2015-05-23-Nebadonia on Life
Topic: Nebadonia on Life
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re happy to gather to receive you today. Thank you for filling us with more of what you know we need for our continued transformation and growth. Thank you for encircuiting us in your LOVE. We open ourselves to you now. We offer you our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our souls, and we thank you for imprinting more of your divine nature into our beings that we may grow in you and become better attuned to the leadings of our Father Fragments and be of service to our brothers and sisters. Thank you and may your WILL be done.
NEBADONIA: Greetings, my children. This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. There is LIFE streaming into you. It is a part of your consciousness. It is a part of the energies you require for your healthy development and soul growth.
While you live on a world that is undergoing a great change, it is vital for you to stay more connected to this stream of LIFE which hails from the very Isle of Paradise through the presence of the First Source and Center through the ministrations of the circuits of the Eternal Mother-Son and Infinite Spirit, of which I am the offspring.
I draw your attention to these circuits of LIFE that you may imprint upon them as your Father and I impart these energies into you. So let your internal gaze settle on this word LIFE. Envision it as a ball of light gently pulsing. Let it flow into you. Let your bodies calibrate into its frequencies. There are many helpers around you to facilitate your calibration to these circuits. All you need to do is to desire this and center your gaze upon the word LIFE that these energies may flow into you and fill you with more of what you need. Receive this, my children. Receive my ministrations into you now. (Pause)
There are many circuits of LIGHT which comprise this energy you know as the LIFE FORCE. One day your scientists will understand these various circuits and learn how to apply them for human development. One of the first matters at hand to understand is that these energies come from a spiritual source. They are not just, as you might say, “out there” in the universe without purpose or origination.
But you, who have studied these concepts and have a perspective of reality that includes the realm of the Spirit, can receive these LIFE energies through faith and grow in experience with them and begin to comprehend what they are here to provide to you through your continued faith-growth in receiving them. You are among the forerunners of your planetary culture that is beginning to comprehend what are these energies and how you may use them for your own healing and in service to others.
So trust that you will have the ability to gain understanding that you will apply through your experience that develops true knowledge, and this will become a part of your part—part of your soul. The soul needs these LIFE energies, for it is not simply LIFE at the material level that you are receiving. It is a much more expansive and comprehensive circuit. There is much contained within this endowment we are providing to you. But you will grow in understanding,
But first, it is important for you to have a much more healthy and dynamic infusion of these frequencies—that the Father Within you may use them and help you understand what this means, not only for yourselves but for the transformation of Urantia. So let these words settle in and continue to set your gaze on the word LIFE. Let your desire and need for these energies circulate through you, and if you wish, to direct them into a place within your body or your emotions where you feel these energies would be highly beneficial. (Pause)
Cherish these energies, my children. These are gifts to you to support your transformational journeys. And while you may not fully apprehend the fullness of what this means for your lives, it is more important for you to allow these energies to circulate and do what they wish. There is, what you might call, an intelligence in these energies—there is design, meaning, purpose, direction. You can relax your thought currents, your bodies, and reach that state of “letting go” wherein you begin to become more as one in this LIFE flow. Let it move you where it will do the most good for you. (Pause)
I am your Mother. I hold you in the womb of my being. You have, what you might call, another Mother. This is the Mother of your planetary consciousness that evolves within the WILL of creation and the LOVE of Father. You have come to know Her as your Mother Urantia—this mind of the Supreme Being that comes from your particular evolutionary world Urantia. I invite you to focus on your Mother Urantia now. If it is helpful, focus on Her name and simply request that the energies of the Planetary Supreme Mind be more fully connected into your being that you may feed upon this, and that the LIFE infusion today and the construct of consciousness of the higher planetary circuitry become more interwoven within your being to help you grow, help you let go of what no longer serves or the planet, and to develop more cosmic consciousness wherein the Father Within you is able to convey more TRUTH-LIGHT into your entire being. Let us spend these moments as you focus on Mother Urantia as I continue to move into you now, my children. (Pause)
Your lives are like individual threads composing this beautiful tapestry of the Planetary Supreme Mind. When your being of consciousness is more fully intertwined within this fabric, your consciousness reverberates at a higher level and you are able to make more conscious contact with the threads of others—the lives of others, the experiences of others—who have participated in the growth of this beautiful expression of the Father’s LOVE on your world. This is one of your responsibilities as an evolving ascending son and daughter of God—to become more attuned and aware of your participation in the evolving deity. And while you are still on Urantia, it will be your delight, joy and privilege to develop your relationship with your Mother Urantia as She supports your higher consciousness in a more collective manner.
So let these words settle in. Let these energies combine, harmonize, circulate through your beings, gently upstepping you, helping you to perceive more of who you are from the Father’s perspective. Feel your desires to be more fully calibrated to these higher frequencies that you may grow and develop, participate more with your own indwelling Father Fragments, moving from the presence of the Father Within you from adjusting your thought current to controlling it, letting your bodies relax in the energies of LIGHT and the higher consciousness. (Pause)
Urantia, your world, is dearly loved. This tiny sphere is, as your text says, “the jewel of all Nebadon.” It is Michael’s world, and it is in process of being cleared of the legacy of the rebellion. As you know, this is a monumental undertaking to bring all of the worlds of rebellion back into the family of Nebadon. This is an undertaking that is both human and celestial—a true collaboration. You have acknowledged that you wish to participate in this time of change. You have made certain commitments to the Father Within you about how you wish to grow, and your prayers have been answered. Your Father and I are here to support your efforts to provide you with help that you can somewhat perceive and help that you cannot even conceive yet at your stage of development. But we ask for you to trust in what we provide to you. Know that you will gain greater understanding and awareness of this over time.
Your minds are all changing. Your thoughts are opening to new perspectives. Your emotions are being calibrated to those energies of LOVE, PEACE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, JOY and other higher levels of awareness. So, my children, allow what we provide to you to become more fully operative within your own individuated system of consciousness that your personalities may truly shine forth, for they are the expression of the Father Within you, and it is your destiny to co-create with Him the fullness of your being. And while the fullness of your being will take many, many translations until you are Spirit, you can achieve the fullness of your human potential. It is yours for the striving. You have your Father’s experiences as Jesus to help you when you falter, when you feel confused, weak or insignificant. He will guide you through those passageways into the new life.
So as these words settle in, let them circulate within your current level of understanding. And if you wish, you may take a few moments to compose any questions you might have to share with me. If you wish to remain in silence in this meditative state, please feel free to do so. But if you wish to engage with me, you may do so when you feel ready to speak. (Pause)
My beautiful precious children, IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO BECOME MORE OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE. Let this concept which contains certain energy codes for your development to settle into your minds and bodies. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO BECOME MORE OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO BECOME MORE OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE. This is an innate unfolding. This unfolding is directed by your desires, and your efforts to follow the Father’s WILL, and become those vessels of LOVE that are the expression of the divine personality.
Allow these energies to continue to circulate, resonate, calibrate into your beings as you grow in the energies of LIFE all around you. (Pause)
I will leave you now in this manner, my children, but I have directed your helpers to stay close to you to facilitate the integration of these energies into your beings at various levels of your systems of consciousness. Remain in this meditative state for as long as you need, thanking your helpers for their love, concern for you, their devotion and their efforts on your behalf. They are truly your brothers and sisters, and one day you will be able to perceive them more as they are as they see you. Let the energies of our family hold you in SAFETY and SECURITY, providing you with a deep inner peace and assurance all is well. Good day, my little ones, and enjoy these energies of LIFE.