2015-03-22-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Greater Attunement
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Charles
TR: Mark Rogers
Charles: [Mark] Greetings to you all, Charles here to throw in a few words around your circle. In consideration of this notion of personal spiritual growth and how it is best accomplished by your efforts at revisiting the stillness, I invite you to see it as increasing the scope of your arena, building greater and greater capacity for you to be able to take in that which is available to you of spirit. Those who are willing to keep coming back and adding a few more stones to this foundation will be well served because certain effort must be directed towards making a strong foundation for your awareness and the revisiting of this process for you is a key element in your furnishing yourselves with the proper condition for your spiritual arena to thrive.
Truly the use of some of these tools as you go about the process of placing these building blocks is most useful. These ideas that have been proven to be useful to others may indeed benefit many in this process. In short, do whatever works for you. Call it what you will, name it what you want, visualize it as is most pleasing to you but realize that it is all of your own choosing, all of your own construction and that you alone must put in the effort to build the realm that you would have. You are also all encountering the powerful potentials inherent in your processes. You are learning that there is much to be harnessed in the spirit realm if you will but create the proper environment conducive to the manipulation of these energies.
The more you align yourselves in this process, the more you will see that it seems to simply flow as if hooking the last wire up in the grid allows the energy to flow throughout. Plugging into the power source enables the network that has been fashioned to be utilized. This is where your role is so fundamental in this process for you are the ones which must construct these pathways, you must configure yourselves so that when you plug into spirit it will utilize your entire circuit. This is what is so good about continually returning to the process for every circuitry and grid requires maintenance and construction of further networks. So as you return once again to the process, remind yourself that you are growing your capacities in this way, growing more of yourself to be able to take in more of what spirit has to offer. And all of this rests on the solid foundation and conviction that your faith has enabled you to build.
I very much enjoy the direction that this group appears to be gravitating towards. I encourage the use of helpful tools in the process so that you can refine your effectiveness both individually and collectively in the process. You can count on my assistance whenever you are working, I am working alongside as are many others whose desire it is to simply help in the process. This desire we all share and I stand in gratitude for that which brings us together and binds us in this process of wanting to work together.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my energy signature with you all and even a few words in the process. It is a joy to work together with you on such an exercise and I look forward to working more in the future, good day to all.