2014-03-25-Redundant Teachings

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Topic: Redundant Teachings

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Mentori Spokesperson

TR: Lytske



Mentor: “There are times when teachings of old re-surface in your mind. This is indisputable proof that nothing is ever forgotten. There will, however, always be teachings which over time will become outdated and redundant. With ongoing evolutionary progress this will always be the case, as knowledge about all areas is always expanding. Especially is this true in the field of spirit, which until now has been sadly neglected on this planet, as people have generally not yet taken responsibility for their personal soul-growth.

“They still tend to listen to their priests, preachers, gurus and others, and let them do their thinking for them. As a global society, the time for individual spiritual soul-searching and maturation is dawning, as the progress of the planet is at stake. The time of correction which is now upon you all, is in the early stages of awakening all humans with an ear to listen, observe, and become conscious of the signs of the times.

“There is a great need on the part of all humans to start looking within and checking personal levels of honesty and sincerity. Every correction starts with one single person and it is hoped that many will take heed and answer the urge from within to listen more carefully to what the still Voice from their God-Spark is trying to relate to them. There are issues at stake which truly need closer scrutiny, especially in the area of the quality of life, as duration is not important.

“It is what you humans do with your allotted time here on earth that will surely be scrutinized once you have exchanged your temporary body for a more enduring spiritual one should you have elected to become immortal. There are certain life-changing decisions to be made since you indeed belong to a very rare breed, who are able to believe without there being a visible representation of a celestial government. Inwardly there is all the proof you need as you all have been gifted with a Spark from the Almighty Creator God.

“Allow your Gifts from God within, your Thought Adjusters, to help inspire each one of you with new insights and inspirations as to how you shall conduct yourselves during this all-important foundational life. Many messages from on High have been going out over the last twenty years or more, however, it would be encouraging to see more signs of spiritual progress in individual lives. What are you going to look back upon after your arrival on the Mansion worlds?

“Truly you might already begin to observe within yourselves how you are behaving, and whether or not this behavior has been spiritually profitable for your soul-growth. There exist many possibilities for the exercise of yielding spiritual fruits in loving service to each other. In helping each other progress, the whole planet will be uplifted. By paying more attention to the soft Voice from God within, you will become able to leave old redundant and often erroneous teachings behind, so God’s truth has a chance to be heard and put into practice.”