2015-06-03-A Very Important Issue
Topic: A Very Important Issue
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek
TR: Lytske
- Edited by Linda Abell
Machiventa: “Even though you have no idea what kind of message will be forthcoming, you trust the Voice who ‘commands’ you to put the fingers to the keyboard. For all you know, this might only be a training exercise, for that is truly what it is. It will be a broadening and intensifying of your listening skills and hopefully entice those who might chance to read this to likewise enrich their minds.
“You simply have no idea how blessed you were to be training yourself, unaware of holding blessed conversations with the Inner Voice from that Gift from God, so lovingly bestowed upon you when you were of a tender age and when you showed a readiness therefore. That you needed ‘off-worldly’ help in order to grow up with a semblance of balance. So many children on this backward planet have a less-than-ideal upbringing from their parents and likewise suffered an uneasy, troubled and insecure childhood!
“Celestial plans are under way to inspire and instill in those willing to listen better ways of living. And the best way to start is to help the little ones survive their childhood while inspiring them to become independent beings with a mind of their own.
“Overseeing this from the celestial realm is no easy task as children when very young and impressionable are already exposed to a variety of electronic gadgets and toys. It would be far better if simple toys were included to help develop the creative part of their brains. They do not need to be entertained by many gadgets. They need peace around them to develop their brains to think.
“Children are born with curiosity and creative abilities. If only you will observe them, you will see what next they will get into with their inventiveness. Their free will can be guided in positive streams of thought, rather than be bombarded with do’s and don’ts. Every human has been gifted with free will and the sooner they learn to use that tremendous gift to choose responsibly, the better choices will be made.
“The “thinking cap” needs to be solidly in place so they will grow up to become responsible adults who have early learned that causes always have an effect. It is mandatory that children learn to think things through before acting or even acting out.
“Much needs to be remedied on this planet and I will suggest that successful responsible parenthood is a school of learning on its own. Ideally there ought to be gatherings of older parents to instruct younger parents in community neighborhoods to help and discuss with younger parents issues and how to handle difficult situations. Parenting classes even before a child is born will prove to be very fruitful. Knowing that there is somewhere a volunteer group to turn to — to know that there is someone to call on.
“Truly, the mental state of the humans on this planet can be exponentially improved when more thought and positive effort is given to the raising of the young ones who represent the future of the planet. What will you teach them? War or Peace?”