2015-04-12-N. Idaho TeaM
Topic: Efforts Matter
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael, LIGHT
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
Michael: [Mark] Greetings to you all, I can resist no longer the temptation to enter into your circle in this way to make my presence known in this manner, to bring my energy signature to mingle with yours. I have been aware of your conversation and I understand the longing of your hearts. You each and every one have the same question in your hearts. Have my efforts been pleasing, have my choices served well in my ministry, indeed am I having an affect or is this all in vain? I hear these pleas, I do hear these longings you expressed. Even without words I desire that you know this, that I know you, that I cherish you, that I am indeed pleased beyond measure with your efforts, your efforts at discovering who you are, your efforts at discovering me and our relationship, your efforts at becoming a good child, this pleases any parent.
And so it is that I and our Father are well pleased with you. If I could bestow upon you this one peace, I would, I will, I do. Receive this gift from me even now. Know of a certainty in your hearts that I have you in my reference now, in my heart, in my awareness and I have great plans and expectations for you and that you are unfolding as the miracle you are destined to be and I am indeed greatly pleased with you. Fear not that any efforts invested in this spiritual investment you make are ever wasted. In this life you may not in fact be privy to witness much of the effects that you have. That is as regards to your time/space living experience, but you will enjoy an opportunity to observe again from a different vantage point these acts of grace that you facilitate and be able to further identify the direct cause and effect. But for now, you are the ones playing the part and you are where you are positioned to be effective. Trust, believe and have faith. This is what is asked of you in every endeavor as a mortal of the realm, to maintain and have faith, to lean on it and use it, to exercise it. This is your training ground for this aspect of yourself.
So I come to you today with the express purpose of responding to this universal question of the heart. Are you doing right, are you doing well, does it matter, does it have an effect? It matters, you have pleased me. It matters to others as they have observed you in action. It matters to a universe at large that we all contribute, we all pitch in and we all work for the common good. I hope I have brought you peace of mind about this recognition that I have for you, this regard that we have for you. So go now in this peace with this recognition in your heart that it is so because it is so, and you know it. I cherish these opportunities to be with you in this way. It is indeed a rare opportunity.
I thank you for these efforts that you make, even this effort to be here now. I am aware of each of your acts of grace and kindness as are we all. To think that they somehow wouldn't matter as a contribution to the Supreme is simply the limitations of mortal thought. So be at peace with doing what you do, simply seek as you do to continually expand your capacities to do it. This is how you grow where you are planted. Ask for greater capacity to do what you do even better but trust that you are doing the right thing and simply go about doing it well. I leave you now with my peace, your peace, our peace that we share, this pervasive sense of contentment and belonging that we both have as a result of our being a part of the same family. I bid you all have a good and inspired week ahead. I will delight to return and be with you, until then farewell.
Light: [Cathy] How wonderful the lodge appears in its loving glow. I have been bringing light in also. The question was posed concerning the efficacy of sending light in passing to individuals. As I have encouraged your play with light in the past, I wish to reassure you that the light that passes through you is never lost and always brings increasing spirit vibrations to the recipient. It appears that the knowledge of spirit energy being sent increases its reception but all efforts are received and helpful. Your act of intention in sending light opens your conduit, increasing your capacity and skills. You have the increasing capability to assess need and the ability to address the need you find in encounters with others. As your spirit capacity increases you will be able to bring that capability and maturity with you in your daily interactions. You are encouraged to take action when you see need. The action is yours, the results will follow in accordance with God's will. As your instrument is kept in tune, you will be ready to play. I will bring the light through you too.