2014-05-11-N. Idaho TeaM

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Topic: Motherhood

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Michael, Serena

TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris



Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, welcome us into your circle as we would welcome you into ours. Let us overlap our circles at this time, touching each other from this far away. It always brings us such a good feeling when we commune with you in this way. When we come close to you in this fashion we well up with the feeling of goodness and love and peace, in fact this love and peace and goodness that we feel becomes our definition of what love and peace and goodness feel like. You help us to define this in our experience; that which we seek feels like this. We are in such gratitude for this connection with you, for being able to feel these feelings, this attachment to you, your presence among us. Let us drink this cup of love and peace and goodness together now.



Michael: [Mark] Good morning my dear ones, I am Michael here among you this morning as you so allow. I would come and fellowship with you this morning on the occasion of this that is declared "Mother's Day". I would certainly join you all in tribute to the feminine mother energy which all of us hearing these words have had the privilege to encounter. There is but one experience like it in all of your universe ascension career, this experience of having been born, of having been cared for and raised by a devoted, loving, affectionate parent. This act of mothering is a sacred bond which remains intact with you all throughout your entire career. This bond between the mother and child is a unique experience and one to be treasured. It certainly may not be shared from one to another but must only be experienced and lived directly in time and space with all its requirements and duties and all of its rewards and joys.

To this child, they start by knowing nothing else. They are surrounded by this environment and grow up with the benefit of this nurturing and it is not until some later time that the child may grow in wisdom enough to see what it is that his mother has done for him, what it is for him to have grown up under such a loving parent. This takes time for the children to even establish this distinction, this consideration of the grace involved in this act of motherhood, but once they are wise enough and perhaps even live the experience themselves, they will grow to fully appreciate what this sacred task of motherhood has meant.

The mothers are literally the wombs of the next generation and likewise, your great grandmother, so to speak, is the womb for all next generations. Your mother Nebadonia is still faithfully raising generation after generation of God's children. She so tirelessly supplies you with all that you have need of as a great overarching act of motherhood. And just like the young developing children, you do not know yet what it is like to be separate from her, to be apart from her, to not feel her presence surround and encompass you much as the womb. When you graduate from this time and space womb of environment and find yourselves in different environments away from your Mother, it is only then you will come to appreciate the magnitude of the grace which has been directed towards you through this act of love, through this personality.

Your Mother is also responsible for your emotional strings which may be played and their tones will indicate to you where there is love, peace and goodness or where there may not be present these things. These emotional cords that will be struck are your Mother's investment in you. They are your inheritance from her gracious spirit, they connect you to her much as your Spirit of Truth connects you to me. They are a signal from your parent and when in doubt or in consideration as to the worthiness of any cause, you may always seek a response from your emotional side, from your heart space and you will receive one. Likewise, you may solicit a response from your Spirit of Truth and you will receive one. These are both guiding lights meant to lead you in the direction of Divinity.

So today I join you in voice and in spirit to celebrate the act of love and grace that we refer to as motherhood. Such a joyful, demanding, even overwhelming task at times. We all are grateful for your service. We all acknowledge the role you play in our lives, in our purpose. We bless you as you perform these acts of gracious ministry and we support you for supporting us in the process. Blessings upon all this day and every day, what a joy it is to fellowship with you and simply come and be in your presence, to overlap our energy, to feel each other in this process. I now bid you all happy Mother's Day. Go out and spread the good news, the cheer and the love. Peace be upon you all, farewell.


Correcting Time

Serena: [Cathy] At this time change is a real process in your world. We have placed in motion the Correcting Time as designed by Michael. Part of this process will be clarified of the choices to be made. As change is being manifested, there are choices to be made in the direction and details of the desired choice. It will be helpful for others if you portray the choices in your own behavior. As you choose, you clarify for others that a choice is available for them. Clarification of the possibilities will facilitate the ability of others to process the information and take their own path of action. This is how we -together enable the change we desire to be manifested. It is our desire that you begin to pay attention to new choices as they present themselves. The change is truly all around you. Be the change that you desire. Be a trail breaker for others that the path may be seen clearly. We will guide you through this process. Together we will bring the light to Urantia.