2014-06-29-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Do Unto Others
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Charles, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
Charles: [Mark] Good morning friends, yes I am indeed at a seat around your table that you allow for me. I would take my five minutes to offer my public testimony. I would perhaps distill down this desire to have the simplest easiest technique to help you remember about what is in essence, the gospel distilled by your Master and I don't think I could do any better than his choosing to distill its essence down to three small words. Those three words might eternally be: Do unto others. You can add much solution to these three words causing them to expand over a great many different conditions in your experience much as you would take the bullion and make the soup.
But nevertheless, the essence of the soup is the bullion, is how you would wish to be treated as defined by how you would do unto others. Do those things that you would wish others would do to treat you with fairness, to give you the liberty of opportunity, to grant you the fairness that they would grant others, to extend to you these basic aspects of life as you would so do to others. Truly, these three words can be used to bring you back to this place of awareness because you know within yourselves those things that you crave in this life, the idea that you be given a fair shake, thus extending to your desire to be fair to others, the idea that life is to be pursued and happiness is to be pursued, to be extended to others as you would wish it extended to you. These principles are so very basic to the human condition that not only are they easy to recognize in that they are your own internal desire, but they are also easy to witness when others either extend them or they are absent.
It is really not a complicated process at all and these elements are either present or absent in any equation thereby defining their relationship to these divine values, their proximity to this divine grace. All aspects of life can be run through this filter and seen through this lens. Do these attributes and traits exist in this condition or do they lack one or more of them making your choices in life that much easier by defining for you how many and in what quantity does any life equation possess these attributes.
Truly, your desire to look to define life experiences by these attributes is a fruit of the spirit, is evidence that you are more interested in looking at what corresponds with these core and divine values than what simply may have a short term self serving feature. Less and less will you be content with anything that does not have some elements of these truths as part of its composition. Less and less will you settle for conditions which are devoid of these divine values. The example offered here today of reaching a point where one has to stand up and look for a way to alter the equation by bringing in these divine values is a good and serviceable one.
Often times it is not in the debate over facts, figures, rightness and wrongness; it is more often the intentions and the application of these divine principles that takes facts and debate and argument and changes the definition, changes the very values behind the defining process and in so doing gives greater recognition to the, what you call, core values. It is oftentimes easy to get embroiled in the apparent truth or fact or position that is stated and the accuracy and correctness of the position, thinking that you are winning or losing as defined by how many of these facts, figures and correct assumptions you possess over others.
But in the end it will not be the facts or figures which are remembered and which are taken forward in the process of spiritual growth, it will be how people were treated and what values were used in undertaking the discernment of truth and fact. By aiming high in this process, by attempting to define all these different attributes and aspects by the highest spiritual values you are aware of, you may discern a great change in your approach. No longer will your facts or figures be threatened by another but your values may be imposed upon the equation regardless of positions that are being taken, regardless of truth which may be possessed, regardless of strong inclinations and feelings about these positions.
Nevertheless, these may all be conditioned by the imposition of the greater value of love, peace, grace and the willingness to abide by these higher principles. It is hard to be truly at odds with your fellows while at the same time understanding that love and peace are the overarching values behind your relationship, behind your working with other individuals. Certainly this softens any position you might take when you consider that you are taking this position with or against your brother who has equal passion and caring for their country, for their loved ones, for their cause and is motivated just as you are to be there for the good of their cause.
Suddenly you find yourselves on the same side with simply a difference of opinion as to how to proceed forward and the distance between you narrows further and further as you discern that they are a child of God as you are, a brother or sister to you in the process, a friend of the organization or the group just as you are and that the differences which seemed so vast when argued as right or wrong, literally become rather minor distinctions of passion and of perspective. Try to remember this about those who you judge to be so far off track in your personal assessment. They are equally impassioned to defend their organization, their country, their cause. They simply see their facts and their truth as supporting a different perspective and a different approach but they are nonetheless servants to their desire to stand up for what they see as right.
Acts of loving kindness may go far further towards enabling them to see alternate perspectives than a challenging stance of my way is better than yours. This is perhaps easier to say than to do when you are confronted with those who are acting unkindly or unloving in their defense of their position. But, I invite you to all see this as an opportunity not to embrace them on their level of passion but to illuminate from your level of compassion, not to concede to their way of thinking perhaps but rather to allow for their way of thinking and to offer different perspectives, an alternative from a place of sharing rather than from a stance of defense.
It is exceedingly difficult but only the master could lay down their weapon in the face of an attack in confidence that the higher way will in fact not need a defense, but rather the higher way is presented, is simply there to be chosen, not to be enforced. This runs contradictory to your entire human history and condition where laws may be imposed, restrictions may be required and entire civilizations have been vanquished to impose new cultural ways of life and different ideas of truth. It will take great spiritual masters to lay down those very techniques and pick up new ones, to be the examples that can be chosen freely rather than the enforcers of a "better way".
I understand that this is a challenge and that your history dictates to you that you must stand strong against opposition or be overrun and I suppose there is some element of truth in that you may be overrun by those whose value systems are devoid of accepting these divine principles but the only true way through this quagmire of the defense of positions on both sides will be the ultimate acceptance of positions on both sides and the laying down of the weapons used in defense in favor of the approach of both accepting these "core values" and divine principles as their guiding light.
There will always be the different perspectives of how to get this done, what is the proper way to proceed and what are good attributes and bad attributes. There will never be a time where all of humanity thinks with one mind and one perspective. That is not the goal of this evolutionary sphere. The goal is to embrace the awareness that acceptance of these divergent approaches and viewpoints may be not only be tolerated, not only allowed, but may be embraced as part of the character and nature of the human condition. Particularly when mankind is overlaid with these divine principles and values, then these smaller differences tend to become crowded out by the greater acceptances and these wedges of division that you experience now in your human condition become smaller and smaller.
You are far more alike as human beings than you are ever different and yet it is these differences which cause so much of the issues and problems before you. If all of mankind could only be reminded of this simple truth, how very similar you all are. You all desire these same basic "core values" within, so how different can you really be? Surely you see things from different cultural perspectives and perspectives of all kinds, but nevertheless, you all desire these same basic principles condensed down into: "Do unto others as you would wish they would do unto you".
So when in doubt, I invite you to use this simple phrase your Master has brought to this world thousands of years ago now and pick it up as a banner. It is called the 'Golden Rule' for a reason. It is the distillation of the entire message of your Master, simply do unto others and allow that others may feel as though they are in service, making their point and defending their position. But lovingly and gently remind them and yourselves: Is this the way you would like to be treated? Would this rule or law or position, if applied to me, be the way I would want to be treated? This will allow you to make quick and simple judgements.
As has been mentioned in this group, your Master was truly a genius and this gift that he has given all of us is a 'Golden Rule' to live by on which I could not expand any better. Thank you for the opportunity to make my comments. I know now that it is a part of the record and I thank you for the opportunity. I bid you all a good week.
Light: [Cathy] Love is certainly the answer to all conflict and the lubricant in all social interaction. Love is the essence of the Father, our Creator. Love is the tool that can be used in conflict situations. The companion of love is light. Both come from the First Source and Center as a gift to you, His children. Light brings all conflict and abnormality back to the original plan of the Father. Our encouragement is to experiment with Light as we find opportunity. Bring Light with you as you go through your daily activities. Send Light to those who are in disharmony. Along with the Light, love will flow freely and will be liberally applied. This is the antidote to conflict and anger. This is what you can do to bring balance to the situations. This is your tool to be brought out and used. The basic understanding is all that is needed to proceed. Your skill and speed of action will increase with practice. You will be supported in this action. The whole universe supports you with love.