MMc: A reader is still unclear about the association of three core values of sustainability—quality of life, growth and equality—and the three economies. Would you go through this again for him, please?

MACHIVENTA: Okay, please wait.

[Daniel: There’s quite a discussion going on between them.]

There are some associations between the three core values themselves that could be clarified as distinct from the three economies of a functional society. Their association as best can be stated is that as societies mature, the three core values of sustainability will be more accurately developed in the populace. The three economies must be developed as sustainable in order for the whole of the civilization to become sustainable. Their association is that use of the three core values on a daily basis by individuals, families, communities, societies, governments, economic functions and political functions will have a constant and long term effect on the sustainability of these three economies. What we said earlier was that a sustainable civilization will not come into existence until these three economies have approached sustainability in their own right. Politically sustainable environments will not occur until almost all political processes on the planet are democratic in some form or another. Totalitarian government and regimes, dictatorships and so on, are not amenable to the three core values simply because using the three core values that bring about sustainability are inherently democratic in nature; they are egalitarian in nature.

You cannot have self-interest, political interest, partisanship and controls in a sustainable society. The three core values do not embellish self-interest; do not embellish partisanship; and do not embellish special interests, unless those interests are in alignment with the three core values of sustainability. Then you would have a much different evolving transitional form of governance and political environment.

I think you can see why we hesitated to bring out the association between the three core values and these three economies because the depth of discussion can become very extensive and detailed. You are most welcome to ask clarifying questions.

MMc: I’m going to let that ruminate for a while and come back to that.

  • The encoding of the three core values in our DNA

Let me see if I can put together some of the things you’ve told us in the past. The three core values are encoded in our DNA, and we have misunderstood their meaning or how they impact upon us, largely because of Caligastia, Satan and Lucifer’s fiasco. This has severely retarded our three cultural systems—our political economy, our social economy and our financial economy. Is this correct?

MACHIVENTA: That is correct.

MMc: Very good. In evolutionary biology an organism is said to behave altruistically when its behavior benefits other organisms at a cost to itself. Altruistic behavior is present not only in man, but is widely seen in the animal kingdom. I believe you mentioned ants; Darwin used the example of bees. But, Darwin had a difficult time explaining the biological altruism, based on his theory of natural selection. It would appear that the three core values exist in the DNA of other species, as well as our own, and this explains the altruisms seen in nature. All of this is in the form of a question.

MACHIVENTA: You will find these traits of altruism in mammals and primates. Please continue.

MMc: That’s all the questions I have for today. Susan, Roxie, do you have any questions?

  • Bridging the social divide in communities

Susan: I do have a few questions, yes. Machiventa, I’m envisioning an organization in our community that would have the potential to bridge the social divide, fragmentation and redundancies that are created by specialization, and help us make the initial step toward social sustainability. My vision is an organizational body that shares a philosophy that the individual is the primary resource of the community, and then envisions a community where every individual is valued for his or her potential to contribute and receives equitable opportunity to prosper, grow and pursue a quality life. In such a community, all organizations, designs, projects and programs would be evaluated by the degree to which they contribute to or maintain the basic needs that drive the individual. My question is, am I on the right track? Is this a vision that has the potential to make that initial step forward in our community at this time?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. Yes, it is a viable step. You do not want to make generalists out of everybody, just as you do not want to make specialists out of everybody. What you do want to do in a community to make it viably sustainable is to allow or encourage and provide the skill training by volunteers in the community so that others can learn how to become farmers, gardeners, blacksmiths, electricians, plumbers, and so on. You will find that through this cross training, your community becomes far more sustainable in a crisis, as well as providing confidence by individuals who attend those classes to have confidence in their teacher, and would call upon them for more skilled service to their home, for instance. Let us say that a skilled plumber has an ongoing class of training household owners and renters how to repair their own minor plumbing needs. Some plumbers would be fearful to think that this would decrease their earning power, whereas others who are service oriented would see this as an opportunity to take on larger projects that homeowners and renters would not feel competent to do. This could be extended to minor electrical work; it could be to cooking and whole-house work, and particularly to childcare, childrearing, and so on. Our main concern is not your houses, but the children and the coming generations that come forward. It is essential, if I understand your question correctly, or at least a facet of it, that there be preparations for a whole community. We see communities as a holism of systems, of childrearing, of education, of medical care and so on, that everyone becomes as capable as they can to the limits of their inherent potential. I have wandered around a bit within the parameters of your question—does this answer any part of it?

Susan: Actually, it does because I don’t think I was embracing in this question and in this philosophy the important part specialization does play. As you said, you don’t want to have all generalists or all specialists, the strength is in the cross training. I’m going to have to think on that one. When I said, “bridge the social divide that specialization causes,” I’m seeing in my community a lot of different groups who can fall into certain categories, such as those who work with the health and wellness part of the community, those who are part of education, those in business, industry, etc., etc. We often tend to work in our own arenas without seeing the community as a whole.

So, let me ask my second question and maybe it will become clearer. The mission of this organization would be to promote individual growth, family culture and our social, economic and political environments through dialog, communication and the support of organizations, designs and programs that would work toward that goal. I think I’m trying to understand how we look at the groupings within this organization appropriately. Maybe I’ll ask my question around that.

  • Nine categories of specializations in a community

I’m seeing roughly nine categories of specializations or groupings of people in the community that could come around a table, so to speak, in constituencies, a table at which dialog would happen around the envisioning of these goals, and then communication. The nine areas would be: 1) Health—all those involved in health and wellness; 2) Home—home would include property, home maintenance, services, and real estate; 3) Education—the category of family life and life-long learning; 4) Wealth, as being one of those needs, and of course there are so many businesses, merchants, services, industry—all of that would fall under wealth; 5) Cultural opportunities—fine arts, music; 6) Rest and relaxation—recreation; 7) Spiritual connections—churches, spiritual centers; 8) Service—community services; and 9) Pure public services—safety, fire, utilities, etc.

I’m seeing nine constituencies that would come together to communicate between each other, with each other, and communicate to the people within their specializations and groups to kind of pull us together as a community with a whole vision. My question is: are we forgetting something? Is this too much, too soon?

  • The holism of communities with sub-systems

MACHIVENTA: Yes, dear one, you fully see the holism of a community, just as a body—a physical body—has sub-systems, they work all together and they communicate with each other to remain integral and operational. Communities fall apart when these segments do not communicate with each other, that they become isolated and they have their own professional or social cliques in isolation from others and have an aloofness or elitism, which keeps them apart. What you are striving to do is project the holism of a human body, onto the holism of a community, where all parts are integral and aware of each other and understand their relationship to each other. We salute you for the work that you are doing. The primary ethos of such a community is that “we are all in this together,” that though we may live five miles out in the woods, we are still part of this community and when there is a need, we will call upon this central community for assistance. Yes, you are headed in the right direction and you have accomplished a tremendous amount within an extremely short period of time.

Now, make this awareness grow in the minds and hearts of the rest of the people in your community. That will be the main message. What you will strive to do, as we see that you are doing now, is to create activities that create that wholeness, that awareness. You can begin that by identifying those nine groups and the organizations that fit within them, and then you may wish to have some type of community systems gather where everyone becomes acquainted with everyone else. We use the simple example of wealth: Many people have enough money to have a satisfactory, sustainable life, but most people do not know how to manage what finances they do have, and misuse or squander the money that could be used more capably and more suitably for a better, whole, standard of living.

So too, a community does not do well when a service or sector is unknown to others, that it is forgotten, that it is not in the minds of everyone as a constant source of good for them. When a community has a loss of electricity for a long period of time, then you will find that the electrical sump-pumps for the sewage system and for the fresh water pressurization do not function either, and so everybody comes quickly to mind that the sewer system or the water source has failed. So, it is important that everyone be aware of that and appreciate it, even though it may function flawlessly for many years. Your goal, as you have subtly pointed out is to become aware of each other, to become aware that there are nine identified fields of interest. This would be a wonderful way to proceed, so that it develops recognition and then appreciation, and then a working relationship among and between them.

I hope this answers your question; you have given your project to great development. We are hopeful that you have others who are capable of assisting you at this time.

Susan: Thank you. That was very helpful. You gave me some ideas as to how to approach this—ones I hadn’t thought of—and yes, I do have people who will support this once it is developed to a point where it can be communicated a little better than I just did with you.

  • The West Coast drought and ripple effect

This may be a curiosity question, but I’m going to throw it in here: We have a drought going on, on the West Coast—far West Coast in California—and of course our East Coast, along with much of the Midwest is inundated [with snow, ice and water]. The drought in California is so bad that in the mountains, we are almost through January and there hasn’t been any real significant snow. We are a state that supplies about a quarter of the food supply of the world. Yesterday we had a big wind, up where I’m at, and the dust came in. I’ve never seen dust in the mountains like this; it came in tremendous clouds. It got me thinking about the “Dust Bowl. ” My curiosity question is: A drought like this could cripple our state, which could have rippling effects. Is this a part of what you’ve been speaking of when you talk about the geo-physical catastrophes that might be coming?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, they are. This is a perfect example of the cascade effect where small regions can have cataclysmic effect upon a global activity. Your state is an important one in the world economy, as you have pointed out. What happens to it will have a ripple affect throughout the world, as even the economy of California is rated as the 8th or 10th largest economy in the world, and so, if it should fall and stumble then it would have a tremendous effect upon the financial institutions, the stock markets of the world, produce, seed production and the supply that it would make to grocery stores throughout these continents. Yes, what you are seeing is a ripple effect, that one thing can lead to another and get worse.

We see this effect politically; you are witnessing such an occurrence on the political realm that affects all three economies in the Middle East. You are seeing a visage of what is to come in that region, which will become even more severe. You are witnessing the small, progressive decline and disintegration of a whole region, which will have implications throughout the world before long. You are all related; your activities within your community are a primary example, one that we hope to use to the benefit of thousands of other communities around the world. You are finding that you are a holism; right now you find that in your community it is not economically viable, and this gives you a commonality among you to begin to search for answers and search for clues and solutions to your difficulty. What it does, in fact, is pull all nine elements and all the population of your community together to effectively say, “We are in this together!” Your community is a prime example of what will occur around the world, that you must rely upon each other to survive, to maintain a modicum of a standard of living.

You are learning the rules and ropes of survival as a social entity, and communities are vital to the integrity of societies and nations. What you are learning here, we hope that you record very thoroughly, and record the steps as you proceed, as there will be many others who will want to emulate what you are doing, and wonder how they will survive. At the same time, you see throughout your nations, small communities that are not doing what you are doing, and they are simply falling apart and wasting away, and the children go to larger cities, and of course, that leads to other difficulties. It is best when the community lives much as a family, that it realizes it has difficulties, that the finances do not exist that it wishes to have with a really robust quality of life and standard of living, so it tightens its belt and works together so that those who earn money at a part-time job, assist those who are not working at all, and those who are working full-time assist others.

It is not necessary that there be a tremendous shift of financial wealth from the wealthy to the poor, but there surely must be an altruism of equitable service by others who do not have. You call this in some ways a sliding scale of service. Yes, that is so, and for some who are destitute, then they would pay almost nothing. What would occur then is that there would be a “service in kind,” and this brings about the further holism of your community, that where once farmers would bring their chickens and pigs to the doctor as payment for the services of the doctor, now that individual may rake their lawn or organize their garage, or paint the outside shed, or something like that as compensation for the office call. So, when you begin to see how this works, when things become rough, then what everyone has in their spare time, of course, is their labor. And so, you begin the rudiments of a new economy through this way. Thank you for your questions. We are observing your community with great excitement and interest.

Susan: Oh, thank you! I’m glad you are observing and helping! This is quite an undertaking, but actually one that flows and is very exciting for those of us talking about it.

  • Explaining the “World of the Cross” to Christians

I have a final question, and it was interesting to me that in your greeting to us, you used the words, “World of the Cross.” This is a question from my brother: “In my vignette project, I have come face to face with what I believe is the biggest obstacle preventing folks, young and old, from knowing God, especially through the Church. As I try to get over this obstacle and bridge the gap in Christian understanding of the events leading up to the Crucifixion, I find I am faced with two competing paradigms regarding the meaning of the Cross—the Bible and The Urantia Book. I sense there needs to be a paradigm shift in understanding before the larger truth of The Urantia Book can influence the spiritual understanding and future growth of the Church.

“To date, I have written about the “Nature of God,” “Friendship with God,” “Living Truth,” “Way of the Spirit,” “Sin,” “Betrayal,” “Forgiveness,” “Mercy,” and “Divine Justice.” I feel like with each vignette, I’m stringing a necklace with gems of truth, but I don’t know what the completed necklace will look like, and whether it will be sufficiently attractive to a Christian audience. So, keeping in mind the paradigm problem, I ask, ‘Is there a way in my vignette to help Christians enlarge their understanding of the Cross, especially in the way God views it?’ And if so, could you give me a few suggestions I could use, that would be helpful in moving this project forward, without undermining their Christian faith?”

CHRIST MICHAEL: First, dear friend, is that you do not attack the beliefs of others, but simply provide a fresh way of looking at old material, or material that has never been examined. Never before, has the Cross been discussed by me, except in my words in your “red-letter Bibles,” and “New Testaments,” where my words are recorded. It would be helpful to my followers if they truly understood what I went through on the Cross, and why I did not thwart my Father’s Will. Had I done so, I would have been arrogant. Had I thwarted the will of those mortals I came to serve, I would have also been arrogant in my demeanor, as my life has been one of service and humility as a mortal, Jesus. That would be intolerable for those who follow.

The perspective of an autobiography, or a biography, would be one perspective that you could use. In some ways, this series of vignettes is a biography, recorded by my “assistant,” who you may think of as John Mark, or as yourself. An autobiography by Jesus would also be quite revealing. Further, when I said, “Who has seen me has seen the Father,” has caused tremendous confusion in the identity of Jesus, an identity of the Son of God. It will be quite a leap for Christian believers to understand the Creator Son concept, which of course, every mortal expresses in their own mortality, that each one of you is a “creator.” There will be tremendous difficulty in sorting out the concepts of atonement and sacrifice until the Godhood of the triunity of God is fully explained. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Infinite Spirit is the Trinity of the First Source and Center of the Universe, and God the Son is distinctly different from the Creator Son. Each of you is a son of God; I am a Son of God; I am not God the Son, however, which is quite different.

You will also have difficulty in assisting mortals to understand that the triunity of God exists in eternity, and it is there that it exists, and to exist as within the finite material universe can only be done—and best done—through the presence of others, where God exists in you. Therefore, you are creator sons. And know that I am giving you many, many ways of looking at these vignettes, and that these are most challenging, but it is our attempt to work with you through your own Thought Adjuster, to understand that this series of vignettes we wish you to [write] will stand for centuries, not just for your particular church, but for all God centered churches, that they finally come to understand who I was when I was there as Jesus, who I am now as your Creator, Christ Michael, a Creator Son. I have faith in you that you can work with these concepts in simple terms to help the most simple believer come to understand this highly benevolent, loving relationship, the immense generosity of God the Father of All, to provide this to you through Its tremendous organization of light, of which you and I are members.

Practice. Write many. Show them to your friends. You will, perhaps, make mistakes, but this is developmental and it is also a spirit journey of your own. Know that we are with you; you have the best help possible; you have a good mind, and of course, we know that you “soar with eagles.” Thank you.

[Daniel was very emotional in delivering parts of this, particularly the last sentence.]

Susan: Thank you! Michael, he will be so thrilled with this response. I’m understanding that he originally started this with the idea of having about 40 vignettes for a “Lenten Series,” but as I’m listening to your response, I’m understanding the broader scope of what his project is, what he is working with, and how much bigger it is and more important. This is thrilling for me and I’m looking forward to him hearing about it.

CHRIST MICHAEL: Thank you. We are attempting through my Triumvirate and through our teams to approach mortals who are willing to accept a global challenge in the framework that they can serve.

Susan: Thank you! Those are all the questions that I have.

  • A question concerning dependency

Roxie: Machiventa, one of your statements to Susan last time really spoke to me. You were talking about how there was a “percentage of people whose mind mechanisms are incomplete, unworkable, or whose social maturity and learning is so defective as to not be able to use any learning or growing situation positively for their self-maintenance later.” I feel like that applies in my situation. As you are probably are aware, I have another family of five that is currently living with me and I would just like to know if you have any special guidance for me in how to deal with this situation, as it seems like there is no end to their dependence on me.

MACHIVENTA: One moment. In your situation, there are those who wish to be dependent, and those who are willing to make others dependent. In your personal situation, we see that you have helped others in the past, during their difficulties as dependents. It is important that even with adult children that they learn to become adults—self-sufficient adults. The reality of that only hits home when those who are the providers fade away and make their transition into the afterlife. It is more helpful, however, if that transition to maturity can be done before death, that those who are dependent would learn to become self-sufficient and to learn how to live on their own, even within meager circumstances.

In your situation, the proximity of everyone, you would need to call upon your “house angel” to assist the orderly conduct of your household with so many people. There must also be a participation of decision-making, as every decision by every individual within your household affects everyone else. You, too, have a small community where one affects the all and the all affects the one. The awareness of that relationship is important to be in the minds of everyone, that you do not live alone; that you do not act alone; and the repercussions of one affects everyone else. Therefore, we suggest that good decision-making be a class to be held in your household, not as perhaps as a formalized class, but can be done one-on-one, as you are the mother and grandmother of many. You have a situation that calls forth the best of everyone to make a suitable or livable situation.

Yes, there will be those who are untrainable, who will nonetheless do what they wish and as they please. They should be made aware of their decisions and the consequences that may accrue, but not chastised for doing so. Their life will be their own, as whenever they leave your environment, they will suffer the consequences of poor decisions. Some do not have the mental capacity to make right decisions. Love them as they are and humbly guide them as best you can and assist them to be of service to themselves and to others, wherever possible.

Roxie: Thank you so much! I appreciate your advice.


That’s all the questions I have.

MMc: Any further questions, Susan?

Susan: No, not at this time.

MMc: Machiventa, thank you… and Michael, thank you!
