2015-01-24-Receiving Michael's Provision
Topic: Receiving Michael's Provision
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time to be with you and to receive your words of guidance and wisdom. You know what we are going through. You know the truth of what is happening on this planet, and we thank you for supporting us through this period of transition in the ways we need. You know the questions we have in our hearts and minds, and as we open this circuit to receive from you, we thank you for speaking into us that we may perceive your words of guidance and counsel and bring us into greater depths of faith, hope and joy in your will. Thank you.
MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children. My PEACE is upon you. This is Michael. The circuit of the human heart is undergoing a time of change. There is a new interest sparking within the heart to know and understand the nature of God and reality. As the circuits of Spirit continue to receive this outpouring of our LOVE, gaining strength within the human heart and mind will you receive more of what you need to outwork the ways of the rebellion on your world and come into the greater reality of which you are all a part. And this world has a special destiny that you are now participating in unfolding.
I support your lives and your efforts at spiritual growth. And I ask you to look to me more as your provider, that you may imprint upon me those attributes of the Godly nature to bring into your being the higher Christed nature that you wish to embody. My role as your Father will continue. You will be developing a relationship with me for many, many years to come as you journey on your ascension path. The superuniverse adventure awaits you at some future time, and the morontia career is very long and is a training ground. It is a learning laboratory, and one of the most important elements of your education is to trust in me as your PROVIDER and your being upheld in my LOVE.
So focus on this idea now as my LOVE moves in you and provides you with more of what you need to grow. Receive me now, my children. I AM YOUR PROVIDER, and it is my delight to give you what you need. (Pause)
Provisions are being made for you and for this world to be nurtured into a new way of living. It is imperative for your stability and development to grow in my role as your PROVIDER, and to allow these energies of PROVISION to move deeply in you that you may be sustained and nurtured in how I can uphold you during this time of change. So few individuals of this world truly understand what this provision means. And it is my desire to help you deepen your capacity to receive me and to grow in what your Mother and your angelic sisters are bringing into you to build you in this energy of our growing relationship. (Pause)
Provisions of my nature are being added into you. It is my role as your PROVIDER to support your development, to nurture your growth, to bolster your self-confidence as you ingest these attributes of my nature into your being, giving you opportunities to express the Godly nature in your daily lives. My PROVISION is always available to you. It does behoove you to come to me when you feel the inner need and ask for me to fill you and sustain you in these divine endowments that I share with you of my nature as your Father. (Pause)
This energy of my PROVISION is what you might call a circuit, connecting you in more expansive ways to receive from me what you need. It is entirely acceptable for you to express your needs to me and to trust that I will provide what you call for when you are in need—when you have lost your way, when you need a gentle guiding hand forward.
So allow this connection to grow, this awareness that I AM YOUR PROVIDER. Let it stabilize you and build you in a more fundamental level of your being, helping you more fully relax in faith, hope, security; knowing you are indeed well cared for and provided for what you need to live successfully.
Living successfully can have many connotations attached to it. As your Father, I am concerned with your well being: your spiritual health, your emotional maturity, your mental clarity, and your physical vitality. These are the facets of your well being, and it is my desire that you live in this state of balance where all levels of your being are operating at optimal levels. So you only have to turn to me, and allow these energies of PROVISION of my being your PROVIDER to strengthen in you and fill every deep need of your being—mind, body and soul. (Pause)
My children, it is my delight to be your PROVIDER, to observe how you grow in our relationship. I am here to address your questions or concerns of mind and heart. However, should you desire to remain in that place of stillness receiving from me, your Mother will continue to minister in these circuits of your being the energies of PROVISION. You may come forward with your questions when you feel ready to speak.
Student: Hi, Father Michael, I don’t know how to form this question. I desire to have you provide me a deeper insight into a certain situation that is happening with a potential Buddhist volunteer in the prison system. I know that it will probably get resolved in a way that prevents from her coming in. The others (on this call) don’t know that the last time I brought this person in for the 2nd attempt to get her badge in personnel, the paperwork still wasn’t there. She became angry (probably out of fear that it had been lost), and she lost her temper. Someone in authority came in and got involved and had us escorted off the premises. He reported it and it has gone before the warden. I know it may be for the best, Father, that she is not in the prison system. That is part of my feeling, but there are things that need to be healed in the prison system too. You know, about the problems they have in facilitating religious volunteers. So give me more fatherly advice, more divine understanding of this whole process so that I can be more at peace with it. Thank you.
MICHAEL: My dear daughter D, you are aware of the very human problems that affect this systemic institution and how reform will occur over time through those Godly interventions such as what you are working toward accomplishing in your ministry and service in this area. It is not so much a matter of insight that I perceive you need as it is to be more patient with the conditions and the bureaucracy that you must face. When you are involved in such a massive institution there are countless rules and regulations and there are people who work to maintain these rules and regulations. Within an imperfect system, mistakes are made. Information is misplaced. Yes, this can be very annoying and frustrating, especially when individuals feel that they have something valuable to share. Much of this is their own making, what you might call a heart desire blended with their own agenda. So, it is not so much a matter of understanding what is happening as it is to be patient and forbearing with the energies that you must face within this institution.
I encourage you to pray into this institution for more of the energies of reform to come into this it, to ask the angels who are working in this institution to seed the energies of reform into those individuals who are in positions of power and control of this institution. There are many ways that this institution does need reform, and there are many new ideas that can be seeded into this arena when your petitions for reform are sincere and you pray with other individuals who also wish to see these changes be imparted into this institution of your culture. So maintain that attitude of patience and know that your prayers are delightful music to the angels’ ears. They can do much to work at a more systemic level where you may not have much influence or access as they have. They can do much to help you in what you wish to see accomplished here through a collaborative and co-creative endeavor. Does this help, my daughter?
Student: Yes, Father, I know I need patience but sometimes I worry that I am too patient and allow things to carry on with the status quo. But, I will pray more to have the angels do what you say. Thank you.
MICHAEL: You have more power than you may give yourself credit when you come together with the angels to pray for reform. This is part of the time of correction that people come into more prayerful collaboration with the host of heaven to seed in this change of mind and heart. You know your own human abilities are limited and yet when you pray you are in an energy field of amplification of the Father’s WILL, and much can be done through this co-creative means that you are all beginning to understand more and apply in better ways during your daily life.
So carry on, my daughter, with your heart felt desire to serve in this social arena. Know that when you continue and develop the deeper understanding that comes through sincere and effective prayer you will feel more motivated and know that you are indeed an agent of change on behalf of your world. Be in my peace, my daughter.
Beloved children, all through your universe career, you will grow in your relationship with me to prepare you for the stupendous journey throughout the universe to reach your eventual destination of Paradise and the Father Himself. The gains you make here upon Urantia during this time of change will support your eternal career when you come into that deeper union of PROVISION for your life from me as your PROVIDER.
Do not hold back when you are in need. You may think the need is insignificant or that you should be an adult enough to be able to provide for yourself. And in some ways, you will be able to provide for yourself when you are nurtured and sustained in what I can provide to you. So grow in this awareness and flourish in these energies. I AM YOUR FATHER. I AM YOUR PROVIDER. You live in my LOVE, and you grow in the WOMB OF YOUR MOTHER to gain strength, to develop your soul, and to manifest the Father’s WILL. Each day is an opportunity to do this and to become more than who you were yesterday.
So allow these energies to continue to take root in your being and lead you out into your lives in greater faith and trust that all is well. Good day, my beloved children.