2015-06-28-The Heavenly G.P.S.
Topic: The Heavenly G.P.S.
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: The Beloved One
TR: Lytske
- Edited by Linda Abell
The Beloved One: “Perhaps we could put a different slant on a G.P.S. We could also use this nomenclature with some imagination. Instead of a global positioning system, compare this on a spiritual level to a Cosmic Positioning System for when we replace the electronic gadget for the spiritually real system. This spiritual system is given to all children when they make their first moral choice and become bonafide potential independent citizens in the cosmos.
“Before that important decision happens, children are reckoned as one with their parents, which is very important to note, because if a little child passes from mortal life before having had a chance to make that all-important decision, the infant soul will be held asleep until one of the parents transitions from the mortal estate with a ‘sufficiently’ evolving soul to help with the raising of that infant child under the supervision of the Adams and the Eves.
“This has been discussed before, but at the same time as the child makes its first moral decision, the Cosmic Positioning System arrives and installs itself and starts functioning as a Heavenly Helper. This is a special Gift from the Universal Creator, who will help throughout the earthly existence of the little person for the remainder of its earth life with unconditional love and guidance. In the beginning it functions undetected by its mortal host as the degree of cooperation shall totally depend on the willingness of its mortal host to take the time to listen.
“The reason I give this explanation in a different way; is so humans can learn to look through a different window and perhaps realize in this manner that yes, there are different ways and means to allow their soul to be touched by God. And with different words, too. Although, it is truly the same to get people to realize and know what to expect next when this mortal life is done, so they can start thinking about the life following this one. There will be no material baggage to take along, so the traveling will be light in that sense. However, one thing is mandatory: they will carry a developing soul with them upon which to build.
“Life itself consists of highways and byways; these are all meant to be learning experiences which each mortal gets to choose for him or herself as free will is another gift. Nothing is ever coerced and may the truth be known that each road eventually leads to the ultimate destination: the Universal God. This cannot be otherwise as the Cosmic Positioning Systems are keyed that way. What goes out from Paradise comes back to Paradise — with or without the perfected human. The intervening time is of no consequence to the Creator as this has been foreseen in the mind of God.
“This mysterious and exciting ascension journey is a Gift from the Creator and only needs the cooperation of the mortals to be willing to become immortal. The choice of the ages is offered to all who are willing to listen and follow the directions from their inner Cosmic Positioning System, which is a sure compass through the maze of mortal life.”