2014-10-05-Mind Over Matter
Topic: Mind Over Matter
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
The Beloved One: “At the start of a brand-new day it is always fitting to offer a prayer of thanks to the Creator of all and silently wait to feel His wonderful and mysterious energy flowing through you. This makes you aware of how it is that this awakening brings another day to be of service to the All-That-Is, who gives life and takes it away on His own terms. Most mortals give little thought as to how come they are alive, or what might be their reason for living.
“This planet is populated by untold numbers of unawakened souls that don’t know that within them lives a great Gift — a Gift that helps them unfold and grow their infant souls. The budding development of the soul is the true gauge that will one day show the value embedded in it, so to be carried forward into eternity. The mortals on this planet do not pay much attention to the state of their souls and what they will carry with them into life hereafter. It is the possession of a soul filled with hope, faith and trust in the Maker of all things — visible and invisible — that provides the impetus to listen to His Still Voice within after mortals have opened their side of the communication channel.
“Over time it will clearly become a mind-over-matter issue to be able to listen to guidance, untrammeled by outward noises, especially those from the fearmongers, who live in denial of their Creator, or who, at the very least, display little faith and trust in the benevolent and loving over-care of the Creator. Their minds are so tuned to matter, that they forget that there is more to life than meets the eye. Their God-given minds are almost inactive as they believe all and any negative contrived news.
“For the deeper thinkers, their minds are now beginning to be used for what they were designed, but overall much more could be gained if their minds could join up with the Spark from God within. Great things can and do happen when the mind is used in the way it was intended. Each person — none will be exempted — shall be held accountable for that precious mind so freely bestowed upon them. Is it being used to further peace and goodwill on the planet? Perhaps. Is it left to the winds of change blowing about the planet, and in such a manner as to influence all by whatever news is dished up by those who have the hidden agenda for world domination?
“Those mortals will pass on, never having realized that they lived like slaves, for never having used any of the precious gifts embedded within them and never having tried to think outside the box. What travesty allowing others to do their thinking for them! What travesty to live life, but never having been truly alive, only to listen to the old stories running through their heads of what others told them!
“At any time there must certainly come a wake-up call for many to start practicing mind-over-matter — to start thinking for themselves and accept the responsibility for their lives and how to live.”