2014-04-23-A Religion of Freedom
Topic: A Religion of Freedom
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Thought Adjuster
TR: Oscar
Thought Adjuster: “It's time for a new religion to emerge in this world. This new religion will replace the older religions while at the same time exalting the truths that these past religions have preserved among their doctrines. Everything that is true and good from these religions will survive, and everything that is contrary to the will of the Father will be set aside in this new religion.
All those ideas of separation among people will be forgotten. When humans wholeheartedly understand the fact of God's fatherhood, they will only be able to accept their fellows as their brothers. Cultural, racial, or social differences will not matter. Truly, humans will become like children in the way they associate and in the implicit trust they will offer to all those they meet on their path.
The new religion will be a religion of freedom. It is not the freedom that inferior humans might interpret as a license to do evil or to try to exalt their own ego above others. The freedom that the new religion offers is the power that will be placed in the hands of each person to become the master of their own destiny and thus create, with the help of the Father, the highest and most beautiful expression of their individual personality. In other words, each one will be responsible for their own salvation, and each one will be able to achieve the glory of creating a being of light and life – their own self – for universal eternal service.
The new religion is a personal and individual religion. The children of this religion will share their experiences, and with the help of all, they will understand the Father in heaven better than before and together discover their purpose in the mosaic of the universe. But each one will approach the Father on their own terms, in a unique and original way. Each human being possesses a unique personality given by the Father, and this personality in the process of perfection is the intention that the Father has wanted to manifest through that individual life, an expression that can only be fully manifested in eternity. This great unique treasure has been given to each mortal being for their maintenance and edification, and this is an effort that each one of us must undertake alone, a joint enterprise between God and each of his creatures.
This new religion will not arise in temples or places of worship but in the hearts and minds of human beings. Today you can already begin to enjoy this new way of approaching your reality, and through faith and hope, embark on the search for the truth, beauty, and goodness that are hidden deep within your being, where God himself has decided to place a fragment of Himself as a promise of eternal life and a safeguard of wisdom and unconditional love.”