2015-02-15-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Episodes in the Journey
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Charles, LIGHT, Serena, Jonathan
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
Charles: [Mark] Greetings to you my friends, it is my pleasure once again to join you among you. Charles here reporting for duty alongside all of you who are also showing up and reporting for duty to invest your spiritual energies and co-mingle them with others. I will borrow a bunch of imagery and string it together. Imagine that we are all construction workers showing up for the labors of the day. We have our tool belts and our gloves on and we have arrived to report for duty to work further on a service project at hand. Before there may be the big gathering there must be a creating of the space, the building of the arena, the fashioning of the ark. So in advance of its existence, we who have heard the call, show up in preparation to work on building the foundations and then the structure upon it. Guided by this calling we repeatedly arrive and donate our energies to the cause, circle up from our frames as we might be and projecting upward and outward while simultaneously a funnel or cone from on high is fashioned or constructed so that the two efforts, like spanning of the bridge, may come to meet.
We gather here today to invest our energies collectively for this process of coming together, of fashioning another means to connect. And so it is that we will work away and forge this project together, being concerned with our individual contributions being right and correct but unconcerned as to the scope of the plan and the details overseen by others. Rather will we be content to make our spiritual donation in our own fashion and to our own degree of awareness, all the while trusting that our work is a contribution to the whole just as all the others in the council are contributing. And by making this willing contribution of our energies, we then have the capacity to spread out our nets and invite all other associated energies to join with us.
And so it is that we consciously make invitation to our different groups, to all the different circuits that our lives touch in this process and in this way we truly are a formidable workforce and we are on schedule to get much done in this process. It is a pleasure to roll up my sleeves and get to work with you. I will steadfastly apply my energies in my zone of jurisdiction and you in yours and together our contributions will be woven in by the great overseer into the fabric of what we construct together. It is always a pleasure to make my presence known and to weave my energy signature into the fabric once again. Thank you, I now step aside.
Light: [Mark] This is Light reporting in for duty as well and when I say duty, I refer to a joyful one, to come together in spirit with loved ones and friends and offer up our desire to be of service. Truly that is a joy to be a part of. It is always an uplifting experience to simply go with the feeling of service, to offer yourselves up in service and see where that may take you, see where that may lead you, what direction it may point you in and to ever be ready to receive the gift of grace that results when you put yourself in service. There is always the filling of your own cup when you assist in filling others. There is always a passing through of grace on its way as it passes through you. There is always a lifting up and an edification because your vehicle has been employed in service of divinity.
Be sure you acknowledge and receive that the servant of the Lord must be upheld, that those in service must be taken care of as well and use this effort to take in the light as much as you would desire that it be projected for others. So drink this cup of goodness as it passes by you and through you, to be in gratitude for receiving as well as for the gift of the opportunity of giving. It is not all a one way street and your Divine Parents desire your safety, welfare and security as they value your efforts to help them in securing that for others.
So you will come to embrace more and more, that as you get into the flow of these service projects, part of what happens is for your benefit as well. But then I daresay, all of you could witness the truth of this in your own lives. So I join you at this time in recognition of the grace of the opportunity to serve and humbly as well to be nourished by the configuration, by the coming together of this relationship, by the shared efforts, by the common experience. All of these are the ramifications of having put ourselves in motion. I am grateful for them all and for you all in this process and look forward to continued gifts from on high and gifts of association and relationship with you all. Thank you once again, my love stays with you always, farewell.
Serena: [Cathy] I step forward from the circle to comment on the idea of relationship. In our current stage of the correcting time, the relationship becomes a pivotal point where the action of spirit moves this world as a whole towards the alignment with the Father's original plan. Part of the dysfunction of the rebellion was distortion of relationship and the obscuring of our vision of brotherhood. The idea was brought forth of individual as supreme in the place of the universe ideal of brotherhood and connection. By acting with spirit in an enlarging circle of connection, we are bringing forth the brotherhood of man as desired by our Father. This is prerequisite for the coming mission of mercy and compassion of the Magisterial Son. As liaison I am most encouraged with the connections that are being formed and the steps you all are taking to enhance the ability to connect. Your choice to move forward in faith is much appreciated by our team. It is our intention to combine with you in this activity as you allow. Together we can bring this creation to the Father.
Jonathan: [Mark] Hello friends, Jonathan here also responding to this notion of relationship; indeed, relationship is the single greatest factor in my ability to be with you in this process. It is what opens the door and makes it possible and I stand in gratitude of this universal gift of grace that we share. And, I point out, that we are subsequently building more and more relationship experience upon which we can rest and cherish. These become our cherished gifts that we take with us, the fond memories of relationship never leave us and so I appreciate the opportunity to build relationship with you here now as we grow deeper relationships and greater relationships between all of us, especially under the common inspiration to come together in service.
This certainly bonds any group together and so it is with great pleasure that I throw my contribution in with yours. There is nothing like the feeling of having a tribe, of finding your tribe, of being a member of a tribe, a group of individuals that you feel akin to. Once again, one of the greatest gifts of life on an expanded relationship, a relationship with a group as well as with the individuals, all of these just make life richer and richer the more of them you have. I appreciate being another one of your relationships and you being another one of mine. I appreciate it for the gift of grace that it is and will look forward to building it as we move forward. Thank you all, good day.