2014-06-01-Hurry Slowly
Topic: Hurry Slowly
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Teacher Samuel of Panoptia
TR: George Barnard
Samuel: “There are countless misunderstandings associated with religious teachings and spiritual understandings. Here, where we are today on Mansonia Seven, Aaron and I often discuss agondonter ascencion, your Paradise pilgrimage, and what is known and unknown to you. Surprisingly, it is so that if you could know all religious dogma, all spiritual findings and all intuitive understanding on your world, you would be extra well informed. However, you would also need to disregard much more than half of what you had learned.
“Indeed, the wildest of rules, regulations and ideas are expressed about the life hereafter. What is often overlooked is your absolute trust that all will work out well. You are ‘Agondonters’, and therefore you will at some point in time overcome the ‘agony of doubt’ and accept that there is a God, that life has a purpose, and that therefore there is a plan beyond mortal life. You are accepting of the fact that there is something in you that vaguely makes known to you that death at the end of life is not the ‘end of the road’.
“You have taken one tiny little step on the long road of accepting your future betrothal to a Fragment of the Creator of all that is. As you presently count time, centuries may pass before mortal and spirit are one. Your little corner of the universe, and all of the universes that surround it take their time. They hurry slowly, we are often told. However, the Father’s creation is most efficient as a place of learning. Where some will feel as if they are living in a care-free kindergarten, others will earnestly be gaining their PhD’s in mortal living.
“Still, all will learn, slowly or more quickly, for all will be given the opportunity to progress, each having angels who are given the bold outlines of their charges’ futures. Even more to the point … all will receive Thought Adjusters, which will know every ‘turn in the road’ of their betrothed’s spiritual progress, success, even failures. Whilst you, and you, and you, might have a vague idea of you future eternal commitments, there are others – your ever-loving Guides, celestial Teachers and Carers – who will know the end from the beginning.
“What is there to gain in guiding a mortal, one might ask? For a Destiny Guardian there is the good chance that she, too, will enter Paradise. For the Thought Adjuster there is the gift of personality upon fusion. Plenty of motivation for all involved, be assured, my friends. There is more than this, unbelievably more, because there is the offering and tasting, the giving and receiving of unconditional love – an all-consuming, fascinating state of being.
“This is Samuel of Panoptia. May you all hurry slowly upon the right path toward unconditional love.”