2014-02-23-Message for the Heart
Topic: Message for the Heart
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
My precious children, this is your Universe Mother Nebadonia. There is much change occurring upon your evolutionary world. New ideas are sparking the human imagination. Creative ways to solve your planet’s social and moral problems are growing—not only in terms of new ideas, but in new feelings of desiring to become more of who you are. This is my Spirit Voice speaking into your beings, helping you expand into the ways of the universe. It is safe to open to this, dear ones, and listen to the internal cues and clues that you perceive through your intuition.
Your developmental potential is being catalyzed by Spirit. Welcome this! Celebrate this! Trust in this, and enter joyfully into the inquiry that beckons to you. My presence is in your consciousness, and it is also the place wherein resides your own indwelling Spirit of God, which desires to attune you to the divine life plan seeded within your consciousness.
Desire your growth in Spirit, and know that change is good! This is a natural process, part of your innate make-up as an evolving human. The spiritual presences within your being are all there to assist your awareness of the development aspect of your being, but it is your choice that activates this journey—it is an act of faith. We hope you will choose the changes speaking into you, and thrive in this unfolding. Enjoy this process, and where it takes you on the adventure of creation!