2014-03-03-Message for the Heart

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Topic: Message for the Heart

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Beloved children, this is your Father Michael. The spiritual quality of GOODNESS contains a certain type of gravity that feeds your mind and heart. When you desire to do God’s WILL, you are essentially asking for GOODNESS to feed you—to help you attune to what is truly right and in alignment with the ways of Creation. Reflecting upon this divine attribute will help you attune your minds to what is real food for your souls, and provide you space to grow in loveliness as a beloved son and daughter.

I invite you to allow your thoughts and desires to imprint upon GOODNESS, that you may perceive a deeper sense of what it means to become more Godlike. This is a quality that will grow in you. It will help you deliver kindness and understanding, forgiveness and compassion in the midst of unwholesome behavior by others. It is a quality that I was able to draw upon during my human life as Jesus, and a divine attribute that I share with you.

When you fall short of knowing what is God’s WILL in any situation, call upon me and ask for GOODNESS to feed your heart. Let go of what you think you need and trust that I will impart this fundamental spiritual energy into you. Over time you will embody this more consistently and demonstrate this throughout your daily experiences. Desire this, my children, as this is the essence of our Creator in His GLORY and MAJESTY and it is available to you!