2014-04-15-The Freedom to Create Yourself
Topic: The Freedom to Create Yourself
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Oscar
Thought Adjuster: “The peace that surpasses all understanding is the reward of those who have dared to believe in the existence of a loving universal Father who dedicates Himself to the care and sustenance of His creatures and His creation. This peace is not an intellectual belief. When tranquility is based on purely intellectual ideas, peace does not survive the blows of life or the normal challenges that human beings face in this world. True peace is a life experience that cannot be transmitted to others, but it offers a security and a certainty that seem to go against appearances and the situation in which one lives.
This is the true peace that Jesus offers. It is a peace that He himself discovered in His experience and truly desires to share with us. He knows that this peace is the most important incentive for the highest achievements in human life. This peace is what produces the courage and determination necessary to overcome the limitations of the material world and animal origin to become spiritual beings who know God.
You can yearn for this peace with all your heart, but to experience it, you must first know the source of this peace – the Father – and to know the Father, you must first learn to do His will, which is equivalent to choosing the best possible outcome for your existence and the highest manifestation of your personality. Only by living the Father's will can you understand the Father. Only by striving to be all that God would be if He were in your place will you discover Him within yourself and come to understand Him.
Living the Father's will is living an intense life, full of uplifting experiences and revealing lessons of the deepest truths of eternal value. Living the Father's will is not a life of blind obedience, nor is it the submission of human will. Rather, it is an effort to become the most beautiful and true expression of your being, the one you are destined to become if you choose to continue the race of eternity and perfection. Living the Father's will represents the greatest and most authentic freedom that a human being can experience – the freedom to create oneself in the image and likeness of the Creator.”